Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Positive Change Coaching

Calling All High Achievers

High Achievers. An image of a woman pointing to the centre of a target board. And an image of Liz Doyle the positive change coach

So many of my clients are or have been high achievers in their careers. When they come to me, they talk with pride about what they do within their work BUT there is a feeling of needing to do more and more. They often say that they are always striving to prove themselves and so that means they have to do more – be more.

High Achievers, I have a few questions for you..

If your job title or position within your organisation was taken away, would you feel you were good enough? 🤔

If you weren’t earning the salary or making the money you are making, would you feel good enough? 🤔

If these outward signs of achievement were stripped from you, who would you be? 🤔

I am not saying that working to make more money or career advancement doesn’t matter but it isn’t who we are. It is not solely why we are here.

I think we can so easily lose sight of who we truly are and I think that’s why so women want to work with me. They want to come back to that person again. They want to know their worth and know they are always good enough, without having to prove it to others or themselves.

No validation needed…

If you feel you might be a high functioning, high (or maybe over) achiever, then the following might resonate with you:

  1. You’re hardworking (obvs) but you often find yourself overthinking and overanalysing what others say to you 😳
  2. You’re feeling overwhelmed and burnt out because you’re so detail oriented and a perfectionist 😳
  3. You’re ambitious which leads you to not honouring your boundaries and not being able to say no 😳
  4. You’re organised and well prepared and sometimes wonder if you have a deep need to be busy all the time to obtain approval 😳
  5. On the outside you appear calm but on the inside you have unrealistic expectations of yourself and others 😳
  6. Although it would appear you do well under pressure, the reality is you’re busy people pleasing, have a deep fear of failure and can be full of self-doubt 😳

I know this looks like a lot but MAGIC always happens on the other side of AWARENESS.

These patterns in our lives all start in our childhood so by going back and just observing where these core limiting beliefs came from can be so powerful. By doing this, we can start to unravel these old stories and negative messages to gently change our lives so that we can truly love who we are. The ripple effect of all of this can have such a profound on everyone around us too.

You deserve the best and you are always worthy. Just remind yourself of that.

Fancy a confidential chat about what I do? Maybe go to my Work With Me Page first?

This link will give you access to my diary so you can book in a call with me.

So high achievers, hands up 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

Or do you know some high achievers or over achievers? Maybe share this blog with them…

Or maybe you used to be a higher achiever and you’ve moved beyond always having to do more? I would love to know.

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Workplace Bullying

Image of a woman hiding and text - Workplace Bullying. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach

Have you ever experienced workplace bullying?

I had such an extraordinary session with my client recently where we looked at her blocks around her work life and also prosperity. In fact, the same session with another client, last week, was also really insightful. I am seeing a real pattern with a lot of my clients where they have experienced workplace bullying. This has normally been from their upline manager and their lives have been made so difficult that they felt, at the time, they had no choice but to leave. 😢

In a couple of cases, clients decided to start to work for themselves as they couldn’t face experiencing such potentially toxic and damaging treatment again. 

The effect that this bullying has had on them has been so bad that they were physically unwell and psychologically traumatised for months and months afterwards. The long term effects can’t really be quantified. 

By working with me, they have been able to let go of so much of the guilt and shame as well as self-blame around the whole situation or maybe situations if they encountered more than one bully. 

We have been able to start to forgive the people involved and see where so many patterns have come from. To break those patterns is such a rewarding exercise. 

I shared a post on LinkedIn (follow this link) which got such interesting feedback and here are what some women said:

When I read about people’s heartache and leaving good jobs on numerous occasions, turning job offers down for more favourable environments, being able to talk about it openly and honestly on LinkedIn and it makes me feel thoughtful and interested when I think about all the children and all the young people in education and in schools that do not have this luxury and are left suffering, many of them feeling that they have only one way to escape from the bully, suffering trauma, unable to gain an education.”

My response; ” But I also wonder if us adults feel that we can speak up. From my clients’, friends’ and even from people commenting on this post’s experiences, it would seem they felt unable to speak up. They feel that the only option is to leave which is really very sad. The more we talk about it, the more we might see some changes take place. ” 

Another said; ” Are the adults who are bullied in the workplace, the children and young people who was bullied in school?

