Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Louise Hay

Gratitude for The Good, The Bad, Or The Ugly

Image of a woman with text saying Gratitude for the Good, the Bad, Or The Ugly. Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

How can we feel grateful for the good, the bad or the downright ugly? Gratitude for a bad day, a bad week or a really bad month seems crazy sometimes doesn’t it?

BUT we can try to practise feeling gratitude for all of the situations in our lives. Even really challenging situations can contain important lessons that are linked to our growth and our capacity to receive abundance. Your intentions will occur in divine timing, not necessarily your timing. 

When we practise gratitude, more and more magical moments and divine synchronicities can show up in our lives. By letting go of expectations and embracing appreciation for the present moment, we can experience the benefits of gratitude every day. Worrying too much about the past or future can have negative effects on our mental health, making it essential to practise letting go.

How can we let go and cultivate genuine gratitude for the good, the bad or the ugly?

We’ve all been there, clinging to things that no longer serve us, whether it’s a grudging job, a toxic relationship, or even just a negative thought pattern. But holding onto baggage weighs us down, preventing us from experiencing the joy and abundance that life has to offer.

Letting Go – Releasing the grip of what no longer serves you

Where do we begin with letting go? It’s not about pretending negativity doesn’t exist, but rather acknowledging it and gently releasing its hold on us.

Here are some ways to start:

Mindfulness – Take a moment to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Notice what brings you down and then, with conscious intention, release it. Imagine it as a balloon floating away into the sky.

Journaling – Write down your worries, fears, and frustrations. Putting them on paper can help you process and release them. Then safely burn or tear up the paper symbolically letting go.

Forgiveness – Holding onto grudges is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. Forgive those who have wronged you, not for them, but for your own inner peace.

Acceptance – Sometimes, things just don’t go our way. Instead of fighting against reality, practise acceptance. Accept what is, and then see what possibilities open up. I have found this practice so powerful.

  • What would you like to let go of?
  • What thoughts are holding you back?
  • What feelings and emotions are making you feel stuck?

What practice from the ones I shared might help you? Mindfulness; Journaling; Forgiveness; Acceptance

How can you cultivate gratitude when life throws you lemons?

We all know those times when happiness feels like a distant memory, and the weight of the world seems to be on our shoulders. But even in the midst of hardship, there’s often a flicker of light, a reason to be grateful. 

Let’s have a look at the power of gratitude and how it can be a source of strength and resilience even when life feels tough.

The Challenge of Gratitude in Difficult Times

Let’s be honest, feeling grateful when life is bloody hard can feel downright absurd. 

When we’re facing financial struggles, relationship breakdowns, health issues, or any other kind of adversity, the last thing we want to do is count our blessings. It’s natural to feel angry, frustrated, and overwhelmed. 

So, why even bother with gratitude in these moments? I’ve been there myself. A few years ago, it felt like everything was falling apart. I was putting a brave face on everything for my family,  but I was in such a dark place. Just functioning really, when I look back – it was very dark.

But in the middle of all that darkness, I was recommended to start a practice that helped me so much. Every day, I’d force myself to write down three things I was grateful for, no matter how small. It could be something as simple as a warm cup of tea in bed, a beautiful sunset, or a walk with my dog.

At first, it didn’t feel real at all. But gradually, something shifted. My focus started to move away from the negativity and towards the little pockets of good that still existed in my life.

This highlights something very important – gratitude isn’t about ignoring the bad things. It’s about acknowledging them while also choosing to appreciate the good that still exists, even in very small doses.

The Science of Gratitude

But gratitude isn’t just about feeling warm and squishy. There’s a growing body of research that shows the real, tangible benefits of practising gratitude. Studies have shown that gratitude can:

  • boost our mood
  • improve our sleep
  • strengthen our relationships
  • even increase our resilience in the face of stress and adversity.

Gratitude activates a specific reward pathway in the brain, releasing feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. This, in turn, can lead to a more positive outlook, increased motivation, and a stronger sense of well-being. Additionally, focusing on the good things in our lives can help us change the way we view challenges and setbacks, making them seem less daunting and more manageable.

It’s good to know that there is actual science behind why feeling grateful makes us feel better! 

How To Cultivate Gratitude in Hard Times

Okay, so we know that gratitude is good for us, even when life is hard. But how do we actually cultivate it when negativity feels like it’s taking over? 

Here are a few practical tips:

Start Small

Don’t try to force yourself to be grateful for really big things. Begin with simple things, like the taste of your favourite food, your morning shower, or the feeling of sunlight on your face.

A gratitude meditation might be a helpful way to start small. There are an awful lot of guided Gratitude meditations out there. I have one on Insight Timer, and it also incorporates the teachings of Louise Hay so even more to love! It’s called Louise Hay Gratitude Meditation, would you believe!

Here’s the link for you to access it

Keep A Gratitude Journal 

Spend a few minutes each day writing down three things you’re grateful for. This can be a powerful way to train your brain to focus on the positive. If it helps, you can join my group on Insight Timer – Liz Doyle’s Gratitude & Support Group and here’s the link to join. It helps me to keep to a daily gratitude practice.

Express Your Gratitude

Tell the people you care about what you appreciate about them. Not only will this make you feel good, but it will also strengthen your relationships. The power of a simple “thank you” can be quite incredible.

Focus On The Small Wins

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small. This will help you build a sense of confidence and optimism.

Maybe you already practise gratitude on a daily basis. If so, I’d love to hear what your practice is. Why not drop me an email and let me know; And if you don’t, has this article inspired to start? Again, let me know.

