Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Love Yourself

Books That Changed My Life

Image of Liz Doyle in a library with text saying "Books That Changed My Life."

I’ve read a lot of books in my life, but there are a few that have had a profound impact on me. These books have changed my life! These books have helped me to heal, to grow, and to live a more fulfilling life – a happier life. I would like to list more but we need to start somewhere with the top 5.

I am sharing links for you to buy the books from Amazon but if you prefer to support the circular economy; this is a link for World of Books and you might be able to get a used book in excellent condition.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

If you have read any of my previous blogs and checked out my website, you will know that Louise Hay was pivotal in completely changing my life around. I first listened to her on YouTube and it was as if she was speaking directly to me! Although this book was not the first one that introduced me to the power of positive thinking, it was the most insightful. It really introduced me to positive affirmations in a big way and led me to finding out more and to eventually training to become licensed to share Louise’s timeless teachings.

You Can Heal Your Life helped me to see that I was creating my own reality with my thoughts and beliefs. Once I started to change my thoughts, I really started to see positive changes in my life. That the power of loving yourself changes everything. You could say it’s the reason I became a Positive Change Coach.

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay

This book is a sequel to You Can Heal Your Life, and it goes even deeper into the power of the subconscious mind. Although I adored You Can Heal Your Life, I actually preferred The Power is Within You. It taught me how to identify and change the negative beliefs that were holding me back.

As I said, it goes even deeper into the power of positive thinking than You Can Heal Your Life. It teaches you how to use affirmations, visualisation, and other techniques to create the life you want. This book has helped me to stay positive and, and it has helped me to manifest many of the things I’ve wanted in life.

Here is the link to buy it from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too.

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

What can I say about Abraham Hicks!!! Another find on YouTube and I still go back to those videos when I need to remind myself that “things are always working out for me”! This book is all about the Law of Attraction, and it taught me how to use my thoughts to attract the things I want into my life. It was another game-changer for me, and it helped me to manifest many of my dreams.

This book showed me that I am responsible for my own thoughts and emotions, and that I can change my life by changing my thinking. It helped me to overcome many of the challenges I was facing at the time. I think Abraham Hicks deserves its own blog so I’ll be sharing more soon.

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff

This wonderful book is about the power of positive emotions, and it taught me how to cultivate a more joyful and optimistic outlook on life. It helped me to see that happiness is a choice, and that I can choose to be happy no matter what is going on in my life.

After reading the book, I then joined Your Year of Miracles where I learnt life is full of miracles even if we don’t always think so!

Here is the link to buy it from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too.

Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield Thomas

So this is the last one in my top 5 books that changed my life. It is such an easy and fun read (and listen as I often also buy books on Audible) with lots of humour. The book is about how to create a successful business without burning yourself out. It taught me the importance of taking care of myself, both physically and mentally. It also helped me to set boundaries and to say no to things that were not a good fit for me.

After reading and listening to Chillpreneur, I started following Denise and eventually joined her Money Bootcamp which has turned out to be another life changing experience!

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

These are just a few of the books that have changed my life. Don’t get me wrong, I still face challenges but I now have the tools and the presence within me to bring myself back to this moment and to be very gentle with myself as I charter those waters. I am really grateful to the authors who shared their wisdom with me, and I am so glad that I found these books when I did. They have helped me to become a happier, healthier, and more successful person.

I hope that you will check out these books if you are looking for some inspiration and guidance on your own journey. They may just change your life too.

What books have had a profound effect on your life? I would love to know ♥️

And if you would like to find out some more about working with me, follow this link and get in contact here to book in a time to have a confidential chat.

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Are You Worthy?

Image of a woman with text saying "Are you worthy?"

Or do you every feel unworthy? Do you tell yourself that you’re just not worthy or not deserving?

Such a big, sticky, messy subject – our feelings around worthiness…

Let’s go through this, step by step.

Feeling worthy is a state of mind in which you believe that you are valuable and deserving of good things. It is a sense of self-acceptance and self-love. When you feel worthy, you are more likely to take care of yourself, set and achieve goals, and build healthy relationships.

Maybe that can explain why we can subconsciously block what we want – because deep down, we just don’t think we’re worthy of it.

There are many things that can contribute to feeling unworthy.

These can include and of course are not exclusive:

  • Negative self-talk
  • Trauma or abuse
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression or anxiety

This is an ongoing journey and now again, it still hits me and I need to gently and with a lot of self-compassion, bring myself back to those feelings of innate worthiness. It’s not always easy!!

I remember the first time it dawned on me and where part of my story came from. Because it all starts with self-awareness, otherwise, how can we change?

