Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Online Coaching

Do You Want An Abundant Year?

Image of a woman's hand writing and text that says Do You Want An Abundant Year? More Info:

Of course, we all want an abundant year, don’t we but….

The new year can be a slow start, especially here in the northern hemisphere. It’s bloody cold, and with those dark mornings, how can we really rev those engines to get going in 2024?

Maybe you’re feeling tired and lazy from too much food or a lot of family time, and it’s okay to do nothing for a few days.

It’s really important to take enough time to relax and replenish, and not work until you’re close to burnout. But that’s easier said than done, at different times in our lives. Whether it’s due to work commitments, looking after our children or maybe ageing parents who we need to care for more and more.

We really don’t need the New Year hype to create a happy and abundant year. I mean, most of us don’t get in the groove until the second week of January anyway.

So, when’s the best time to set your intentions for 2024?

When you do it! That’s when.

Please don’t worry if you feel like you’re having a slow start to the year, there’s plenty of time. There is no need to rush.

I’m not a fan of New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals but you may well know that already!

Setting Intentions for An Abundant Year

But the New Year is such a perfect time for us to see what is to be released, what is to be kept and improved, and what is to be brought in. And you can take the whole of January to do that. There are another 11 months after this one even though, we will all be saying “Happy Christmas” before we know it!

So if you’re ready to look at what you have learnt and are moving on from last year and setting your intentions for an abundant year ahead, then I have a few ideas to share.

The best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are before bringing ourselves into the energetic flow for a fantastic and abundant 2024. It’s natural to look at things that didn’t happen last year or things that you didn’t do. Maybe relationships that came to an end, or other events that you perceive as being negative

But I challenge you to shift your thinking about last year so that you can set yourself up for a fulfilling year, this year.

Are you ready to draw that line in the sand?

In your notebook or journal I’d like you to answer these questions to help with the whole process. Don’t worry if you don’t have answers for the questions. They are just prompts to see what comes up for you. There is no wrong or right way of doing any of this. Trust that you are always being guided.

What shall I now release from my life? 

What am I holding on to that holds me back?

How am I being unloving to myself?

When we put pen to paper and write the words, it brings the thought from the mental and spiritual awareness into the physical realm of awareness.

Here’s a few more questions to ask yourself and write the answers in your notebook or journal:

How was last year healing?

What did I learn about myself?

How far have I come?

Now, I would like you to write down 5 successes you had in 2023. If you’re one of those people who tends to beat yourself up and think you don’t have any successes, I would urge you to write 2 or 3 for now and maybe spend time later adding to it. 

It’s always easy for us to give ourselves a hard time, but you’ve probably achieved far more than you think, and you deserve the credit. 

It could be that you have really started loving yourself more and you take more care of yourself. It could be something in your personal development that you’ve reached a new awareness about yourself. 

Magic always happens on the other side of awareness

At the very least — you survived — so write that down! Hurrah!

This exercise is very powerful so please, don’t skip it.

The trick is setting intentions that feel authentic to who you are and promise to bring real change to how you approach every aspect of your life. You can take as long as you need to, to reflect on your New Year’s intentions. Intentions truly have no limit.

Now, remind yourself that you are welcoming in this year with love and joy, knowing, as Louise Hay would say:

“that what we give out comes back to us multiplied “ 

I have a few more prompts for you to answer in your journal:

How do I want this year to be?

How abundant in every area of my life do I want to feel?

How much love am I willing to experience?

Louise Hay said “let something go and try something new”. She always inspired others by how she was continually learning and was always ready to try new things. Let’s be inspired to try something new this year. What will be your something new?

Your New Life Story For An Abundant Year

For you to create your new life story so that you can welcome abundance in all areas of your life this year, I have a few ideas to help you establish a routine. These include talking with your Inner Child, Mirror Work and creating powerful affirmations.

At first, it does take some energy and focus to establish a routine that includes your daily self-growth work. But, once you have a routine established it becomes so easy to continue it. It becomes a habit. A habit that can empower you every day of the year and your life.

So create that sacred space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom over the next couple weeks. Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receiving abundance in your life.

Are you saying YES to having the year you truly want? Because it’s here for you.

So no more New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals for me.

However, what I do believe in, is committing to working on you! Working on your limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, feelings of not enoughness or too muchness.

You may have a few blocks in relation to your work, your relationships, your health, your finances, your body, your love life. 

So, the number one thing you can do to feel more abundant this year is to work on your mindset and beliefs about what you deserve. This means digging into those old stories and patterns that shape your relationship with yourself and the world around you.

A good place to start is to follow me on Insight Timer where you can find my recorded content and live event schedule.