A Message of Hope

Remember, it’s okay not to feel grateful all the time. Life can be messy and it’s perfectly normal to experience a range of emotions. But when you’re feeling down, try to give gratitude a chance. You might be surprised at the difference it can make. Even the smallest spark of appreciation can be a powerful source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

When we focus on what we’re thankful for, even in the midst of challenges, our outlook starts to shift. We start to see the beauty and abundance that surrounds us. Because it really does.

Remember, letting go and cultivating gratitude are not one-time events, but ongoing practices. The more we do them, the easier they become and the more joy and peace we experience in our lives.

I Have A Call To Action For You

I encourage you to take some time to really experience letting go and cultivating gratitude. By doing so, not only will you lift yourself up, you will lift others up. You will be creating a ripple effect of positivity in the world!

And this affirmation is something I live by:

Gratitude brings more to be grateful about. Today I am grateful

Louise Hay

I hope you found some inspiration in cultivating gratitude for the good in your life, the bad and maybe even the ugly.

It might be that although this is all very inspiring, you feel you need some deeper work to help you to truly love and accept yourself which you know is what is holding you back in life. If so, why not have a look at how you can work with me, here.

Gratitude for The Good, The Bad, Or The Ugly Read More »

Do You Want An Abundant Year?

Image of a woman's hand writing and text that says Do You Want An Abundant Year? More Info:

Of course, we all want an abundant year, don’t we but….

The new year can be a slow start, especially here in the northern hemisphere. It’s bloody cold, and with those dark mornings, how can we really rev those engines to get going in 2024?

Maybe you’re feeling tired and lazy from too much food or a lot of family time, and it’s okay to do nothing for a few days.

It’s really important to take enough time to relax and replenish, and not work until you’re close to burnout. But that’s easier said than done, at different times in our lives. Whether it’s due to work commitments, looking after our children or maybe ageing parents who we need to care for more and more.

We really don’t need the New Year hype to create a happy and abundant year. I mean, most of us don’t get in the groove until the second week of January anyway.

So, when’s the best time to set your intentions for 2024?

When you do it! That’s when.

Please don’t worry if you feel like you’re having a slow start to the year, there’s plenty of time. There is no need to rush.

I’m not a fan of New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals but you may well know that already!

Setting Intentions for An Abundant Year

But the New Year is such a perfect time for us to see what is to be released, what is to be kept and improved, and what is to be brought in. And you can take the whole of January to do that. There are another 11 months after this one even though, we will all be saying “Happy Christmas” before we know it!

So if you’re ready to look at what you have learnt and are moving on from last year and setting your intentions for an abundant year ahead, then I have a few ideas to share.

The best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are before bringing ourselves into the energetic flow for a fantastic and abundant 2024. It’s natural to look at things that didn’t happen last year or things that you didn’t do. Maybe relationships that came to an end, or other events that you perceive as being negative

But I challenge you to shift your thinking about last year so that you can set yourself up for a fulfilling year, this year.

Are you ready to draw that line in the sand?

In your notebook or journal I’d like you to answer these questions to help with the whole process. Don’t worry if you don’t have answers for the questions. They are just prompts to see what comes up for you. There is no wrong or right way of doing any of this. Trust that you are always being guided.

What shall I now release from my life? 

What am I holding on to that holds me back?

How am I being unloving to myself?

When we put pen to paper and write the words, it brings the thought from the mental and spiritual awareness into the physical realm of awareness.

Here’s a few more questions to ask yourself and write the answers in your notebook or journal:

How was last year healing?

What did I learn about myself?

How far have I come?

Now, I would like you to write down 5 successes you had in 2023. If you’re one of those people who tends to beat yourself up and think you don’t have any successes, I would urge you to write 2 or 3 for now and maybe spend time later adding to it. 

It’s always easy for us to give ourselves a hard time, but you’ve probably achieved far more than you think, and you deserve the credit. 

It could be that you have really started loving yourself more and you take more care of yourself. It could be something in your personal development that you’ve reached a new awareness about yourself. 

Magic always happens on the other side of awareness

At the very least — you survived — so write that down! Hurrah!

This exercise is very powerful so please, don’t skip it.

The trick is setting intentions that feel authentic to who you are and promise to bring real change to how you approach every aspect of your life. You can take as long as you need to, to reflect on your New Year’s intentions. Intentions truly have no limit.

Now, remind yourself that you are welcoming in this year with love and joy, knowing, as Louise Hay would say:

“that what we give out comes back to us multiplied “ 

I have a few more prompts for you to answer in your journal:

How do I want this year to be?

How abundant in every area of my life do I want to feel?

How much love am I willing to experience?

Louise Hay said “let something go and try something new”. She always inspired others by how she was continually learning and was always ready to try new things. Let’s be inspired to try something new this year. What will be your something new?

Your New Life Story For An Abundant Year

For you to create your new life story so that you can welcome abundance in all areas of your life this year, I have a few ideas to help you establish a routine. These include talking with your Inner Child, Mirror Work and creating powerful affirmations.

At first, it does take some energy and focus to establish a routine that includes your daily self-growth work. But, once you have a routine established it becomes so easy to continue it. It becomes a habit. A habit that can empower you every day of the year and your life.

So create that sacred space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom over the next couple weeks. Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receiving abundance in your life.

Are you saying YES to having the year you truly want? Because it’s here for you.

So no more New Year resolutions or making hard and fast goals for me.

However, what I do believe in, is committing to working on you! Working on your limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, feelings of not enoughness or too muchness.

You may have a few blocks in relation to your work, your relationships, your health, your finances, your body, your love life. 

So, the number one thing you can do to feel more abundant this year is to work on your mindset and beliefs about what you deserve. This means digging into those old stories and patterns that shape your relationship with yourself and the world around you.

