Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Change Your Life

Do you live the life you want? Or is there something holding you back? Do you need to heal from a difficult break up, a toxic relationship, a painful or traumatic incident, or illness?

I’m Liz and by working with me, you will get to let go of feelings of anger, guilt and possibly shame so you can live the life you deserve, knowing you are always enough. Book a call here to find out more.

” I was a bit sceptical at first but after a couple of sessions my mind was completely changed….. literally! I was able to let go of beliefs that were holding me back and focus on those things that would take me towards living my dream life. I could not recommend Liz’s courses more. ”  Victoria Wright

Picture of Liz Doyle, the Positive Change Coach with her dog, Alf.

” Some moments were emotional and difficult as years of self-criticism isn’t erased in one day but I felt safe at all times sharing my life’s struggle and erroneous beliefs with Liz. 

The follow up emails and tools given after each session were most helpful and I still refer to them. I can’t wait to see what further changes will occur as a result of my sessions with Liz. 

I would recommend her to anyone with self-confidence and self-love issues or simply as a life-transforming gift to yourself. ”  Régine Demuynck

Picture of Liz Doyle, the Positive Change Coach. For Live the life you want page

Coaching for women based on the philosophies of Louise Hay

Do you see the same old stories happen in your life? Maybe you have noticed certain patterns keep coming up and you want to change them?

Have you come through or going through a divorce/break up, relationship issues, bereavement, business problems, redundancy or other trauma?

Do you feel anxious, think about the past, worry about the future or just live with a lot of negative thinking?

If so…..

I can help with my 6 week online private 1:1 coaching sessions. These sessions will help you to:

  • replace self criticism with self approval.
  • have personal healing in all areas of your life
  • get a real understanding of the power of self love.
  • Create healthy relationships
  • Free yourself from damaging patterns and behaviour

We will also look at:

  • How our thoughts and beliefs shape our lives
  • Healing the child within us
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Forgiving ourselves and others
  • Finding a sense of purpose
  • Writing a new story for our lives

With my coaching, using the philosophies of Louise Hay, I see women make real breakthroughs in their lives, helping their relationships and feelings of self-worth in a totally safe and confidential environment.

  • Do you want to make those positive changes in your life?
  • How about feeling good enough every day?
  • Would you like your life to flow with more ease and fun?
  • How would it feel to live a healthier, richer life?
  • Do you want to live the life you want?

If you answered yes to the above questions, I can help you.

” The in depth self-focus has really made me think about how I view myself and talk to myself.

The change in self talk has been really powerful.

I am now much more aware, and less critical of myself. ”  Liz Burr

To find out how I can help you, email me at

Or book in a confidential discovery call with this link.

How I can help you

Online Private 1:1 Coaching Package
Individual Online Coaching – see below
“21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight” Online Course

Individual Online Coaching Sessions - 90 minutes to 2 hrs

Intention Setting Experience

Healing the Inner Child

Mother Wound Healing

Letting Go & Creating Space

Connecting to Your Feminine Power

Honouring Boundaries

Private 1 to 1
Love Yourself Online
Coaching Package

Would you like to clear out old stories from your past and reach deep levels of self-love and self-acceptance to improve your relationships, success, prosperity and health? To live the life you want?
If so, I can help with my 6 online Love Yourself 1 to 1 coaching sessions.

21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight Digital Course

21 days of videos with awareness exercises and 21 meditations to put you on your journey of releasing the weight once and for all.
You will uncover the real reasons for emotional eating, self-sabotage and you will literally rewire the brain to create permanent positive change.

Get in Contact

If you would like to find out how joining me on this journey can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want, just get in contact for a confidential chat.

You can either email me or book in a complimentary discovery call, below.

Email :

I look forward to hearing from you

Would you like to be a part of my online community of women looking to love themselves more?


I have attended two of Liz's course and found them completely life changing.
I was a bit sceptical at first but after a couple of sessions my mind was completely changed..... literally!
I was able to let go of beliefs that were holding me back and focus on those things that would take me towards living my dream life.
I could not recommend Liz's courses more. She is amazing!.
I cannot recommend Liz and her courses highly enough.
They have been transformational for me and Liz’s style makes it a safe space to explore and grow.
After Liz’s sessions I feel a warm glow of self healing.
It was wonderful to spend each week with you, gaining the opportunity to understand more about myself and learn more about Louise's work. I highly recommend Liz and her work, I have already made a massive change to my life and mindset with only a 6 week course.
Even though I was familiar with the work of Louise Hay, I found it extremely useful to work with Liz as she divided the work into various sessions, including meditations, questions which were challenging at times and of course Louise Hay’s beloved mirror work.
I have noticed positive changes which show me how deep this work goes.

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