Here’s the link

Maybe you’re ready to make a big shift in your life, to up-level every area of your life.

2024 can be a great year, your year.

And you don’t need to change who you are. By loving yourself more and more, you can create the life you have always deserved.

It’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just follow this link to find out how you can work with me.

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about the different ways you can work with me. I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

Here’s the link to book in that call

I look forward to hearing from you.

Remember, this is your year no matter what ♥️

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End Of Year Ritual

Image of a Clock and text that says End Of Year Ritual. Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

As the year draws to a close, I invite you to join my End Of Year Ritual which I want to be both meaningful and memorable for you.

Many cultures and traditions hold special rituals to honour the end of one year and the beginning of another. These rituals provide a way for us to express gratitude for the good things that have happened and to learn from the difficult experiences. AND to connect with your soul and your dreams for 2024.

What is the purpose of an End Of Rear Ritual?

First of all, it’s an opportunity to reflect and show your gratitude for what has been and for what you have. Rituals can help us to reflect on the past year, both the positive and negative experiences.

Rituals can also help us to accept where we are, and to let go of negative emotions and forgive ourselves and others. This can be so liberating and free up space for new positive experiences to enter our lives.

An end of year ritual can help us to set intentions for the new year where we can completely focus on what we want to bring into our lives.

Here are some examples of different End Of Year Rituals:

Ceremonies: Ceremonies can be formal or informal, but they typically involve a gathering of people to perform a ritual together. Some common ceremonies include burning incense, lighting candles, or making offerings.

Journaling: Journaling can be a powerful way to reflect on the past year and set intentions for the future. You can write about your accomplishments, challenges, and intentions for the coming year.

Meditation and mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness can help us to connect with our inner selves and release negative emotions which can make space for the new year.

Creative activities: Creative activities such as painting, drawing, or writing can be a way to express our emotions and intentions for the future.

Here are a few ideas for creating your own End Of Year Ritual

Choose a time and place that is sacred and meaningful to you. This could be your home, a place in nature, or even a spiritual centre of some kind.

Gather any materials that you need for your ritual, such as candles, incense, writing materials or Palo Santo to burn.

You can also create a vision board or write down your intentions for the new year. You may wish to create an Abundance Altar.

Spend some time reflecting on the past year. Take time to think about the things you are grateful for, the challenges you have faced, and the lessons you have learned.

Let go of what no longer serves you. If there are any negative emotions, limiting beliefs, or people in your life that are holding you back, write them down on a piece of paper and burn it.

You can set a specific intention for your ritual. This could be to let go of the past, welcome the new year, or set intentions for the coming year.

Follow your intuition and create a ritual that feels right for you. There are no rules, so feel free to experiment and find what resonates with you. You want it to help you feel centred and connected to your vision for the future.

Here is your invitation to my End Of Year Ritual

If this all seems quite a lot of work and you’re a member of the amazing Insight Timer, then why not join my very special End Of Year Ritual on Friday 29th December at 5:00m (UK time). Here is the link to register.

Insight Timer is home to meditations, live events and courses run by coaches and other mental health care professionals from around the world. It is free for the vast majority of their meditations but this kind of event is a member only option but at approximately £8 a month, the app has an absolute treasure trove of content to offer from the most amazing teachers, not just me!!!

Although I won’t be able to see you for the Ritual, I would encourage you to dress in your most favourite or sparkly or abundant feeling attire for the occasion.

When we come together in this sacred space, we are able to tap into a collective field that can inspire and supercharge your vision for next year. It can then give you the power to take the next steps. Together we are so much stronger!

Whether 2023 has been challenging or completely expansive or just a bit meh, the end of the year is a perfect time to go inwards and listen to the whispers of your soul. Because it is always whispering to you.

This End Of Year Ritual offers you the opportunity pause, be still and deeply listen to the wisdom of your body and your heart. I would love to have you join me.

Want to find out a little more about me? Then follow this link for an introduction.

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“ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ” Louise Hay

Image of a woman with outstretched arms and text saying "As I say yes to life, life says yes to me!" Louise Hay. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach

How do you feel when you say or just read this affirmation from the legendary and so inspirational Louise Hay, “ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ”?

Does it feel true for you? I know with all the stuff that goes on in life and everything going on around us, life doesn’t feel like it’s saying yes to us. I mean, did you read my last blog (link is here)?!!!! But then, are we always saying yes to life? 🤔

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a place of complete surrender, a place where you profoundly trust that you’re being taken care of by a Universal power at every moment?

To live with certainty that the Universe is really out to support you. That it’s on your side and has your back.

I know that seems like a big stretch to believe 24hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 or even 366 days a year. But let’s lean into it just for the moment.