I was walking the dog one day…. and I was questioning myself (again…) about why I didn’t feel deserving. I had been cogitating this and wondering why saying to myself Louise Hay’s fab affirmation “I deserve the best and accept it now” just didn’t feel true for me….. 

Obviously, what I do is to help women see that they are always good enough and deserve the best life has to give and I thought that if I don’t feel it how can I help them. But that’s another blog for another day 😂😂

Then I went back to my simple “I am worthy” and it hit me!!

Growing up as a child, every day at school and at mass each week, we would recite all these prayers and one line that would be repeated over and over again was “I am not worthy”. 

Well blow me down with a feather – no wonder I had never felt worthy…. I had been saying it to myself for frigging years, almost my whole life.

So my new walking mantra whenever I feel slightly doubtful about myself or any situation for that matter is, guess what – yes….


Say it with me…

It covers everything – that I am good enough and that I am worthy just because I exist…..

If you are struggling with feeling unworthy, there are things you can do to improve your self-worth in addition to the above walking mantra “I am worthy”.

Try any or all of these:

  • Challenge negative self-talk. When you catch yourself thinking negative things about yourself, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they are really true (most of them are definitely not). If not, try to replace them with more positive thoughts.
  • Set realistic expectations. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay. Learn to accept yourself for who you are.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. The people you spend time with have a big impact on your self-esteem. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself. If this isn’t always possible then try to limit your time with them!
  • Take care of yourself. Make sure you are eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and moving your body regularly. Taking care of your physical health will help you feel better about yourself and your self-worth..
  • Forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. If you’ve done something wrong, forgive yourself and try to move on. Holding on to guilt and shame will only make you feel worse.
  • Focus on your strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Make a list of your strengths and focus on developing them. When you focus on your strengths, you’ll feel more confident and worthy.
  • Do things that make you happy. When you do things that make you happy, you’ll feel better about yourself. Make time for activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with the people you love, pursuing hobbies, or giving back to your local community.
  • Seek professional help. If you’re struggling to feel worthy on your own, don’t be afraid to seek professional help. A therapist or a coach can help you identify the root of your low self-worth so that you can let them go and develop new beliefs about yourself.

The most important thing to remember is that it takes time and and some effort to build a strong sense of self-worth. But it’s SO worth it (pardon the pun 🤪). When you feel worthy, you’ll live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life but it can take small steps to get there.

Here is a link to one of my previous blogs with some very wise words from Brené Brown

You were born worthy of love and belonging
Brené Brown – Worthiness and Shame

And if you want to go in even deeper, here’s a super short video on worthiness I shared a while ago:

Trust your worthiness

Remember, you are worthy simply because you exist. You are worthy of love, respect, and happiness. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, and that includes you!

If you’d like to find out how you can work with me to develop that deep sense of self-worth, why not book in a call with me so we can see if this healing work is for you? Here’s the link

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Loving Ourselves is a Journey

Images of a woman looking in a mirror and Liz Doyle. Text says "Loving ourselves is a journey. Liz Doyle the positive change coach

Loving ourselves is definitely a journey and NOT a destination. There will be good days and there will be err not so good days. And that’s okay. 

AND loving your body is even more of a journey, not a destination. It’s a process of learning to accept and appreciate your body for all that it is, the so-called flaws and all. 

It’s about finding the beauty in your unique shape, size, and proportions. And it’s about celebrating your body’s strength, resilience, and ability to do amazing things.

If you’re struggling to love your body, know that you’re not alone. Many many people, especially women struggle with body image issues, and it can be difficult to overcome them. But it is possible. With time, effort, and self-compassion, you can learn to love your body and feel good about yourself.

How can you love your body more?

Here are a few tips to help you on your journey to loving your body:

  • Challenge your negative thoughts about your body. When you catch yourself thinking negative things about your body, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they’re really true. Are you really as…. (insert the words you use here) as you think you are? The answer is probably no. Our thoughts about our bodies can be very distorted, so it’s important to challenge them and see them for what they are. They are just thoughts.
  • Focus on your body’s strengths. Instead of focusing on your body’s flaws, focus on its strengths. What can your body do? Is it strong? Is it flexible? Is it healthy? Make a list of all the things your body can do and read it over whenever you’re feeling down about your appearance. I’d even suggest writing your body a love letter – go to town. Your body is truly amazing.
  • Practise self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, just as you would be to a really close friend. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Remember that we are all beautiful works in progress. You are worthy of love and respect, no matter what.
  • Find a support system. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and who will help you to love your body too. This could be friends, family, a therapist, or a support group. Having people in your corner who will cheer you on and help you to see the beauty in your body can make a big difference. This might be where I come in – check this link out for more info.