I cannot imagine if one sailed through the education system without being bullied, to then come up against a bully in the workplace must be an overwhelming shock to one’s system. 

On the other hand, I can imagine children and young people bullied in school and also bullied in the workplace, given they carry trauma from the past, unsure of what constructive criticism is, and on high alert for a repeat of what happened to them in school to happen again in the workplace, and many bullies will sense this. 

My response; ” Your observation is quite similar to what I have found with some clients. It may have been bullying at school or from a parent/care giver and often, if we don’t deal with these patterns they can repeat themselves again and again in one way or another. “

S said; ” I seem to be a bit of a target. In fact, after the last time I left a workplace because of a bully, I swore I’d never go back to being employed in a workplace. Nearly 10 years on and I’m up for a job where I would have to go in and work with others. I’m almost inclined to turn it down even though I know I’ve got lots to offer because I’m afraid of what will happen. “

M’s comment; ” I have been bullied 3 times in the workplace, and left each time, I left good jobs. I run away from trouble. 

When my Mother was dying of cancer one woman who was very controlling & opinionated upped her game and tried to put me under pressure. She manipulated other colleagues too. When Mum passed I had nothing left to give & left a job I loved. HR was dreadful, useless and my Manager was worse. I find that in my case other women’s insecurities played out and it manifested in their bullying nature. “

H commented; ” To be honest, the only way I’ve ever overcome workplace bullying was to leave! It’s so sad to think that there are so many people in jobs who feel they NEED to leave for their own mental health due to others poor behaviour. 

I’ve left 2 jobs my my working life due to bullying, and at the time I thought leaving because of others, or because the company wouldn’t listen or even BELIEVE you, seems like the worst thing. But in hindsight I’ve learnt so much about working relationships and people skills that I know do consider it a blessing. “

Can you see a pattern with all of these comments? More needs to be done but looking back at the messages we received as children, at school and at home, can help us so much in interrupting these patterns.

After all of this response, I thought it would be really helpful to share this video which is an exercise I share with my clients. It’s very quick but can make a huge difference in lots of, potentially, challenging situations. Of course, this is another exercise originally shared by Louise Hay.

Blessing With Love by Louise Hay

If you have experienced workplace bullying, how bad was it and how did you overcome it? 💚

If you are seeing a pattern here and would like to break it, why not have a look at how I can help you here, and book in a chat with me, following this link.

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What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway?

Text - I am Loved. I am Loving. I am Lovable. Louise Hay - this image accompanies the blog, What is Valentine's Day all about anyway? Text - I am Loved. I am Loving. I am Lovable. Louise Hay. Liz Doyle - Positive Change Coach

You’d need to be living under a rock not to have noticed it was Valentine’s Day yesterday, don’t you think? What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway?

There is so much hype about this one day of the year.

Valentine’s Day can be such a tricky day for those not in a relationship. It can also be pretty tricky for those in a relationship that isn’t thriving and loving and empowering. 

You’ll probably guess where I’m going to go with this post – start with yourself.

No matter if you’re in a relationship or not – Be your own Valentine and it really shouldn’t be for just one day.

What did you give yourself yesterday? 💌

What are you going to give yourself tomorrow? 🥰

When was the last time you had a date? 🍽

With yourself? 😊

Bought yourself some flowers… 💐 some REALLY good chocolate? 🍫

On St Val’s day, I romanced myself. I gave myself some love. In lots of small ways but they make such a difference. 

One of them is to affirm:

“I am loved. I am loving. I am lovable.”

Louise Hay

Say it with me 😊♥️♥️

If you’re looking for more connection, more meaning, and more happiness in your life, then you need to LOVE yourself first 😊♥️

Look at yourself in the mirror and say:

“I love you, I really, really love you”.

Here are some other things you can try to give love to yourself:

😍 Massage some love into your face, maybe with some oils – a little bit of almond oil with rose (the essential oil of self-love) or lavender is fantastic but any oil or even a moisturiser will do just as well.

🥰 Close your eyes. Breathe in love into your heart centre. Breathe out love to everyone in the world (this is magical).

👣 Give yourself a mini pedicure – fill a bowl with warm water and some Epsom salts for all that yummy magnesium and soak up all that love there is for you.

🗣 Whisper sweet nothings to yourself. Tell yourself how proud you are of how far you have come. 