We often try so hard to control everything in our lives that we forget the power of putting our faith in the Universe, and in letting go.

But once you get into the habit of doing all that you can from your human experience and trusting when you get that intuitive message “it’s time to let go and surrender to a Higher Power that is also a part of us” and you actually do it, you’ll begin experiencing a deep sense of peace and of well-being.

Our highest good can come from surrender.

I don’t mean the kind of surrender as in losing a battle surrender, but as in letting go of our own personal limitations and aligning totally with an intelligence and an energy that’s greater than ourselves and yet, that is also part of us.

If we can do this, we can be in a state of saying yes to the Universe.

When we say yes to the Universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the Universe, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding when we don’t like what we see.

Basically, instead of saying no and resisting everything that’s happening, simply say “yes”.

When you say yes, it’s like being a trapeze artist – you’re able to let go of the trapeze you’re holding on to, and sail through the air towards the next one. Without letting go and trusting the next one is there, forward motion just isn’t impossible.

It’s surrender and trust that creates a feeling of flow in every moment.

Now, I know that sometimes things happen that are NOT the way we want them, and believe me, that happens to me too. It’s as if we have to let go a bit before the hands of the other trapeze artist are there to catch us, but I also know that there’s an intelligence in the Universe that’s bigger than us and yet part of us.

An intelligence that can see things in ways that we can’t.

An intelligence that just wants you to hear it when it’s telling you, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this one.”

I now invite you to try this exercise.

It’s an exercise of acting from saying yes to what the Universe brings you and being led by your soul surrendering throughout the day.

This is an exercise that has been adapted from A Course in Miracles, and here’s what you do:

At the beginning of your day, close your eyes for just a moment, and take a few deep breaths, and offer these three questions to the Universe:

What would spirit have me do today?

Where would spirit have me go today?

What would spirit have me say and to whom?

And then, as you move through your day, use the answers that come to you as your inspiration from spirit, and simply say yes to whatever those answers are, trusting life’s unfolding.

And if you get stuck, ask the questions again.

When you act on the intuitive answers that show up and follow them trusting that spirit is guiding you and has your back, you’ll find yourself living more and more in a state of flow.

I’m reminding myself that it’s safe for me to say “yes” to the Universe more and more in my life and well, it has been miraculous sometimes. I’m not saying I always manage it. After all, I am human!

If you haven’t come across Louise Hay before, why not have a look at this video?

Let me know when you have said yes to the Universe and just surrendered, and how the Universe had your back. Email me via my contact page, I would love to hear about the beautiful synchronicities that have happened when you used Louise Hay‘s affirmation; “ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ”.

“ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ” Louise Hay Read More »

Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023?

Image of a green shoot with the words "Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023. Liz Doyle the positive change coach."

It’s 1st February today and although it might not be the new year, it’s still a fresh start. It’s a clean slate, a chance to create real change — inside and out.

That is such an exciting opportunity! 

So, if you haven’t yet, give yourself permission to release 2022 — any false starts or so called “failures”. We’ve all had a load of teaching moments in the last year, haven’t we?

Forgive yourself for the half-finished projects… – I have!!!

… and start dreaming about what could be!

Set yourself some new light-filled intentions and start taking action towards a bigger, brighter future — use this boost of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation to your advantage.

One of the ways you can do just that is by working with me in one of 3 ways….

#1 Intentions Setting – making positive changes in 2023

During this 2 hour session, we will look at what we have learnt and are moving on from, from 2022 and setting our intentions (not resolutions) for 2023.

It is NEVER too late to draw a line in the sand and start again. 2022 was another interesting(!) year and the best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are. We can then bring ourselves into the energetic flow for an abundant 2023.

#2 Letting Go Of The Weight Online Course

On this very special course, you will become more and more aware of what you need to let go of to LET GO of the weight. 

Are you sick of the emotional eating and sabotaging all your efforts? 

Maybe you lack self-confidence and have no energy? Or do you feel totally alone with your battle with your weight? You are NOT alone.

#3 Love Yourself Private 1 to 1 Online Coaching Package

Using different awareness exercises, I will help you to start to identify where certain patterns in life have come from. The sessions will help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, and to express them in a totally safe environment.

Each of these powerful 6 sessions takes approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours as I want you to feel that you can take your time to allow everything to surface and share anything you want. 

These sessions will assist you to continue your life with more positive and exciting expectations for the future and with a deeper sense of self worth and self love. In the words of my clients, this package is “life-changing”.

Whether you work with me or not, step into this year with acceptance of what’s been so you can let it go and then into a place of allowing of what you truly deserve. ♥️

Did you make any New Year’s intentions?