A good place to start is to follow me on Insight Timer where you can find my recorded content and live event schedule.

Here’s the link

Maybe you’re ready to make a big shift in your life, to up-level every area of your life.

2024 can be a great year, your year.

And you don’t need to change who you are. By loving yourself more and more, you can create the life you have always deserved.

It’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just follow this link to find out how you can work with me.

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about the different ways you can work with me. I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

Here’s the link to book in that call

I look forward to hearing from you.

Remember, this is your year no matter what ♥️

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“ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ” Louise Hay

Image of a woman with outstretched arms and text saying "As I say yes to life, life says yes to me!" Louise Hay. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach

How do you feel when you say or just read this affirmation from the legendary and so inspirational Louise Hay, “ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ”?

Does it feel true for you? I know with all the stuff that goes on in life and everything going on around us, life doesn’t feel like it’s saying yes to us. I mean, did you read my last blog (link is here)?!!!! But then, are we always saying yes to life? 🤔

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a place of complete surrender, a place where you profoundly trust that you’re being taken care of by a Universal power at every moment?

To live with certainty that the Universe is really out to support you. That it’s on your side and has your back.

I know that seems like a big stretch to believe 24hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 or even 366 days a year. But let’s lean into it just for the moment.

We often try so hard to control everything in our lives that we forget the power of putting our faith in the Universe, and in letting go.

But once you get into the habit of doing all that you can from your human experience and trusting when you get that intuitive message “it’s time to let go and surrender to a Higher Power that is also a part of us” and you actually do it, you’ll begin experiencing a deep sense of peace and of well-being.

Our highest good can come from surrender.

I don’t mean the kind of surrender as in losing a battle surrender, but as in letting go of our own personal limitations and aligning totally with an intelligence and an energy that’s greater than ourselves and yet, that is also part of us.

If we can do this, we can be in a state of saying yes to the Universe.

When we say yes to the Universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the Universe, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding when we don’t like what we see.

Basically, instead of saying no and resisting everything that’s happening, simply say “yes”.

When you say yes, it’s like being a trapeze artist – you’re able to let go of the trapeze you’re holding on to, and sail through the air towards the next one. Without letting go and trusting the next one is there, forward motion just isn’t impossible.

It’s surrender and trust that creates a feeling of flow in every moment.

Now, I know that sometimes things happen that are NOT the way we want them, and believe me, that happens to me too. It’s as if we have to let go a bit before the hands of the other trapeze artist are there to catch us, but I also know that there’s an intelligence in the Universe that’s bigger than us and yet part of us.

An intelligence that can see things in ways that we can’t.

An intelligence that just wants you to hear it when it’s telling you, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this one.”

I now invite you to try this exercise.

It’s an exercise of acting from saying yes to what the Universe brings you and being led by your soul surrendering throughout the day.

This is an exercise that has been adapted from A Course in Miracles, and here’s what you do:

At the beginning of your day, close your eyes for just a moment, and take a few deep breaths, and offer these three questions to the Universe:

What would spirit have me do today?

Where would spirit have me go today?

What would spirit have me say and to whom?

And then, as you move through your day, use the answers that come to you as your inspiration from spirit, and simply say yes to whatever those answers are, trusting life’s unfolding.

And if you get stuck, ask the questions again.

When you act on the intuitive answers that show up and follow them trusting that spirit is guiding you and has your back, you’ll find yourself living more and more in a state of flow.

I’m reminding myself that it’s safe for me to say “yes” to the Universe more and more in my life and well, it has been miraculous sometimes. I’m not saying I always manage it. After all, I am human!

If you haven’t come across Louise Hay before, why not have a look at this video?

Let me know when you have said yes to the Universe and just surrendered, and how the Universe had your back. Email me via my contact page, I would love to hear about the beautiful synchronicities that have happened when you used Louise Hay‘s affirmation; “ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ”.

“ As I say yes to life, life says yes to me! ” Louise Hay Read More »

When Life Goes Wrong

Image of a woman with her face in her hands with words saying When Life Goes Wrong. Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach.

Sometimes it feels like one bad thing happens after another. I mean, one bad thing happens and then another bad thing happens and then another bloody bad thing happens. 

That was me last week – yes, it happens to me too. 

I was poodling along feeling so grateful for all the blessings in my life and then something happened on Monday which was pretty awful. The interesting thing was my trauma response was to go bed. Yes, when life goes very wrong – bury your head under the duvet and scream!!!

“What had I done wrong?” I asked myself. 

“How had I brought this on…?” 

After a lot of crying (and I mean a lot) screaming, swearing and getting support from my dearest friends and family, I soothed myself with –  

“the universe has your back; this happened because something much better is on its way”. 

So over the week, I picked myself up, dusted myself off and got back in the game of life. 

By Friday, I was feeling good! Zumba, working with clients and even doing sweet little live events on Insight Timer and with my private FB community.

And then BOOM 💣💥 – Friday afternoon another pretty awful thing happened and then Friday evening, yes, you guessed it, another bloody awful thing happened. 

Woah, I was in a bit of a state by the time I went to bed. Well, you know what, I wasn’t! I realised that the universe had been guiding me and helping to work through these issues and it was all happening for a reason. 

You see, I now have tools 👩🏼‍🏭🛠🗜🔩🧰 

Tools, to help me come out of the fight or flight mode. 

Tools to help me to calm my traumatised nervous system. 

Tools to help me lower my cortisol levels while raising my vibration. 

I’m not saying it’s necessarily easy but it does definitely work. 