Loving your body is a journey, but it’s a journey that is so well worth taking.

When I think how I used to hate my body and would be so full of shame because of what I told myself, I want to give my younger self (not that much younger self too) a big old hug.

When you learn to love your body, you’ll feel more confident, more happy, and more free. So don’t give up. Keep working on it, and day by day, you will start to love and accept your body more and more, “flaws” and all. And the MAGIC is when we start to do that our bodies start to change – it’s as if all the resistance starts to melt away.

This video will walk you through what’s involved in my 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight and this page shows you how to get started.

21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight


Babies are born with a natural love of their bodies. They explore their bodies with their hands and mouths, and they love to be held and cuddled. As we grow older, we start to learn about the different parts of our bodies and what they can do. 

As time goes on, we might start to compare ourselves to other children, and maybe become aware of body image issues. Or this might be down to watching and listening to our parents or other care givers if they made negative comments about their bodies or the bodies of others.

Maybe you were compared to others

Being compared to other children will only make a child feel self-conscious about their own bodies. Which, of course, can lead to so many body image issues in our adult lives.

It might be you were picked on or even bullied as a child by your peers for being too tall, on the larger side, for wearing glasses, the list goes on, doesn’t it? No wonder this can lead to a toxic relationship with our bodies and therefore food.

We all want to be accepted and if any of this resonated, it might be a good idea to connect with your inner child. Love that little girl, gently reassure her that she is safe and is loved and accepted just the way she is. It’s a very powerful exercise.

Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you have children and you want them to have a positive body image, it is important to set a good example. Make sure you talk positively about your own body and avoid making negative comments about your appearance.


Words of Wisdom from Louise Hay

I’m sharing some of Louise Hay’s words of wisdom when it comes to loving our bodies. She absolutely believed what we constantly affirm becomes true for us. It has certainly worked for me too.

“Little babies love every inch of their bodies. 

They have no guilt, no shame, and no comparison. You were like that, and then somewhere along the line you listened to others who told you that you were “not good enough.” 

You began to criticise your body, thinking perhaps that that’s where your flaws were.

Let’s drop all of that and get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are. 

The subconscious mind has no sense of humour and does not know false from true. 

It only accepts what we say and what we think as the material from which it builds. 

By repeating these positive affirmations over and over, you will be planting new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind, and they will become true for you.

Here are some examples:

I Love My Body

My body is a glorious place to live. 

My body serves me so well.

I marvel at the miracle that is my body. 

I choose the healing thoughts that create and maintain my healthy body and make me feel good. 

I love and appreciate my beautiful body

When you practise affirmations to Love Your Body, stand in front of the mirror and repeat each new thought pattern ten times. 

Do this twice a day. 

You can also write your affirmations ten times during the day too if you wish.

Work with one affirmation a day. 

Then if there is any part of your body you still dislike or have a problem with—use that particular affirmation daily for at least a month, or until positive change takes place.

If doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up, just recognise them for what they are— old limiting beliefs that want to stay around. 

They have no power over you. 

Say to them gently, “Thank you for sharing! I no longer need you.” Then repeat your affirmations again.

Where you stop working is where your resistance is. Notice the part of your body that you don’t want to love. Give this part extra attention so you may go beyond the limitation. Release the resistance.

In this way, within a short time, you will have a body you love and accept. 

And your body will respond by giving you really good health.

I love and appreciate my beautiful mind.

I love my eyes. I see clearly in every direction.

I love my nose. I am the power and authority in my world.

I love my back. I am supported by life itself.

I love my hips. I carry myself through life in perfect balance.

I love my legs. I move forward in life, unencumbered by the past.

For more of Louise’s wonderful wisdom, follow this link.

Thank you for joining me in this safe space today and here’s where you go to find out how you can love yourself and/or your body more and more.

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Who’s Winning? You or the Voice in Your Head?

Image of a woman staring at herself in the mirror with text - "Who's Winning? You or the Voice in Your Head?"

We all have one – that inner saboteur! Whispering away inside our head and sometimes it feels non-stop or it does until we decide enough is enough. That was me. I had spent what felt like a life time letting that voice tell me all kinds of really crappy things. Telling me I was stupid, that I didn’t matter, that I was unimportant, that I was too loud, too quiet, fat, lumpy, unpopular…. I could go on. Who’s winning?

The first relationship we have in life is with ourselves. No one else goes through every experience in life with us. No matter how long we might have a partner for, we are our one permanent companion. And yet we are often our absolute worst critic. Do you agree?

If you are wondering who’s winning, you or the voice in your head, I have a lovely little exercise to remind ourselves of our magnificence and fabulousness. It’s similar to exercises I do with my clients but this is really short and so simple, you can do it in less than 5 minutes.