For your job, business, relationships or maybe for your health and fitness?

Don’t worry if you haven’t sorted out everything yet – it’s never too late to make those positive changes 😊♥️

Maybe you have set some goals or intentions for the coming year but you’d like to revisit them so you can ignite some magic behind them! 

By working with me you will:

💎 Create space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom. 

💎 Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receive abundance in your life

💎 Tune in with your higher self, co-create your ideal life.

Afterwards you will:

💎 Have a crystal clear vision for the coming year

💎 Feel energised and refreshed so you can let go of being in survival mode and step more fully into your power.

This work is so transformative BUT the truth is, it’s transformative for me every time I share any aspect of Louise Hay’s teachings. How blessed am I?!

I’m so honoured to hold space for the women I work with and to witness the growth that they experience.

I want to lovingly hold the door open and invite you to experience life changing work.

Are you saying YES to having the year you really truly want?

Because it’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just reach out.

No one will prioritise your personal growth…except for you. If not now…then when?

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about how you can work with me.

No matter what’s on your mind, I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

If you want to make those positive changes in 2023, this link will give you access to my diary. And to find out more about me, the person behind this blog, then follow this link.

I’m a big believer in listening to my intuition or my inner wisdom so what a wonderful affirmation to close with, from the inspirational Louise Hay:

“I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.”


Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023? Read More »

Are you ready to open up?

Photo of Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach with blossoms. Text - What are you open to?

What does the month of April mean?

I read this somewhere so thought I’d share just in case you like little facts like this!

April is rooted in the Latin verb “aperire” meaning “to open”, which could be a reference to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees. Nice I thought 🌸🌸

When I discovered the power of Louise Hay’s work, I started feeling like I had been living in a kind of “winter” for a long time, and then I started “opening” to a newer and fresher period of my life. 

Do you know why? Because I learnt how to be happy with who I am and how to communicate what I wanted to communicate.

The reason why I am telling you this is because I would like to share my main 3 tips that can help you to “open up” to a better approach to all areas of your life.

1 – Shine a light on your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs

We are looking to see where our negative patterns came from. In order to change limiting beliefs, they must be brought out of the subconscious minds into our awareness If you’re not aware of what’s going on, then how can you change? 

That’s why I say magic happens on the other side of awareness.

Awareness is truly the key to change. Negative life patterns can be eradicated with positive processing, but it takes time and practise. Your thoughts can change your life – honest!

When we become aware of our self-limiting beliefs, we can still love others fully but without feeling guilty or looking for approval. We are not driven by fear of abandonment. To heal, we need to become aware of our stored feelings, express them and release them. This work is all about awareness and going deeper each time and the deeper we go, the more we can transform our lives.

So, what are some of the beliefs and ideas you learned about yourself and the world around you growing up? Do they all serve you? If not, you can let them go.

2 – To open up, forgive!

Is there someone you can’t forgive? 😳 Or maybe more than one person? 

A lot of my clients, at the beginning of our sessions, really don’t want to forgive those that have hurt them in life (and maybe are still hurting them). 

This is really hard for them but when they start to realise that forgiving these people, sets them free – well I couldn’t be happier. 

I know what it feels like to not want to forgive – I was so justified in holding on to my anger and resentment but bloody hell – when you start to forgive or even say “I am willing to forgive”, things start to shift. 

What’s so wonderful is once they start forgiving, my clients often continue with the forgiveness exercises I share long after working with me – because, we’re never done and there’s always more to do. But that’s a good thing as it frees itself from our bodies and our minds so we can really enjoy life so much more. And isn’t that what life should be about? 

Remembering that we are victims of victims really helps I think and it’s what I try to share in my sessions so that we can start to move on with our lives with love, compassion and forgiveness.

So WHY forgive? Because holding a place of “I am not willing to forgive” you are affecting your own well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

People often hold back on forgiveness because they think it condones betrayal or abuse from the other person. It doesn’t. However, as long as you resist forgiveness, you are giving the other person or situation power over you. You are allowing yourself to be held hostage. In a way, forgiving others is selfish because you are choosing freedom for yourself over blaming someone else and staying a victim.

“ You can never be free of bitterness as long as you continue to think unforgiving thoughts. How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to choose to be angry and resentful? Thoughts of bitterness can’t create joy. No matter how justified you feel you are, no matter what “they” did, if you insist on holding on to the past, then you will never be free. Forgiving yourself and others will release you from the prison of the past. ”

Louise Hay

The most difficult person to forgive is often ourselves.

Do you feel the same?

Forgive yourself.

Let the past go.

