Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of a woman's hand writing and text that says Do You Want An Abundant Year? More Info:

Do You Want An Abundant Year?

Of course, we all want an abundant year, don’t we but….

The new year can be a slow start, especially here in the northern hemisphere. It’s bloody cold, and with those dark mornings, how can we really rev those engines to get going in 2024?

Maybe you’re feeling tired and lazy from too much food or a lot of family time, and it’s okay to do nothing for a few days.

It’s really important to take enough time to relax and replenish, and not work until you’re close to burnout. But that’s easier said than done, at different times in our lives. Whether it’s due to work commitments, looking after our children or maybe ageing parents who we need to care for more and more.

We really don’t need the New Year hype to create a happy and abundant year. I mean, most of us don’t get in the groove until the second week of January anyway.

So, when’s the best time to set your intentions for 2024?

When you do it! That’s when.

Please don’t worry if you feel like you’re having a slow start to the year, there’s plenty of time. There is no need to rush.

I’m not a fan of New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals but you may well know that already!

Setting Intentions for An Abundant Year

But the New Year is such a perfect time for us to see what is to be released, what is to be kept and improved, and what is to be brought in. And you can take the whole of January to do that. There are another 11 months after this one even though, we will all be saying “Happy Christmas” before we know it!

So if you’re ready to look at what you have learnt and are moving on from last year and setting your intentions for an abundant year ahead, then I have a few ideas to share.

The best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are before bringing ourselves into the energetic flow for a fantastic and abundant 2024. It’s natural to look at things that didn’t happen last year or things that you didn’t do. Maybe relationships that came to an end, or other events that you perceive as being negative

But I challenge you to shift your thinking about last year so that you can set yourself up for a fulfilling year, this year.

Are you ready to draw that line in the sand?

In your notebook or journal I’d like you to answer these questions to help with the whole process. Don’t worry if you don’t have answers for the questions. They are just prompts to see what comes up for you. There is no wrong or right way of doing any of this. Trust that you are always being guided.

What shall I now release from my life? 

What am I holding on to that holds me back?

How am I being unloving to myself?

When we put pen to paper and write the words, it brings the thought from the mental and spiritual awareness into the physical realm of awareness.

Here’s a few more questions to ask yourself and write the answers in your notebook or journal:

How was last year healing?

What did I learn about myself?

How far have I come?

Now, I would like you to write down 5 successes you had in 2023. If you’re one of those people who tends to beat yourself up and think you don’t have any successes, I would urge you to write 2 or 3 for now and maybe spend time later adding to it. 

It’s always easy for us to give ourselves a hard time, but you’ve probably achieved far more than you think, and you deserve the credit. 

It could be that you have really started loving yourself more and you take more care of yourself. It could be something in your personal development that you’ve reached a new awareness about yourself. 

Magic always happens on the other side of awareness

At the very least — you survived — so write that down! Hurrah!

This exercise is very powerful so please, don’t skip it.

The trick is setting intentions that feel authentic to who you are and promise to bring real change to how you approach every aspect of your life. You can take as long as you need to, to reflect on your New Year’s intentions. Intentions truly have no limit.

Now, remind yourself that you are welcoming in this year with love and joy, knowing, as Louise Hay would say:

“that what we give out comes back to us multiplied “ 

I have a few more prompts for you to answer in your journal:

How do I want this year to be?

How abundant in every area of my life do I want to feel?

How much love am I willing to experience?

Louise Hay said “let something go and try something new”. She always inspired others by how she was continually learning and was always ready to try new things. Let’s be inspired to try something new this year. What will be your something new?

Your New Life Story For An Abundant Year

For you to create your new life story so that you can welcome abundance in all areas of your life this year, I have a few ideas to help you establish a routine. These include talking with your Inner Child, Mirror Work and creating powerful affirmations.

At first, it does take some energy and focus to establish a routine that includes your daily self-growth work. But, once you have a routine established it becomes so easy to continue it. It becomes a habit. A habit that can empower you every day of the year and your life.

So create that sacred space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom over the next couple weeks. Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receiving abundance in your life.

Are you saying YES to having the year you truly want? Because it’s here for you.

So no more New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals for me.

However, what I do believe in, is committing to working on you! Working on your limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, feelings of not enoughness or too muchness.

You may have a few blocks in relation to your work, your relationships, your health, your finances, your body, your love life. 

So, the number one thing you can do to feel more abundant this year is to work on your mindset and beliefs about what you deserve. This means digging into those old stories and patterns that shape your relationship with yourself and the world around you.

A good place to start is to follow me on Insight Timer where you can find my recorded content and live event schedule.

Here’s the link

Maybe you’re ready to make a big shift in your life, to up-level every area of your life.

2024 can be a great year, your year.

And you don’t need to change who you are. By loving yourself more and more, you can create the life you have always deserved.

It’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just follow this link to find out how you can work with me.

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about the different ways you can work with me. I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

Here’s the link to book in that call

I look forward to hearing from you.

Remember, this is your year no matter what ♥️