I’m now back in a place of trust and knowing as Abraham Hicks says

“things are always working out for me (even when they don’t feel like they’re working out for me!)”. 

The world feels like a crazy place at the moment – there is so much fear about the cost of living crisis and devastating conflict in different parts of the world. It’s easy for so many of us to retreat into that place of foreboding and crippling feelings of lack and I’ll say it again, fear. 

What to do when life goes wrong… Badly!

If you’re in this situation or someone in your life is, some or all of the following points might help you / them. This is what helped me last week and really, any time I revert back into my “old self” of trauma induced paralysis. 

  • Scream, yes scream! If you’re in an environment that you can safely do this and you won’t scare the bejesus out of anyone near you. This gets it out of your body. You’re not trying to bury the emotions – you’re literally giving them a voice which is always so much better for you than squashing it all down.
  • Bash some pillows or cushions. Again, this is getting the anger out of the body and benefits you in much the same way as screaming but I recommend both. Louise Hay swore by giving pillows a good old bash on a regular basis even if she felt angry or not – she wrote about how buried feelings of anger and distress are so damaging to us in every way and this exercise gets it out. 
  • Talk to someone you can trust and who won’t judge you. This is really important. You need support from someone who is there for you. Someone who won’t criticise you (even subtly) or tell you what to do. They will just listen. These people are priceless so don’t ever let them go!!
  • Allow yourself to feel s**t. It is what it is AND you are where you are AND you feel how you feel. You’re allowed to have these feelings. We often start telling ourselves that we’re out of control or feel guilty for being so upset. This is often linked to childhood messages from our care givers, trying to get us to calm down and sometimes in not a very kind way. Embrace these feelings because the quicker you allow yourself to feel s**t, the quicker you will start to feel better.
  • FORGIVE yourself. Maybe some of what has happened is because of something you did or didn’t do. There is no point in blaming yourself and adding to the pile of crap you’re already feeling. And I think you know that. If you catch yourself berating yourself, just STOP. Stop right where you are and forgive yourself. Or at the very least say, “I am willing to forgive myself”. Life happens and this is a reminder that you are human and humans make mistakes.
  • Do nothing. You don’t have to decide anything straight away. You probably don’t have to react immediately, so don’t. It won’t help the situation none! Sit with it, absorb the information and go through the steps above. You don’t have to react when your cortisol levels are through the roof. I believe we are always being guided, so sit with it as best you can for now.
  • Praise yourself. I know, this sounds bonkers and yes it’s probably not easy to do straight away but if you’re like a lot of humans out there, you’ve probably gone through a fair bit in your life and you’re here to tell the tale. So, praise yourself for that! You have survived 100% of your worst days and you’re still here – maybe not smiling right now but you’re down, not out. Remind yourself of that – YOU ARE AMAZING. Yes, I say this to myself.

Now, what to do when you start to feel a bit better?

When the worst of the feelings start to abate, then what can you do?:

  • Meditation. You can sit and just breathe in and out slowly, counting on the in and out breath. I have shared lots of ideas on meditating in previous blogs. I meditate every single day and especially when I am facing challenges like this last week. My preferred go to is a guided meditation on that particular topic and there are 100’s to choose from on Insight Timer. I’m a teacher on the app now or have a look at my YouTube channel.
  • Tapping. EFT/Tapping is an incredible tool to help me lower any feelings of overwhelming stress and to reset my nervous system back to a calmer and more self-nurturing place. One of my favourites, is Tapping with Brad and here’s a great video on overwhelm.
  • Gratitude. No matter how bad life can get, there is always something that we can feel grateful about. But I know, it’s not that easy to do because, well, you just feel rubbish. But by slowly introducing or re-introducing (if you’ve lapsed a bit) a gratitude routine, you will not only help your wellbeing, mentally and physically, but you will start to have more to be grateful about. It is such a great way to raise your vibration. You are very welcome to join my small Gratitude & Support Group by joining my private FB group, Love Yourself – Women Inspiring Women. So, what are you grateful for today and, again, you can start small?
  • De-cluttering. I don’t mean housework! I mean intentionally clearing out something in your home, car, case or bag for the purpose of making way for something new. I am an enormous fan of decluttering and I’ve talked about it before with regard to manifesting abundance. In the last few days, I have been ritually burning some confidential papers that needed to go but I just hadn’t got round to doing it. The feeling of relief and release has been so profound. Start small but start – just start somewhere.
  • Get Yourself a God Box! I’m not a fan of the word God because it has been misused and abused by religions for millennia. I prefer Universe, Spirit even Goddess but God Box has such a great ring to it don’t you think? I have come across this before but I am currently working my way through Tosha Silver‘s wonderful book, “It’s Not Your Money” and she explains it all so well. Get yourself any kind of box (you choose how fancy or not) and write down on a piece of paper your burden. It can be about any subject at all (not just money) and offer it up to the Divine by popping it in the box. You can even say “I hand this to you Divine and I ask for the right actions to be shown to me”. Then do your best to forget about it! I found a lovely pink box to be my God Box and I already have 4 burdens in there 😊.

These are a few ideas of how you can help yourself when life goes wrong. I’m sure you might have a few tools of your own but sometimes, we just need a little reminder and that’s what this can be for you.

I hope that reading about my own authentic feelings shows you that life is a work in progress. We ALL have our stuff. But you might be in a place where your feelings run much deeper. You might think that it’s time to put YOU first. If so, have a look at what my coaching involves.

Just remember, you are never on your own and there is always support and guidance all around us.

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Books That Changed My Life

Image of Liz Doyle in a library with text saying "Books That Changed My Life."