✍️ Connect with your inner child or inner teenager by writing a love letter to yourself as you were at a time when you needed some extra love and support. Look at my earlier blog about connecting with your inner child here.

♥️ Forgive yourself. Remind yourself that you were doing the best you could at the time, with the knowledge, awareness and understanding you had at that time. Say it out loud – “I forgive you”.

😘 Are there are any parts of yourself that you are ashamed of? It is so so important to give love to those parts that you hold shame over. Let it all go.

For even more inspiration to love yourself more, go to my A to Z of Self-Love playlist and here is the link.

How are you going to love yourself even more for the rest of the month? Let me know 🥰

I’m going to close with another and super simple affirmation from the truly wonderful Louise Hay – “Life Loves Me!” 

#valentinesday #iamlove #louisehay #affirmations #loveyourself

What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway? Read More »

Thank You – Just Thank You

Thank you from Liz Doyle - “May you have so much to be grateful for this year and always.” Louise Hay

So, the new year – 2022 is nearly here, and I just wanted to say thank you. 

Thank you for being part of my journey of sharing Louise Hay’s work this year – however that has been. ✨

I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for all of your amazing notes of gratitude telling me how much this work has meant to you.

I am grateful to all of you who have trusted me to work with you so I can do what I love doing most. ✨

I am grateful to those of you who I have worked with and referred me to others so that they can also start to make those positive changes in their lives.

I am grateful to those of you who have read these blogs, joined my taster sessions, participated in my FB community, engaged with me on LinkedIn, read my love letters, and also watched my YouTube videos (here’s my video of Number 1 of Louise Hay’s 12 Ways to Love Yourself) ✨

Subscribe to my channel here

I am grateful to all of the publications, podcasters and other hosts who had me on as a guest so I can share with others what I do.

I am grateful to Jo and Maggie for all they do to help me in the background to enable me to impact women’s lives. ✨

I am grateful to all my teachers who have guided me this year and of course, especially, Louise Hay who continues to guide and teach me.

To all of my supporters, friends and family – I am grateful that you have continued to help in all the ways you have so I have had the experience of helping women change their lives. ✨

And lastly, to my daughters. I am grateful that Julia, Lydia and Grace have honoured me to be their mother. They continue to make a difference in my life every day and the joy I get from seeing them make their way in the world is beyond any words I can share here.

To close this is a perfect Louise Hay affirmation for you ♥️

“May you have so much to be grateful for this year and always.”

With so much love for a healthy, peaceful and joyful New Year

Liz ✨ 

P.S. I am taking bookings for my very special "Intentions Setting for 2022" session during January - get in contact here for more info

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Leadership Development Programme

Image of a woman holding a growing plant with the words Leadership Development and Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Helping your leaders or future leaders within your organisation ✨

You may not know that I also work with organisations, helping their leaders to navigate their way through the massive changes that have been taking place at work and in their lives in general over the last 18 months. My Leadership Development Programme is quite unique.

If the people who work for you are happy in every area of their life, including who they work with and for, then odds are they will be happy in their career. 

This is where I come in. 

Investing in the talent within your organisation will save you a lot of money in the long run

Talent that has not been invested in will either not reach their potential or move somewhere else. Either way will cost you. Recruiting another potential leader into your company will cost you 5 times as much as using someone like me who can help them achieve their true potential

I go deep, working from the inside out and will work with each of your leaders to help them move from overwhelm and maybe anxiety, which they might be trying to hide or are not able to articulate properly, to a place of self-worth and high self-esteem. 

From working with me, their evolving attitude to their role will be enhanced and enriched – and of course, this also affects every other aspect of their life.

I partner with individuals and organisations to discover their challenges and create heart and mind based solutions to empower people to flourish and positively impact their roles, teams and organisations. 

By assisting senior business leaders develop their skills and confidence and achieve their personal goals, they will naturally develop their organisation objectives.

I coach and mentor people in leadership positions and potential leaders, helping them with their personal development and achieving their business objectives. 

It’s easy to book in some time with me to discuss your leadership development programme and how I could help you. Just follow this link. I look forward to hearing from you.

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International Women’s Day

Photo of Liz Doyle for International Women's Day

Wow! Did I need that water after my session on International Women’s Day at Netfest, an online networking session – from my festival water bottle obvs 💦💃🏻🎪

It was a remarkable day organised by a remarkable woman, Jacqueline Rogers. It was all about sharing our skills and knowledge with other like minded women to amplify them and also to challenge our thinking.