You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness & knowledge that you had. Now you are growing & changing and you will live life differently.

3 – Love Yourself a little bit more every day

We’re not going to love ourselves totally in one day, but we can love ourselves a little bit more every day. 

Each day, we give ourselves a little bit more love, and in 2 or 3 months, we will have come so much further in loving ourselves. 

Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. So, praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing. A lot of us were told growing up don’t get too big for your boots or who do you think you are – maybe you spoke up for yourself, but those messages still get absorbed.

Begin with little things. Tell yourself that you are wonderful. If you do it once and then stop, it doesn’t work. Keep at it, even if it’s one minute at a time. Believe me, it does get easier. 

Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself while looking in the mirror. At least once a day say: “I love you, I really love you!” Events come and go, but the love that you have for yourself is constant, and it is the most important quality you possess in your life.

LOVE YOURSELF – DO IT NOW! Are you waiting to get it right? Don’t wait until you lose the weight; put the weight on; or get the new job; get more clients; more money or the new relationship. Dissatisfaction with yourself is a habit pattern. If you can be satisfied with yourself now – if you can love and approve of yourself now, then when good comes into your life, you will be able to enjoy it. 

Once you learn to love yourself, you can begin to love and accept other people. This might sound very simplistic, but the quickest way to change any problem is to love who we are. It is amazing how the loving vibrations we send out will attract to us people who are loving. 

It all begins with self-acceptance and self-love. You are not here to please other people or to live your life their way. You can only live it your own way and walk your own path. 

You are here to learn and grow and to love yourself. So begin NOW and do the best you can. 

So finally – are you ready to open up?

These were just 3 ways to open up to a new future. I have more, of course, but these are my top 3. If you need some more inspiration, have a look at my videos – Louise Hay’s How To Love Yourself, starting with Stop All Criticism. This is an ongoing process for me too because I am human, but compared to how I used to be, well, I am truly a different person.

Are you ready to open up? Stop all criticism

My coaching sessions are all about opening up to a new future, opening up to loving yourself. This link will take you to see how you can work with me or you might like to check out my online course, 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight.

I’d love to know what you think and I’m going to ask you again – are you ready to open up?

Are you ready to open up? Read More »

Do you feel you don’t have enough?

Photo of a field of sunflowers and text Do you have enough? and Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach. This accompanies the blog - Do you feel you don’t have enough?

Not enough abundance and maybe not enough money?

Do you feel you don’t have enough? Money? Love? Time? ✨

For the rest of March because let’s face it, it is the spring cleaning month (not that I have ever spring cleaned in my life), I will be sharing ideas with my community how clearing out at home creates space. It creates space for some really great ways to allow some good stuff to come into your life.

That could be more loving relationships, more joy, better feelings of wellness and vitality and of course money!

I’ve been doing a bit of de-cluttering physically recently which always helps with clearing the clutter in my mind and also just shifting some energy.

I decided to collect all the loose change in the house and I mean everywhere and it really made me realise how I think of money. If I want more money, I need to look after what I have. I know I have come a long way thanks to Louise Hay but….. 

It’s been a while since I’ve done any proper collecting of money around the house and it paid me such a great lesson✨✨

I’m very proud of my £30 for myself I’ve gleaned from everywhere else in the house too, plus around £14 in larger coins which means I have a lovely bulging purse for when I pass someone collecting in the street. And I have £30+ for the charities I had been collecting for as well. 

I have also sorted old premium bonds I have had for years but at an old address! 💁🏻‍♀️

From all of this activity, I have already seen some amazing things happen in just a few days – some beautiful new clients seem to have popped out of nowhere for instance.

If you would like to welcome in more abundance, and let’s face it money, into your life, why not give this a go? What have you got to lose?

How we treat money like this is very symbolic to how we’re treating money in all areas of our lives.

And how you’re allowing yourself to receive. 

You have to use what you already HAVE before the Universe sends you more. You have to create a vacuum. 

Why would the Universe give you more, when you’re clogging up your flow – OR mistreating what you already have?

AND gratitude brings more abundance so feel the appreciation for all you have and you just keep on welcoming in more.

So, when you have a little time to yourself, why not look for ALL the loose coins and money lying around.

Bags 👜, pockets of your coats, your drawers and boxes, down the back of the sofa! 🛋

Count it all and see how much abundance you already have. 😊

You can put it in a really beautiful bowl, a pretty money box or cash it in.

I realised that all of these coins counted towards unappreciated and unacknowledged abundance – basically a metaphor for how money is treated in your life. 