5 Things I Like About Myself

Start by writing down at least 5 things that you like about yourself.

Have you noticed that I haven’t said love because if it was “5 things I love about myself”, some might not even go there. So, let’s stick to 5 things you like about yourself.

Now, I don’t want you to be modest! If you’re finding it hard to come up with 5 then this exercise can really help you. I’m not talking about physical attributes but you can add them if you wish but we are SO much more than that. Our bodies are only part of who we are.

If it’s really tricky to list the 5 things, think of what you like about people in your life that you really admire, because these traits are often qualities that you possess too. Another thing that might help is to think of 5 things that voice in your head says about you and flip them to a positive!! Yes it does work 😊

This is the challenging bit – continue this process for a week, thinking of five new things you like about yourself each day.

At the end of the week, read the list aloud to yourself while standing in front of a mirror. Yes, we’re back to that mirror again! Instead of looking for the things that you dislike about yourself or what the voice in your head calls you, allow the mirror to reflect your magnificence. Because you are and fabulous too.

You may feel really daft standing in front of a mirror and reading your list out loud, but it might bring a smile to your face and start to change the way you see yourself.

For those moments when you think the voice in your head is winning

Remember, it’s when you feel the most resistant that this exercise can help you the most. Where there is the most resistance is where there is the biggest breakthrough. I was told this at my Heal Your Life training and did I have some breakthroughs!! 

Modern life has taught us to look out at the world. To look outside of ourselves, instead of looking at ourselves and becoming more aware of who we truly are.  No wonder, we don’t see the magnificence that we are and that which others often can see.

When we take the time to experience ourselves the way we would experience someone we love and admire, we become our best champion and cheerleader on life’s journey.


Love Yourself Advent Calendar

If you like this little exercise, then you’ll love the Love Yourself Advent Calendar which I am hosting in my private FB group – JOIN HERE, if you’re not already a member. This special 24 day Advent Calendar will help you to honour, support and love yourself all the way up to Christmas. 

The Advent Calendar will be a mixture of meditations, live videos and printables to bring more self-love into your life. 

In case you’re concerned, no meditation experience is required!

Let this calendar draw you closer into what feels true to you, and invite in a healthier and happier you for a truly fabulous Christmas.

Each day is designed to encourage you to take a little time to tend to your mind, body and also your spirit if that’s your thing.

Meditation is scientifically proven to help train your mind to focus and help you redirect your thoughts. It also helps with stress management, alleviates anxiety, improves concentration, and enhances self awareness. And remember – magic ALWAYS happens on the other side of awareness!

Join me if you want to level up your brain/body/spirit connection and feel the emotional ease that comes from giving this advent calendar as a gift to yourself each day. 

The invitation is yours and someone you care about – so invite them to the group too.

Take on the whole 24 days or drop in whenever it feels good for you.

Everyone can meditate and everyone can take a little time for themselves to breath, to take time out and just be.


If you’d like to find out more about my 1 to 1 online coaching sessions, follow this link or my online course to let go of the weight, follow this link.

Who’s Winning? You or the Voice in Your Head? Read More »

Tired of Feeling Fed Up with your Weight?

Image of Liz Doyle the positive change coach with this text; FREE Masterclass for Women How to Let Go of the Weight Once and for All. Friday 17th June 2022

How to let Go of the Weight Once and for All – FREE Masterclass for Women

Are you totally fed up thinking about your weight?

This is what some of the women had to say after a recent Masterclass I shared:

“You did a great job and some definite discoveries came out of it. I would love to join.”


“Gosh so much of what you said really resonated! Wow I’d love to do your course and be free of my old patterns. I’m wondering who would emerge!!!”


“As always with your work it was fascinating, thought provoking and that final meditation was so powerful.”


“I wanted to congratulate you on an amazing session. It was delivered with such gentleness, vulnerability and love. I had no idea how much you struggled so much with cravings yourself and I imagine it will inspire and motivate many women to follow in your footsteps.”


If you’re feeling like life has gotten messy, you’re not alone.

Life can be tough these days, and it can be hard to feel like you’re fully present and fully yourself.

You put so much energy into keeping all the balls in the air but it can feel overwhelming or out of control.

No wonder, you might feel like the fridge is your friend, or you numb your emotions with booze or head for the bread bin to forget about stuff.

Maybe you’re feeling so exhausted and fed up with your weight?

Again, you’re not alone.

Here’s the good news. There’s a way out.