There were “tents” where we could go along and learn loads and just get some wonderful insights.

The title of my tent was “Why Women need to Love Themselves More”. Why is that? Because by loving and accepting ourselves completely, it means we welcome a successful life with ease, gratitude and joy.

We did a few exercises which were so powerful. They were:

WHO ARE YOU? What do you believe? 

We all have many positive things we believe, and we want to continue to reinforce these. 

But many of our beliefs are negative and continue to contribute to uncomfortable experiences in our lives. 

Far too often, these are the limiting beliefs of our parents, care givers or society in general. 

It is surprising how many of these beliefs were gathered around the age of 5. 

Surely not all these old beliefs are relevant to our current lives? 

Think of the image of an iceberg. 

There is a great deal of it hidden under the surface, just like our subconscious minds. 

So, periodic house cleaning is really, really useful.

However, it is impossible for us to change any limiting beliefs unless we know what they are. 

I asked the group what a range of simple words meant to them and it was intriguing what came up for the women in the “tent”.

We then took a look at some of Louise Hay’s How to Love Yourself steps. I take my clients through all 12 but in this session we looked at:

1. Stop All Criticism!

2. Forgive Yourself

6. Praise Yourself

I am sharing my YouTube video – Stop All Criticism and if you wish, you can then watch all 12 of Louise’s How To Love Yourself:

How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay

Here is some of the beautiful feedback I received.

“ Thanks for the session for International Women’s Day today, it was great, I got a lot out of it.  Loved your key points and will certainly be putting them into practice. Thanks again and hope to hear you talk again in the future. “

“ So pleased I came to yours again!! Second time, it had a bigger impact. I just watched my recording back and I could hear you saying ‘don’t criticise’…. So I watched it differently and actually, I wasn’t the mess I thought I was. I came across ok. Learnings obvs… But I’m pleased with it which I NEVER thought I’d say. Thank you xx “

“I really enjoyed your session, it was very poignant and humbling.  I’ve even practiced the mirror affirmations a couple of times since which is huge for me. “

I’m always so so grateful for such lovely feedback and I couldn’t be happier that they got so much in such a short space of time ♥️💚♥️💚

To find out how you can work with me, follow this link 😊

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What are your intentions for 2021?

What are your intentions for 2021? Blog . This is a bubble map of words which are in the blog

What are your intentions for 2021? Would you like to feel good enough every day? Would you like your life to flow with more ease? Would you like to live a healthier, richer life?

Maybe the words in this image might give you an idea of what you can start to feel this year. This is beautiful, loving, freeing and healing work and it’s something you deserve to give yourself. 

This is a bubble map I had fun preparing from some of the words taken from clients’ feedback in 2020. 

My clients have felt:


















Have a watch of Elizabeth’s video where she talks about working with me;

Elizabeth’s feedback

I have a few questions for you.

Do you compare yourself to others?

Is there a little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough? 

Do you feel that you have to keep proving yourself again and again?

Or have you gone through a relationship breakdown or other trauma in the past and are still struggling to move on?

I help women to move on from overwhelm and anxiety and develop a deep sense of self-love and self-worth. 

I run online private 1 to 1 sessions over 6 weeks. 

These sessions help women to have more fulfilling relationships with everyone and everything in their lives including their beliefs about their health and appearance as well as their success and prosperity.

Would you like to find out more about me? If so, follow this link and I’m looking forward to catching up with you.


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Who do you need to forgive about money issues?

Text - Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? 💷💰💳💶

This can be a difficult subject for so many of my clients. Forgiving others and ourselves over money issues. 

So that we can empower ourselves in our relationship with money and other forms of prosperity and abundance, we need to release limiting beliefs. We also need to practise new ways of thinking about prosperity and one of those new ways is in forgiveness.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues – did someone borrow money and not pay you back? 💷

Did someone betray you financially? 😳

Are there money issues within your family? 

Do you need to forgive yourself about money issues – perhaps you ran up your credit cards too much or wasted money that you didn’t really have in the first place? 💳🤦🏻‍♀️

Maybe you still feel you’re still treating money like that old, toxic friend you never see? You know the one!