Giving your money a home means it can multiply like bunnies!!! 🐰🐰🐰

Let me know how you get on – having fun with these exercises is what it’s all about too 😉🤪

I’ll be looking at how de-cluttering can bring so much more joy and just peace into our lives over the coming days so if you’d like to get some more ideas to welcome in more abundance into your life, why not join my Facebook community here?

De-cluttering is very much part of letting go. Letting go of what’s no longer serving you or what’s not good for you. That’s why it forms an important part of my coaching and of course, my online course – 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight as the title implies. When it comes to binge and emotional eating, it’s never about the weight or the food but about what we need to let go of.

For more information on the 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weightfollow this link.

Do you feel you don’t have enough? Read More »

Need a good cuddle?

Photos of people cuddling each other, their animals and themselves with text - Need a Cuddle? and Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach. Blog about the Importance of Being Held

The Importance of Being Held

The average length of a hug between two people is 3 seconds. But I’m sure you’ve read or heard that researchers have discovered that when a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind. The reason is that a heartfelt embrace produces the hormone “oxytocin”, aka the love hormone. This has lots of benefits with our physical and mental health. It helps us to relax, to feel safe and calm our fears and anxiety. 

So every time you hold a person in your arms, cuddle your child, give your dog or cat (if he/she will let you!) a hug, dance with your partner, or just put your arm around the shoulders of a friend, you are doing both of you a whole lot of good.

Here are some more reasons, according to scientific research, why we should hug more:

1. Hugging stimulates oxytocin (as I already mentioned)

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the brain’s emotional centre, promoting feelings of contentment, reducing anxiety and stress. It is the hormone responsible for us being here today! Oxytocin is released during childbirth, making our mothers forget about all of the terrible pain and trauma they endured bringing us into the world and making them want to still love and spend time with us (that does explain a lot after I gave birth). When we hug someone, oxytocin is released into our bodies by our pituitary gland, lowering both our heart rates and our cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress, high blood pressure, and heart disease so, of course, it is always good to lower cortisol.

2. Hugging Could Help Avoid Disease

Affection in the form of a cuddle has a direct affect on reducing stress which prevents many diseases. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine carried out more than 100 studies into touch and found evidence of significant effects, including faster growth in premature babies, reduced pain, decreased autoimmune disease symptoms, lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes, and improved immune systems in people with cancer.

3. A Cuddle Promotes Patience

Connections are fostered when people take the time to appreciate and acknowledge one another. A hug is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation for another person. We’re constantly rushing around or so it seems sometimes. By slowing down and taking a moment to offer sincere hugs throughout the day, we’re benefiting ourselves, others, and cultivating better patience within ourselves.

4. Activates the Thymus Gland

Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy. I also practise a Thymus Gland activation process, I learned from the amazing energy healer, Deborah King – check out this link

The Importance of Being Held and how to activate the Thymus Gland

5. Promotes Self-Esteem and Self-Love

Having a cuddle boosts self-esteem, especially in children according to research. The tactile sense is all-important in babies, of course. A baby recognises its parents by touch at first. From the moment we’re born, our family’s touch shows us that we’re loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our parents or other care givers while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Cuddles, therefore, connect us to our ability to love ourselves. Pretty profound eh?!

6. Non Verbal Communication

About 70% of communication is nonverbal. How we interpret someone’s body language can be based on just one gesture and hugging is an excellent method of expressing yourself nonverbally to another human being or animal. What a wonderful way to share the love and care you have for them by your embrace.

7. Cuddles Help Parasympathetic Balance

Hugs balance out the nervous system. The skin can sense the touch from a cuddle which connects with the brain through the vagus nerve. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system – parasympathetic.

8. Stimulates Serotonin

Reaching out and hugging releases endorphins and serotonin into the blood vessels and this causes pleasure, takes away pain and sadness. It can decrease the chances of getting heart problems as well as help to maintain a healthy weight. Even the cuddling of pets has a soothing effect that reduces stress levels.

9. Hugs Stimulate Dopamine Flow

Everything we do involves protecting and triggering dopamine flow, the pleasure and reward hormone. Apparently, low dopamine levels play a role in the disease Parkinson’s as well as depression. Dopamine is responsible for giving us that feel-good feeling, and it’s also responsible for motivation! Hugs stimulate the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine sensors are the areas that many stimulating drugs such as cocaine and alcohol target. So we can get the same release by cuddling our dog or even ourselves if nobody else is around.

So get hugging and cuddling from your heart with someone you care for, an animal you love and above all, yourself. Yes, stretch those arms around yourself and give yourself a big, heartfelt hug.

And if that wasn’t enough, to receive my latest love letter with the health benefits of smiling, get in contact here.