✨ How to breakthrough your relationship with your body and food without fear, shame or self-sabotage

During this masterclass, I’ll share my own story and the THREE Secrets that took me from a place where I was ashamed of my body and by my emotional eating and always feeling guilty to a place where I have let go of my weight and truly love my body AND I enjoy all the food I eat without any guilt or shame.

✨You’ll hear all about this and my 3 Secrets when you join me on the 17th at 12.30pm.

✨ I’ll share simple, straightforward advice that you can implement straight away to help you move away from all the shame and guilt to where you live your life with ease and joy with the vibrant, healthy body you deserve.

Hope to see you on the webinar – reserve your spot now using this link

If you REALLY can’t make it live, OF COURSE I will send out the replay (you still need to register), but I promise it will be much better live – including a very special prize giveaway.

Now, it’s your turn. Let me help you get back on track.

Go to my Let Go of The Weight page for more information 💚

Tired of Feeling Fed Up with your Weight? Read More »

Are You Living Up To Your True Potential?

Text for the blog entitled "Are you living up to your true potential?" - I have the courage to live my dreams. Louise Hay. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach

Yesterday, in my regular love letter, I shared this big old subject which can make some of us shudder. I know it can for me sometimes – are you living up to your true potential?

Not living up to my true potential!!

Oooh, I feel better just for sharing that and I realise that it may make me sound like some sort of high achiever but I have never ever identified with that term.

However, that question is there, sitting on my shoulder, occasionally whispering in my ear.

I went to a grammar school run by nuns (say no more) but I never reached my potential there as I wasn’t nurtured or encouraged. 

I guess they did their best. But there were rigid frameworks of what academic path to take and if you didn’t fit into that shape then you were left adrift – very much adrift. I was definitely a round peg trying to be shoved into a square hole. Does that resonate? I spent most of my formative years feeling a little lost and I carried that with me for a long time until I discovered Louise Hay’s work and coaching.

Coming out of a toxic marriage was a HUGE catalyst for me to stop letting my life just pass me by. I’d had some amazing life experiences up until my mid 20’s but then they seemed to dry up (apart from having my 3 beautiful daughters in my 30’s, of course). Because of the exciting things I had been doing, this meant I had never embarked on a ‘career’ as such so was making do for a long time. Looking back, I realise I also never felt good enough to do more and so worked around my daughters which tbh, I don’t regret as those years were so precious.

I’m now 62 and am only just realising what I’m actually capable of and I am embracing it wholeheartedly.

So I am testament, it’s never ever too late. Helping women love themselves and accept themselves as they are is just life changing. 

And life is also so much more than these achievements isn’t it? The richness of life is also in the smallest of moments where we just enjoy our friends’ laughter or watch a butterfly land on a flower. It really is about the rich tapestry of life and all that entails.

So what about you? Are you living up to your true potential? Is this linked to your work or maybe to other things in your life like charity work or hobbies? Or does the thought just make you shudder? I’d love to know.

The following quote has always fascinated me:

“What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” 

This quote is attributed to Robert H Schuller as well as Eleanor Roosevelt 

Drop me an email or a message and let me know.

Would you like to connect with your true self and realise your potential?

My diary is open if you’d like to have a call to see if we’d be a good fit or to find out about my online course, you can book here or have a peek at the rest of my website here.

This is such a perfect affirmation for the subject of living to your true potential

” I have the courage to live my dreams “

Louise Hay

P.S. If you would like to receive my fortnightly love letter with ideas and inspiration for loving yourself more, follow this link and you will also receive my 7 Simple Morning Rituals for a Beautiful Day.

Want a chat about my 1 to 1 coaching or my online course “21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight”?


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Are you ready to open up?

Photo of Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach with blossoms. Text - What are you open to?

What does the month of April mean?

I read this somewhere so thought I’d share just in case you like little facts like this!

April is rooted in the Latin verb “aperire” meaning “to open”, which could be a reference to the opening or blossoming of flowers and trees. Nice I thought 🌸🌸

When I discovered the power of Louise Hay’s work, I started feeling like I had been living in a kind of “winter” for a long time, and then I started “opening” to a newer and fresher period of my life. 

Do you know why? Because I learnt how to be happy with who I am and how to communicate what I wanted to communicate.

The reason why I am telling you this is because I would like to share my main 3 tips that can help you to “open up” to a better approach to all areas of your life.

1 – Shine a light on your negative thoughts and limiting beliefs

We are looking to see where our negative patterns came from. In order to change limiting beliefs, they must be brought out of the subconscious minds into our awareness If you’re not aware of what’s going on, then how can you change? 

That’s why I say magic happens on the other side of awareness.

Awareness is truly the key to change. Negative life patterns can be eradicated with positive processing, but it takes time and practise. Your thoughts can change your life – honest!