I’ve read a lot of books in my life, but there are a few that have had a profound impact on me. These books have changed my life! These books have helped me to heal, to grow, and to live a more fulfilling life – a happier life. I would like to list more but we need to start somewhere with the top 5.

I am sharing links for you to buy the books from Amazon but if you prefer to support the circular economy; this is a link for World of Books and you might be able to get a used book in excellent condition.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

If you have read any of my previous blogs and checked out my website, you will know that Louise Hay was pivotal in completely changing my life around. I first listened to her on YouTube and it was as if she was speaking directly to me! Although this book was not the first one that introduced me to the power of positive thinking, it was the most insightful. It really introduced me to positive affirmations in a big way and led me to finding out more and to eventually training to become licensed to share Louise’s timeless teachings.

You Can Heal Your Life helped me to see that I was creating my own reality with my thoughts and beliefs. Once I started to change my thoughts, I really started to see positive changes in my life. That the power of loving yourself changes everything. You could say it’s the reason I became a Positive Change Coach.

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay

This book is a sequel to You Can Heal Your Life, and it goes even deeper into the power of the subconscious mind. Although I adored You Can Heal Your Life, I actually preferred The Power is Within You. It taught me how to identify and change the negative beliefs that were holding me back.

As I said, it goes even deeper into the power of positive thinking than You Can Heal Your Life. It teaches you how to use affirmations, visualisation, and other techniques to create the life you want. This book has helped me to stay positive and, and it has helped me to manifest many of the things I’ve wanted in life.

Here is the link to buy it from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too.

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

What can I say about Abraham Hicks!!! Another find on YouTube and I still go back to those videos when I need to remind myself that “things are always working out for me”! This book is all about the Law of Attraction, and it taught me how to use my thoughts to attract the things I want into my life. It was another game-changer for me, and it helped me to manifest many of my dreams.

This book showed me that I am responsible for my own thoughts and emotions, and that I can change my life by changing my thinking. It helped me to overcome many of the challenges I was facing at the time. I think Abraham Hicks deserves its own blog so I’ll be sharing more soon.

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff

This wonderful book is about the power of positive emotions, and it taught me how to cultivate a more joyful and optimistic outlook on life. It helped me to see that happiness is a choice, and that I can choose to be happy no matter what is going on in my life.

After reading the book, I then joined Your Year of Miracles where I learnt life is full of miracles even if we don’t always think so!

Here is the link to buy it from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too.

Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield Thomas

So this is the last one in my top 5 books that changed my life. It is such an easy and fun read (and listen as I often also buy books on Audible) with lots of humour. The book is about how to create a successful business without burning yourself out. It taught me the importance of taking care of myself, both physically and mentally. It also helped me to set boundaries and to say no to things that were not a good fit for me.

After reading and listening to Chillpreneur, I started following Denise and eventually joined her Money Bootcamp which has turned out to be another life changing experience!

Here is the link to buy the book from Amazon but you may find a copy from World of Books too (link above).

These are just a few of the books that have changed my life. Don’t get me wrong, I still face challenges but I now have the tools and the presence within me to bring myself back to this moment and to be very gentle with myself as I charter those waters. I am really grateful to the authors who shared their wisdom with me, and I am so glad that I found these books when I did. They have helped me to become a happier, healthier, and more successful person.

I hope that you will check out these books if you are looking for some inspiration and guidance on your own journey. They may just change your life too.

What books have had a profound effect on your life? I would love to know ♥️

And if you would like to find out some more about working with me, follow this link and get in contact here to book in a time to have a confidential chat.

Books That Changed My Life Read More »

Loving Ourselves is a Journey

Images of a woman looking in a mirror and Liz Doyle. Text says "Loving ourselves is a journey. Liz Doyle the positive change coach

Loving ourselves is definitely a journey and NOT a destination. There will be good days and there will be err not so good days. And that’s okay. 

AND loving your body is even more of a journey, not a destination. It’s a process of learning to accept and appreciate your body for all that it is, the so-called flaws and all. 

It’s about finding the beauty in your unique shape, size, and proportions. And it’s about celebrating your body’s strength, resilience, and ability to do amazing things.

If you’re struggling to love your body, know that you’re not alone. Many many people, especially women struggle with body image issues, and it can be difficult to overcome them. But it is possible. With time, effort, and self-compassion, you can learn to love your body and feel good about yourself.

How can you love your body more?

Here are a few tips to help you on your journey to loving your body:

  • Challenge your negative thoughts about your body. When you catch yourself thinking negative things about your body, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they’re really true. Are you really as…. (insert the words you use here) as you think you are? The answer is probably no. Our thoughts about our bodies can be very distorted, so it’s important to challenge them and see them for what they are. They are just thoughts.
  • Focus on your body’s strengths. Instead of focusing on your body’s flaws, focus on its strengths. What can your body do? Is it strong? Is it flexible? Is it healthy? Make a list of all the things your body can do and read it over whenever you’re feeling down about your appearance. I’d even suggest writing your body a love letter – go to town. Your body is truly amazing.
  • Practise self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, just as you would be to a really close friend. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Remember that we are all beautiful works in progress. You are worthy of love and respect, no matter what.
  • Find a support system. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and who will help you to love your body too. This could be friends, family, a therapist, or a support group. Having people in your corner who will cheer you on and help you to see the beauty in your body can make a big difference. This might be where I come in – check this link out for more info.

Loving your body is a journey, but it’s a journey that is so well worth taking.

When I think how I used to hate my body and would be so full of shame because of what I told myself, I want to give my younger self (not that much younger self too) a big old hug.