I would also love to hear from you with your thoughts on this blog. It’s always good to hear if you find it interesting and possibly inspiring.

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Celebrating the Legacy of Louise L Hay

Tribute to Louise Hay

It was the 4th anniversary of Louise Hay passing on 30th August and a couple of days later I shared a small tribute with women in my private Facebook community, Love Yourself – Women Inspiring Women. To celebrate the legacy of this incredible woman was, again, such an honour. This is the link for the group if you’d like to join us. We’d love to see you there!

It was beautiful to share a little of Louise’s background and also to talk about the core foundations that she used to recover from cancer – such a remarkable story. I have received such wonderful feedback from everyone who watched it.

The Power is Within You

I am sharing what Louise had to say on her Cancer Diagnosis in her second book, The Power Is Within You.

“Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, I was diagnosed with vaginal cancer. First, I panicked. Then, I had doubts that all this stuff I was learning was valid. It was a normal and natural reaction. I thought to myself, “If I was clear and centred, I wouldn’t have the need to create the illness.” In hindsight, I think when I was diagnosed, I felt safe enough at that point to let the illness surface so that I could do something about it, rather than having it be another hidden secret that I wouldn’t know about until I was dead. 

I knew too much by then to hide from myself any longer. I knew that cancer was a dis-ease of resentment that is held for a long time until it eats away at the body. 

When we stifle our emotions inside of us, they have to go somewhere in the body. If we spend a lifetime stuffing things down, they will eventually manifest somewhere in the body. 

I became very aware that the resentment (which my teacher had referred to so many times) within me had to do with being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused as a child. Naturally, I would have resentment. I was bitter and unforgiving of the past. I had never done any work to change or release the bitterness and let it go. When I left home, it was all I could do to forget what happened to me; I thought I had put it behind me when in actuality I had simply buried it. 

When I found my metaphysical pathway, I covered up my feelings with a nice layer of spirituality and hid a lot of garbage inside me. I put a wall around myself that kept me literally out of touch with my own feelings. I didn’t know who I was or where I was. After my diagnosis, the real inner work of learning to know myself began. 

Thank God, I had tools to use. I knew I needed to go within myself if I was going to make any permanent changes. Yes, the doctor could give me an operation and perhaps take care of my illness for the moment, but if I didn’t change the way I was using my thoughts and my words, I’d probably recreate it again. 

I realized that I was not really progressing in my life the way I wanted to because I hadn’t really cleared out this old garbage from childhood, and I wasn’t living what I was teaching. I had to recognize the inner child inside me and work with her. My inner child needed help because she was still in great pain. 

I quickly began a self-healing program in earnest. I concentrated on me totally and did little else. I became very committed to getting well. 

Some of it was a little weird, yet I did it anyway. After all, this was my life on the line. It became almost a 24-hour-a-day job for the next six months. I began reading and studying everything I could find about alternative ways to heal cancer because I truly believed it could be done. 

I did a nutritional cleansing program that detoxified my body from all the junk foods I had eaten for years. 

I said affirmations and did visualizations and spiritual mind treatments. I did daily sessions in front of a mirror. The most difficult words to say were, “I love you, I really love you.” It took a lot of tears and a lot of breathing to get through it. When I did, it was as if I took a quantum leap. 

I spent a long period of time beating pillows and screaming. It was wonderful. 

It felt so good because I had never, ever had permission to do that in my life. 

I don’t know which method worked; maybe a little bit of everything worked. 

Most of all I was really consistent with what I did. I practised during all my waking hours. I thanked myself before I went to sleep for what I had done during the day. I affirmed that my healing process was taking place in my body while I slept, and that I would awaken in the morning bright and refreshed and feeling good. In the morning, I’d awaken and thank myself and my body for the work during the night. 

I also worked on understanding and forgiveness. One of the ways was to explore my parents’ childhoods as much as I could. 

I began to understand how they were treated as children, and I realised that because of the way they were brought up, they couldn’t really have done anything differently than they did.

Step by step, my growing understanding of them enabled me to start the forgiveness process. 

The more I forgave my parents, the more willing I was to forgive myself. Forgiveness of ourselves is enormously important. Many of us do the same damage to the inner child that our parents did to us. We just continue the abuse, and it’s very sad. When we were children and other people mistreated us, we didn’t have many options, but when we grow up and we still mistreat the inner child, it’s disastrous. 

As I forgave myself, I began to trust myself. I found that when we don’t trust life or other people, it’s really because we don’t trust ourselves. We don’t trust our Higher Selves to take care of us in all situations

Eventually, I began to trust myself enough to take care of me, and I found it easier and easier to love myself once I trusted myself. My body was healing, and my heart was healing. 