When we become aware of our self-limiting beliefs, we can still love others fully but without feeling guilty or looking for approval. We are not driven by fear of abandonment. To heal, we need to become aware of our stored feelings, express them and release them. This work is all about awareness and going deeper each time and the deeper we go, the more we can transform our lives.

So, what are some of the beliefs and ideas you learned about yourself and the world around you growing up? Do they all serve you? If not, you can let them go.

2 – To open up, forgive!

Is there someone you can’t forgive? 😳 Or maybe more than one person? 

A lot of my clients, at the beginning of our sessions, really don’t want to forgive those that have hurt them in life (and maybe are still hurting them). 

This is really hard for them but when they start to realise that forgiving these people, sets them free – well I couldn’t be happier. 

I know what it feels like to not want to forgive – I was so justified in holding on to my anger and resentment but bloody hell – when you start to forgive or even say “I am willing to forgive”, things start to shift. 

What’s so wonderful is once they start forgiving, my clients often continue with the forgiveness exercises I share long after working with me – because, we’re never done and there’s always more to do. But that’s a good thing as it frees itself from our bodies and our minds so we can really enjoy life so much more. And isn’t that what life should be about? 

Remembering that we are victims of victims really helps I think and it’s what I try to share in my sessions so that we can start to move on with our lives with love, compassion and forgiveness.

So WHY forgive? Because holding a place of “I am not willing to forgive” you are affecting your own well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

People often hold back on forgiveness because they think it condones betrayal or abuse from the other person. It doesn’t. However, as long as you resist forgiveness, you are giving the other person or situation power over you. You are allowing yourself to be held hostage. In a way, forgiving others is selfish because you are choosing freedom for yourself over blaming someone else and staying a victim.

“ You can never be free of bitterness as long as you continue to think unforgiving thoughts. How can you be happy in this moment if you continue to choose to be angry and resentful? Thoughts of bitterness can’t create joy. No matter how justified you feel you are, no matter what “they” did, if you insist on holding on to the past, then you will never be free. Forgiving yourself and others will release you from the prison of the past. ”

Louise Hay

The most difficult person to forgive is often ourselves.

Do you feel the same?

Forgive yourself.

Let the past go.

You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness & knowledge that you had. Now you are growing & changing and you will live life differently.

3 – Love Yourself a little bit more every day

We’re not going to love ourselves totally in one day, but we can love ourselves a little bit more every day. 

Each day, we give ourselves a little bit more love, and in 2 or 3 months, we will have come so much further in loving ourselves. 

Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. So, praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing. A lot of us were told growing up don’t get too big for your boots or who do you think you are – maybe you spoke up for yourself, but those messages still get absorbed.

Begin with little things. Tell yourself that you are wonderful. If you do it once and then stop, it doesn’t work. Keep at it, even if it’s one minute at a time. Believe me, it does get easier. 

Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself while looking in the mirror. At least once a day say: “I love you, I really love you!” Events come and go, but the love that you have for yourself is constant, and it is the most important quality you possess in your life.

LOVE YOURSELF – DO IT NOW! Are you waiting to get it right? Don’t wait until you lose the weight; put the weight on; or get the new job; get more clients; more money or the new relationship. Dissatisfaction with yourself is a habit pattern. If you can be satisfied with yourself now – if you can love and approve of yourself now, then when good comes into your life, you will be able to enjoy it. 

Once you learn to love yourself, you can begin to love and accept other people. This might sound very simplistic, but the quickest way to change any problem is to love who we are. It is amazing how the loving vibrations we send out will attract to us people who are loving. 

It all begins with self-acceptance and self-love. You are not here to please other people or to live your life their way. You can only live it your own way and walk your own path. 

You are here to learn and grow and to love yourself. So begin NOW and do the best you can. 

So finally – are you ready to open up?

These were just 3 ways to open up to a new future. I have more, of course, but these are my top 3. If you need some more inspiration, have a look at my videos – Louise Hay’s How To Love Yourself, starting with Stop All Criticism. This is an ongoing process for me too because I am human, but compared to how I used to be, well, I am truly a different person.

Are you ready to open up? Stop all criticism

My coaching sessions are all about opening up to a new future, opening up to loving yourself. This link will take you to see how you can work with me or you might like to check out my online course, 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight.

I’d love to know what you think and I’m going to ask you again – are you ready to open up?

Are you ready to open up? Read More »

Happy Mother’s Day?

Image of a piece of paper with Happy Mother's Day on it and text - Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

I hope it’s a happy mothers day for all mother figures.