When you learn to love your body, you’ll feel more confident, more happy, and more free. So don’t give up. Keep working on it, and day by day, you will start to love and accept your body more and more, “flaws” and all. And the MAGIC is when we start to do that our bodies start to change – it’s as if all the resistance starts to melt away.

This video will walk you through what’s involved in my 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight and this page shows you how to get started.

21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight


Babies are born with a natural love of their bodies. They explore their bodies with their hands and mouths, and they love to be held and cuddled. As we grow older, we start to learn about the different parts of our bodies and what they can do. 

As time goes on, we might start to compare ourselves to other children, and maybe become aware of body image issues. Or this might be down to watching and listening to our parents or other care givers if they made negative comments about their bodies or the bodies of others.

Maybe you were compared to others

Being compared to other children will only make a child feel self-conscious about their own bodies. Which, of course, can lead to so many body image issues in our adult lives.

It might be you were picked on or even bullied as a child by your peers for being too tall, on the larger side, for wearing glasses, the list goes on, doesn’t it? No wonder this can lead to a toxic relationship with our bodies and therefore food.

We all want to be accepted and if any of this resonated, it might be a good idea to connect with your inner child. Love that little girl, gently reassure her that she is safe and is loved and accepted just the way she is. It’s a very powerful exercise.

Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you have children and you want them to have a positive body image, it is important to set a good example. Make sure you talk positively about your own body and avoid making negative comments about your appearance.


Words of Wisdom from Louise Hay

I’m sharing some of Louise Hay’s words of wisdom when it comes to loving our bodies. She absolutely believed what we constantly affirm becomes true for us. It has certainly worked for me too.

“Little babies love every inch of their bodies. 

They have no guilt, no shame, and no comparison. You were like that, and then somewhere along the line you listened to others who told you that you were “not good enough.” 

You began to criticise your body, thinking perhaps that that’s where your flaws were.

Let’s drop all of that and get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are. 

The subconscious mind has no sense of humour and does not know false from true. 

It only accepts what we say and what we think as the material from which it builds. 

By repeating these positive affirmations over and over, you will be planting new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind, and they will become true for you.

Here are some examples:

I Love My Body

My body is a glorious place to live. 

My body serves me so well.

I marvel at the miracle that is my body. 

I choose the healing thoughts that create and maintain my healthy body and make me feel good. 

I love and appreciate my beautiful body

When you practise affirmations to Love Your Body, stand in front of the mirror and repeat each new thought pattern ten times. 

Do this twice a day. 

You can also write your affirmations ten times during the day too if you wish.

Work with one affirmation a day. 

Then if there is any part of your body you still dislike or have a problem with—use that particular affirmation daily for at least a month, or until positive change takes place.

If doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up, just recognise them for what they are— old limiting beliefs that want to stay around. 

They have no power over you. 

Say to them gently, “Thank you for sharing! I no longer need you.” Then repeat your affirmations again.

Where you stop working is where your resistance is. Notice the part of your body that you don’t want to love. Give this part extra attention so you may go beyond the limitation. Release the resistance.

In this way, within a short time, you will have a body you love and accept. 

And your body will respond by giving you really good health.

I love and appreciate my beautiful mind.

I love my eyes. I see clearly in every direction.

I love my nose. I am the power and authority in my world.

I love my back. I am supported by life itself.

I love my hips. I carry myself through life in perfect balance.

I love my legs. I move forward in life, unencumbered by the past.

For more of Louise’s wonderful wisdom, follow this link.

Thank you for joining me in this safe space today and here’s where you go to find out how you can love yourself and/or your body more and more.

Loving Ourselves is a Journey Read More »

Spring… New Beginnings…

Image of Crocuses and text saying Spring... New Beginnings. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach.

Spring is such a beautiful time of rebirth and new beginnings isn’t it? 🌸

It’s a perfect opportunity to move our energy inwards and reflect rather than having our attention on things outside of ourselves. We can pause and take a little time to maybe let go of any patterns that really don’t serve us any more. 

That all starts with awareness which is my favourite word because what happens on the other side of awareness? Yes, MAGIC 🧙‍♀️✨

And how about a little spring clean? 🧹 

Mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically… 

It’s not surprising that life is feeling pretty much like hard work right now. After over 3 months of cold, windy and rainy weather since Christmas, it can feel as if this is the first time you’ve come up for air. 

Maybe, you’re craving a change? A change in your work, relationships, lifestyle, or how you take care of yourself? New beginnings?

I’m going to start off by sharing some ideas to spring clean your energy centres (the chakras). Once we spring clean our souls, then everything else falls into place. I’m also going to give you a few suggestions about making changes in the area of work if that is proving to be a bit of struggle at the moment.

These early weeks of Spring are a time for balance, rebirth, and rejuvenation. So, anything you do right now to seek balance in your life will be enhanced by this energy. 

Working in alignment with nature’s vibrations boosts your spiritual efforts, and this time of reawakening is ripe for clearing and balancing your chakras and energy field. A perfect time for new beginnings…

What are the Chakras?

Your chakras are the invisible but vital energy centres that are designed to move energy between your personal field and the universal field, and, when spinning correctly and easily, these chakras enable you to replenish your energy and restore your health. Sounds good so far…

The thing is, all kinds of trauma can affect our chakras where they can become blocked or even overactive. But, we can unblock our chakras and balance them so they are working in perfect alignment. 

Balanced Chakras

Blockages in your chakras are caused by traumas that aren’t fully released – emotional build-up that can be very recent or 20 or even 50 years old. 

Here are 7 Ideas For Balancing And Recharging Your Chakras – a whistle stop tour!