My spiritual growth had come in such an unexpected way. “

I’d highly recommend this book and you can buy it from Hay House here.

Celebrating the Legacy of Louise L Hay

The work of Louise Hay addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, so it is timeless and offers us the opportunity for powerful personal transformation. The foundation of Louise’s work is, of course, loving and approving of yourself.

It was a beautiful event celebrating Louise’s legacy, and the recording is available to watch in the group and I’ve also uploaded it onto YouTube.

Tribute to Louise Hay

We finished with a Circle of Peace and Love meditation which the planet could really do with right now.

I want to give a special thanks to Meg Muir – Artist 🎨 who joined me on the zoom session and all I can say, is the synchronicity of what she shared couldn’t have been more powerful. I had no idea she was going to share what she did (even though it might look like I did!). Can I just add, Meg’s work is incredible and comes from a place of such love.

It was such a special evening – I can’t say any more than that. 


If any of what I have talked about in this blog has affected you in any way, I would be more than happy to discuss this with you – you are not alone. Get in contact here

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Leadership Development Programme

Image of a woman holding a growing plant with the words Leadership Development and Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Helping your leaders or future leaders within your organisation ✨

You may not know that I also work with organisations, helping their leaders to navigate their way through the massive changes that have been taking place at work and in their lives in general over the last 18 months. My Leadership Development Programme is quite unique.

If the people who work for you are happy in every area of their life, including who they work with and for, then odds are they will be happy in their career. 

This is where I come in. 

Investing in the talent within your organisation will save you a lot of money in the long run

Talent that has not been invested in will either not reach their potential or move somewhere else. Either way will cost you. Recruiting another potential leader into your company will cost you 5 times as much as using someone like me who can help them achieve their true potential

I go deep, working from the inside out and will work with each of your leaders to help them move from overwhelm and maybe anxiety, which they might be trying to hide or are not able to articulate properly, to a place of self-worth and high self-esteem. 

From working with me, their evolving attitude to their role will be enhanced and enriched – and of course, this also affects every other aspect of their life.

I partner with individuals and organisations to discover their challenges and create heart and mind based solutions to empower people to flourish and positively impact their roles, teams and organisations. 

By assisting senior business leaders develop their skills and confidence and achieve their personal goals, they will naturally develop their organisation objectives.

I coach and mentor people in leadership positions and potential leaders, helping them with their personal development and achieving their business objectives. 

It’s easy to book in some time with me to discuss your leadership development programme and how I could help you. Just follow this link. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Happy Birthday Jim

Image of my Dad - Happy birthday Jim

It was my Dad’s birthday yesterday – Happy Birthday Jim. I found this old photo in my box of old random family photos (he always had a smile on his face).

He’s actually been gone longer than I’ve been alive which is really making me think.

I loved listening to his stories of his childhood as a boy in West Cork in Ireland. He had no shoes in the summer, he lived by the sea but never learnt to swim and had to leave home for work when he was 15. Such was life being poor in those days. 

I don’t remember seeing him ever go out without wearing a suit and tie and he was probably the kindest, sweetest, silliest and downright most loving man I have ever known.

Our old money stories

He built up a very successful business here in the UK – a world away from where he started life and my dad sure loved the good life. He lived it large as they say. However, I now realise because of his own limiting beliefs from his early impoverished childhood and financial set point in his subconscious, he lost it all – TWICE. 

The first time I was 8 and I remember the bailiffs coming to the house and mum yelling at me to get in the house and lock the door. Until I started the work I share I was never aware of the damaging messages I received from that early experience.

The second time was really bad as we not only lost the home I grew up in but it was all shrouded in secrecy, disgrace and deep deep shame. After all these years, I have still only told a handful of people the full, sad story.

This disgrace lived with him and because mum and dad had to return to Ireland, when I was still 18, I missed him a lot. He never got over that experience – the feeling he had let his family down and later on he had a catastrophic stroke. It was terrible to watch him suffer so much.

What are your money wounds?

I have been looking at all of these old money wounds again lately and the long term affect they’ve had on me. It’s fascinating and also rather sad. But I feel deep down, for the first time, I’m really being able to move on from them. Subconsciously, we all set a ceiling of where we think our financial situation or income level should be and until we break through that ceiling, we’re stuck with the same old stories and patterns.

I’m going to share a video on our limiting beliefs which I hope you find really helpful:

Limiting Beliefs

If you’d like to heal your money wounds and any of the limiting beliefs that might be running the show (up until now), have a look at how you can work with me with this link

So, last night I raised a glass to my truly wonderful Dad (a big softie) who always knew he was loved. Happy birthday again Jim. ♥️

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