Here in the UK on Sunday, it was Mother’s Day and my daughters have always made a lovely fuss of me since they were very small. Some years they would all make me gorgeous home made gifts and cards. And I have treasured them all. As they are now all young women, they still give me flowers and sometimes make me something (this year my youngest made me a beautifully printed card) but… those extra special cuddles and kisses are not so numerous which is how life is and that’s OK.

But it hasn’t always been an easy day because my relationship with my mum was not an easy one and she wasn’t a very easy woman to love. She was distant and cold as well as being pretty angry most of the time. I now really understand and “get” her story of what made her that way. I have forgiven her many times although she passed quite a while ago and know that she couldn’t really give the love she was never given in the first place. Because of Louise Hay, I totally understand that she was doing the best she could at the time with the knowledge, awareness and understanding that she had then.

Here’s a very short video on why forgiveness sets you free 🦋

Video – Forgiveness

Mother’s Day can be a difficult day

I know I’m not the only one who has found Mother’s Day a difficult day. Maybe because you don’t get on or she’s no longer around or you can’t get to see her. And of course, it can so very hard for those who are not able to have children when that’s all they want in the world. These sorts of days can be really difficult reminders especially when we see all the happy posts on social media.

All kinds of mums

Nowadays, I understand that Mother’s Day isn’t just for birth mothers but all kinds. It’s also for them.

Mum who has a lost a child

Adoptive mum

IVF mum

Surrogate mum

Dad who has to be a mum too

Mum of her furbabies

Mum of a special needs child

Mum of a child with health challenges

Mum who feels like she’s failing 

You are not forgotten and you are never alone and if I’ve missed any other kind of mum, it wasn’t intentional.

What goes on in that womb!

I have been reading up a bit more about what happens as the baby grows inside the mother and although I knew a fair bit (I am a mum of 3 girls after all), I have either forgotten some of this or never knew it in the first place. It just blew me away.

When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mother’s bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠

For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mother’s tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too.

Even if a pregnancy doesn’t go to full term, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream which is a lovely thing to know as I miscarried two babies.

Research has shown that if a mother’s heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialise in mending the heart.

The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby.

How cool is that?

This is often why certain illnesses vanish while a woman is pregnant (now so much makes sense).

It’s incredible how the mother’s body protects the baby at all costs, and the baby protects and rebuilds the mother back – so that the baby can develop safely and survive.

Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain eighteen years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?

If you’re a mum, you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there… 

Well, now there is scientific proof that mums carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them.

I think this is all so beautiful.

Why is Mother’s Day different in the UK?

Where does Mothering Sunday in the UK originate from? I’ve been looking this up too

It always falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent – exactly 3 weeks before Easter, in the UK and some others parts of the world.

Originating in the Middle ages when children who were employed in domestic service were allowed to go home to their “mother church” – so the connection with mothers was not as we celebrate it today.

Naturally the journey home became an opportunity for families to get together and the children would pick flowers for their mothers on their way home.

It was also a time when the fasting rules of Lent were slightly relaxed, and also it became known as Simnel Sunday – a day when Simnel cakes are traditionally baked.

Mothering Sunday is celebrated on different days around the world – in the U.S and most of Europe this year it will be on 8th May and in France they celebrate on the last Sunday in May.

If you are lucky enough to have your mother still with you and you have a loving and nourishing relationship- treasure and value that relationship. But we know there can be so many motherly figures who can fulfil that role. The most important thing is to know you are always loved.

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you move on from difficult relationships and know that you are always enough just as you are, follow this link

Happy Mother’s Day? Read More »

Do you feel you don’t have enough?

Photo of a field of sunflowers and text Do you have enough? and Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach. This accompanies the blog - Do you feel you don’t have enough?

Not enough abundance and maybe not enough money?

Do you feel you don’t have enough? Money? Love? Time? ✨

For the rest of March because let’s face it, it is the spring cleaning month (not that I have ever spring cleaned in my life), I will be sharing ideas with my community how clearing out at home creates space. It creates space for some really great ways to allow some good stuff to come into your life.

That could be more loving relationships, more joy, better feelings of wellness and vitality and of course money!

I’ve been doing a bit of de-cluttering physically recently which always helps with clearing the clutter in my mind and also just shifting some energy.

I decided to collect all the loose change in the house and I mean everywhere and it really made me realise how I think of money. If I want more money, I need to look after what I have. I know I have come a long way thanks to Louise Hay but….. 

It’s been a while since I’ve done any proper collecting of money around the house and it paid me such a great lesson✨✨

I’m very proud of my £30 for myself I’ve gleaned from everywhere else in the house too, plus around £14 in larger coins which means I have a lovely bulging purse for when I pass someone collecting in the street. And I have £30+ for the charities I had been collecting for as well. 