It’s time to forgive yourself and move on

Accept yourself, right now, with your current consciousness about money.

So, you’ve made some mistakes in the past. Who hasn’t?

Everyone has. But remember, up until now you weren’t aware of your old stories that were running the show – up until now!

Now you do, so you can begin changing them and have a whole new experience with money and abundance! 

So, right now, let go of the past, forgive yourself, and be willing to create a new and harmonious relationship with money and your abundance consciousness.

Here’s a very short video about forgiving yourself from the beautiful Louise Hay and her How To Love Yourself

How to love yourself by Louise Hay – Forgive Yourself

Now say it with me

“I forgive others for teaching me incorrect beliefs”

“I forgive myself for using money unwisely in the past”

We are never really done with forgiveness of any kind. Just when we think we’ve forgiven someone or ourselves for something, some memory might pop into our head and we’re right back there again. BUT it does get easier the more we make forgiveness a part of our lives.

Forgiveness does set you free but if you feel like you’re still in that prison of resentment (I’ve been there!), maybe it’s time to look at how my coaching sessions can help you. Follow this link to find out some more.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Read More »


Happy Birthday Louise Hay

Last month we were celebrating Louise Hay’s legacy on the anniversary of her passing and it was such a special session and very popular. This Thursday, 8th October, we will be saying “Happy Birthday Louise Hay”.

Louise changed my life

I came across Louise’s work just when I needed it most in my life. Looking back, I think I was on burnout after different events over a number of years and to be honest, I was just hanging on in there.

From an early age, I was always pretty good at pretending everything was OK and for my kids I had to just keep going. But that isn’t a life is it?

So, when I came across Louise’s work, I saw how it could help me and then later, how it could help others.

After becoming a licensed Heal Your Life Trainer, I knew this work could help people move on from trauma; see the beauty they have within themselves and live life with a real sense of self-worth.

Since then, I have truly loved sharing Louise’s philosophies and teachings – it has been such a remarkable journey and I’m so thankful for it.

She has touched the lives of millions of people around the world and continues to change mine every day.

Louise, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, was a pioneer and legend in personal development. Her philosophies look at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, so it is timeless and offers us the opportunity for powerful personal positive change.

Thank you Louise for what you’ve brought to so many. 🙏🙏

Here is a recording of a previous birthday celebration

Louise Hay – Mirror Work

The foundation of Louise’s work is all about loving and approving of yourself. Her work is truly transformative. So although you are no longer in the physical world, Happy Birthday Louise Hay.

If you would like to find out how joining me on this journey of self-discovery and positive change can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want, just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.


Making Those Positive Changes

Image of Liz Doyle for the Making those positive changes blog

Do you see me blushing in the video below? ☺️☺️ Making those positive changes is possible for all of us.

This feedback was just so, well, amazing 😊

I am feeling really positive, and my life is changing.  The in depth self-focus has really made me think about how I view myself and talk to myself.  The change in self talk has been really powerful.  I am now much more aware, and less critical of myself.

All of the sessions were useful!  But in particular, the exercises on forgiveness were incredible. I have started a daily practice of forgiveness and it is very freeing.  Also love the inner child work which tied in with my other studies in a really helpful way.  Loved the intimacy work, spotting patterns I wasn’t aware of, and also doing the intuitive exercise where we draw our family and ask questions of them.  

I found it all useful Liz!  Every single piece!  There wasn’t anything in this course that didn’t fire my curiosity!

A fantastic course for anyone who wants to become more self aware, who wants to be kinder to themselves and enjoy life more.  Making a daily plan at the end of the course is a great way to introduce the concepts into daily life.

#feedback #feelinggrateful #womeninbusiness #womeninspiringwomen

I have a few questions for you

Which aspect of your life do you find most challenging at the moment?

Is there a repetitive pattern that keeps manifesting in your life that you are trying to break free from?

What difference would this make to your life if you were able to resolve this?

What is the wound/trauma that has had the greatest impact on the relationship you have with yourself and others?

After answering these questions, why not journal about them (just write down what comes up for you) and then reflect on what you are looking for in your life.

After completing the above, you may want to find out about my life changing private one to one coaching package> If so, just send me a quick email at to book in a call. As I said, making those positive changes is there for all of us.

I look forward to hearing from you ♥️

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