The First (Root) Chakra

is all about grounding and feeling safe. If you can, try to take a barefoot walk in the grass or on a beach to reconnect to Mother Earth. I find it’s still too cold so I like to touch a tree with my bare hands for about 5 minutes. ❤️

Your Second (Sacral) Chakra

governs how you experience pleasure, and a common issue for this chakra is shame. Water is cleansing and so healing for the sacral chakra. Can you immerse yourself in water for twenty minutes? At the swimming pool or maybe a special bath with epsom salts and your favourite essential oils. 🧡

The Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra

is where your will and self-esteem is situated – your personal power. Wearing a vibrant yellow can help charge this chakra as can physical movement. A brisk walk outside outside in the morning sun or in the evening before sunset, can help to recharge this chakra. Here is a lovely affirmation to unblock the solar plexus too; “I am courageous. I am whole. I stand in my power”. 💛

Your Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra

and when it’s open, you can give and receive love easily and in a healthy way. Treating yourself how you’d love to be treated (maybe buying yourself some flowers) will help to balance the heart chakra. Also, giving and receiving hugs – you can always give yourself a loving hug too. 💚

The Fifth (Throat) Chakra

is about speaking your truth, choosing to express the real you. Journaling with total honesty can clear and charge the throat chakra and help process old traumas. Journaling is a major part of energy healing and is so powerful as I have been finding out lately! 💙

Our Sixth Chakra, The “Third Eye”

is where your higher intellect and clarity of vision reside. Daily meditation (another essential part of energy healing) helps to awaken this chakra so you can increase your intuition and inner wisdom. Listen to your spirit and recognise how that feels. As you practise, you’ll find it easier and easier to connect with the energy from your Third Eye. 💜

An Open Seventh (Crown) Chakra

is connected to the beauty you can see in the world around you. Unblock this chakra, again with a meditation practice and connecting with nature. Here you can ask your higher self for guidance. 🤍


Now To Spring Clean Your Work Life

Take just a little bit of time to clean out your desk and your email inbox (I love doing that from time to time) – the impact of this can be huge. It creates so much mental space.

How about supporting a junior member of staff if you work as an employee? If you’re self employed, maybe find someone who has just started out in your field, so you can mentor them. It’s very rewarding to coach others and it will remind you what you like about your job or business.

Do you want to make a BIG change? Then give your CV to a couple of people you trust and respect for their comments on improving it. This means that when the right job comes up, you’re straight on the case. The same can be done if you’re a business owner with your business plan so they can make suggestions on what direction your business should be going.

I’d love to hear how you’re welcoming in the long waited for Spring. Get in contact here.

And to close my blog today, an affirmation from Louise Hay that can help boost your third eye and crown chakras!

“I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone.”

Much love

Liz 💌

P.S. If you want my help to work on your mindset and self-love and self-worth here’s how I can help:

♥️ Follow me and let me know the limiting beliefs sabotaging your life right now – follow this link

♥️ Here’s my page for my 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight digital course

♥️ Subscribe to my YouTube channel and never miss a video for inspiration and meditations – follow this link.

♥️And if you feel ready to make a commitment to working with me, energetically and financially and are ready to see if we could be a good fit, book in a call here

Spring… New Beginnings… Read More »

Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023?

Image of a green shoot with the words "Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023. Liz Doyle the positive change coach."

It’s 1st February today and although it might not be the new year, it’s still a fresh start. It’s a clean slate, a chance to create real change — inside and out.

That is such an exciting opportunity! 

So, if you haven’t yet, give yourself permission to release 2022 — any false starts or so called “failures”. We’ve all had a load of teaching moments in the last year, haven’t we?

Forgive yourself for the half-finished projects… – I have!!!

… and start dreaming about what could be!

Set yourself some new light-filled intentions and start taking action towards a bigger, brighter future — use this boost of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation to your advantage.

One of the ways you can do just that is by working with me in one of 3 ways….

#1 Intentions Setting – making positive changes in 2023

During this 2 hour session, we will look at what we have learnt and are moving on from, from 2022 and setting our intentions (not resolutions) for 2023.

It is NEVER too late to draw a line in the sand and start again. 2022 was another interesting(!) year and the best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are. We can then bring ourselves into the energetic flow for an abundant 2023.

#2 Letting Go Of The Weight Online Course

On this very special course, you will become more and more aware of what you need to let go of to LET GO of the weight. 

Are you sick of the emotional eating and sabotaging all your efforts? 

Maybe you lack self-confidence and have no energy? Or do you feel totally alone with your battle with your weight? You are NOT alone.

#3 Love Yourself Private 1 to 1 Online Coaching Package

Using different awareness exercises, I will help you to start to identify where certain patterns in life have come from. The sessions will help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, and to express them in a totally safe environment.

Each of these powerful 6 sessions takes approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours as I want you to feel that you can take your time to allow everything to surface and share anything you want. 

These sessions will assist you to continue your life with more positive and exciting expectations for the future and with a deeper sense of self worth and self love. In the words of my clients, this package is “life-changing”.

Whether you work with me or not, step into this year with acceptance of what’s been so you can let it go and then into a place of allowing of what you truly deserve. ♥️

Did you make any New Year’s intentions?

For your job, business, relationships or maybe for your health and fitness?

Don’t worry if you haven’t sorted out everything yet – it’s never too late to make those positive changes 😊♥️

Maybe you have set some goals or intentions for the coming year but you’d like to revisit them so you can ignite some magic behind them! 

By working with me you will:

💎 Create space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom. 

💎 Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receive abundance in your life

💎 Tune in with your higher self, co-create your ideal life.