I have also sorted old premium bonds I have had for years but at an old address! 💁🏻‍♀️

From all of this activity, I have already seen some amazing things happen in just a few days – some beautiful new clients seem to have popped out of nowhere for instance.

If you would like to welcome in more abundance, and let’s face it money, into your life, why not give this a go? What have you got to lose?

How we treat money like this is very symbolic to how we’re treating money in all areas of our lives.

And how you’re allowing yourself to receive. 

You have to use what you already HAVE before the Universe sends you more. You have to create a vacuum. 

Why would the Universe give you more, when you’re clogging up your flow – OR mistreating what you already have?

AND gratitude brings more abundance so feel the appreciation for all you have and you just keep on welcoming in more.

So, when you have a little time to yourself, why not look for ALL the loose coins and money lying around.

Bags 👜, pockets of your coats, your drawers and boxes, down the back of the sofa! 🛋

Count it all and see how much abundance you already have. 😊

You can put it in a really beautiful bowl, a pretty money box or cash it in.

I realised that all of these coins counted towards unappreciated and unacknowledged abundance – basically a metaphor for how money is treated in your life. 

Giving your money a home means it can multiply like bunnies!!! 🐰🐰🐰

Let me know how you get on – having fun with these exercises is what it’s all about too 😉🤪

I’ll be looking at how de-cluttering can bring so much more joy and just peace into our lives over the coming days so if you’d like to get some more ideas to welcome in more abundance into your life, why not join my Facebook community here?

De-cluttering is very much part of letting go. Letting go of what’s no longer serving you or what’s not good for you. That’s why it forms an important part of my coaching and of course, my online course – 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight as the title implies. When it comes to binge and emotional eating, it’s never about the weight or the food but about what we need to let go of.

For more information on the 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weightfollow this link.

Do you feel you don’t have enough? Read More »

What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway?

Text - I am Loved. I am Loving. I am Lovable. Louise Hay - this image accompanies the blog, What is Valentine's Day all about anyway? Text - I am Loved. I am Loving. I am Lovable. Louise Hay. Liz Doyle - Positive Change Coach

You’d need to be living under a rock not to have noticed it was Valentine’s Day yesterday, don’t you think? What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway?

There is so much hype about this one day of the year.

Valentine’s Day can be such a tricky day for those not in a relationship. It can also be pretty tricky for those in a relationship that isn’t thriving and loving and empowering. 

You’ll probably guess where I’m going to go with this post – start with yourself.

No matter if you’re in a relationship or not – Be your own Valentine and it really shouldn’t be for just one day.

What did you give yourself yesterday? 💌

What are you going to give yourself tomorrow? 🥰

When was the last time you had a date? 🍽

With yourself? 😊

Bought yourself some flowers… 💐 some REALLY good chocolate? 🍫

On St Val’s day, I romanced myself. I gave myself some love. In lots of small ways but they make such a difference. 

One of them is to affirm:

“I am loved. I am loving. I am lovable.”

Louise Hay

Say it with me 😊♥️♥️

If you’re looking for more connection, more meaning, and more happiness in your life, then you need to LOVE yourself first 😊♥️

Look at yourself in the mirror and say:

“I love you, I really, really love you”.

Here are some other things you can try to give love to yourself:

😍 Massage some love into your face, maybe with some oils – a little bit of almond oil with rose (the essential oil of self-love) or lavender is fantastic but any oil or even a moisturiser will do just as well.

🥰 Close your eyes. Breathe in love into your heart centre. Breathe out love to everyone in the world (this is magical).

👣 Give yourself a mini pedicure – fill a bowl with warm water and some Epsom salts for all that yummy magnesium and soak up all that love there is for you.

🗣 Whisper sweet nothings to yourself. Tell yourself how proud you are of how far you have come. 

✍️ Connect with your inner child or inner teenager by writing a love letter to yourself as you were at a time when you needed some extra love and support. Look at my earlier blog about connecting with your inner child here.

♥️ Forgive yourself. Remind yourself that you were doing the best you could at the time, with the knowledge, awareness and understanding you had at that time. Say it out loud – “I forgive you”.

😘 Are there are any parts of yourself that you are ashamed of? It is so so important to give love to those parts that you hold shame over. Let it all go.

For even more inspiration to love yourself more, go to my A to Z of Self-Love playlist and here is the link.

How are you going to love yourself even more for the rest of the month? Let me know 🥰

I’m going to close with another and super simple affirmation from the truly wonderful Louise Hay – “Life Loves Me!” 

#valentinesday #iamlove #louisehay #affirmations #loveyourself

What is Valentine’s Day all about anyway? Read More »