Afterwards you will:

💎 Have a crystal clear vision for the coming year

💎 Feel energised and refreshed so you can let go of being in survival mode and step more fully into your power.

This work is so transformative BUT the truth is, it’s transformative for me every time I share any aspect of Louise Hay’s teachings. How blessed am I?!

I’m so honoured to hold space for the women I work with and to witness the growth that they experience.

I want to lovingly hold the door open and invite you to experience life changing work.

Are you saying YES to having the year you really truly want?

Because it’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just reach out.

No one will prioritise your personal growth…except for you. If not now…then when?

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about how you can work with me.

No matter what’s on your mind, I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

If you want to make those positive changes in 2023, this link will give you access to my diary. And to find out more about me, the person behind this blog, then follow this link.

I’m a big believer in listening to my intuition or my inner wisdom so what a wonderful affirmation to close with, from the inspirational Louise Hay:

“I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.”


Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023? Read More »

How to Be Happy!

Image of a woman with text saying "How to be happy! Liz Doyle the positive change coach

Oh what a big ask!. How to be happy! Life can really knock you down sometimes, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, anxious or challenged. Or all 4!!

By asking ourselves questions about our thoughts and feelings, we can start to become aware and understand what’s going on under the surface.

Because the magic always happens on the other side of awareness.

Here are 8 questions to ask yourself to welcome back the happiness and contentment into your life – so you can live the life you want and deserve:

1. What is life telling me here? 

Yes, life can be so hard sometimes – complex and even cruel. But it’s good to remind ourselves that life is always working out for us. It’s not against us. Whatever is going on, we are growing and becoming more aware. We are never being punished. If we can see each moment as a learning opportunity, things can change around very quickly.

2. What am I afraid of? 

Fear is such a powerful emotion – back in the day, when we were being chased by sabre toothed tigers, we needed to run for our lives – fight or flight and all that. Nowadays, society and the media in general, can cause us to live in constant fear of what might happen. And then we are living in a constant fight or flight response mode. Fear might freeze us – we take no action at all. If you feel stuck, unsure what to do next, ask yourself, what am I afraid of? What would I do if I wasn’t so full of fear? You might be amazed at the answer.

3. How can I be grateful? 

Happy people don’t have more than others. They just make the most of every situation and of what they have. I know I have often taken things for granted but my gratitude practice has changed how I perceive life. When you can appreciate the gifts that you have in your life, then this gratitude can be a happiness booster!!! When we feel truly grateful, we can become happier. Honest!

4. Who needs my forgiveness? 

I know I bang on about forgiveness but by forgiving, you set yourself free and open yourself up to a happier life. No, I don’t mean you have to forget what was done or condone it but by holding onto the hurt that was done to you, you are just keeping yourself in that dark place. Forgiving others and yourself gives you the freedom to move on with your life and make room for wonderful new experiences.

5. Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? 

If there is conflict within a relationship, this can cause unease in our minds and our bodies. It is possible to let go of the need to be right all the time so that the relationship can thrive. 

6. What’s my calling? 

When we are unhappy or depressed we can often become focused solely on ourselves. We can get so much happiness from helping others. By giving to others in some way, helps you feel less lonely and just easier with life. You have some wonderful talents that can help the world.

7. What makes me smile or even laugh? 

Smiling is so easy and affects our mood even when we don’t feel like it – research backs this up. Smiling can release tension in the body and of course, the mind. 

8. What are my dreams? 

Dreams and desires come from the heart. They reflect your deepest values and say who you are. Don’t give up on your dreams – daydreaming is fun and it opens you up to your true potential. Imagine what difference you want to make to the world. When we giving up on our dreams and deepest desires, we give up on life.

Is there one of these questions that really speaks to you? Or maybe more than one that relates to your life at the moment? Take time pondering them and go deeper as the answers will come. Maybe not immediately, but they will come.

To dive in deeper about what it means to be happy, here is my blog all about it!

Love Yourself Advent Calendar

Another way I have found to feel happier is to love myself more (do you like what I’ve done here 😉). So, I am putting together a Love Yourself Advent Calendar to help you love yourself all the way up to Christmas. You’ve then got it to remind yourself way into the New Year too. 

The Advent Calendar will be a mixture of meditations, live videos and printables to bring more self-love into your life, especially at this time of year. Because, as we all know, when we love ourselves more and more, we can love others more and more. 

Love Yourself Advent Calendar

How does this little mini self-love adventure work, I hear you ask:

Join me in my private FB group, if you’re not in the group already, for daily updates 

Follow along every day or just drop in when you want…

Invite someone to join you by inviting them to the group 😊

Share your experience with the community 

Connect with me on Instagram 

A beautiful affirmation to remind us to be happy as much as we can!

My happy thoughts help create my healthy body.

Louise Hay

Much love and gratitude to you as always 

Liz xx ♥️ 

P.S If you’d like to find out more about my 1 to 1 online coaching sessions or my online course to let go of the weight, book a confidential call with me here

How to Be Happy! Read More »

Move on From Domestic Abuse

Moving on From Domestic Abuse

October was first declared as National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1989. It’s a month focused on continuing to raise awareness of domestic abuse, giving a voice to its victims, and helping them move on from domestic abuse.

Yep, I know we know that Domestic Violence exists BUT how much are we really aware of the signs from friends and other loved ones who might be suffering in silence.

Silence because they are scared, frightened of what might happen if their dirty secret is revealed. What might happen to them and/or their children?

We can so easily look away when any subject that might be uncomfortable rears its ugly head – I know I do sometimes. I like to to focus on the positive things in life.

Of course I do! I’m a Positive Change Coach for f**k’s sake. And yes it does really really help.

However, sometimes, we have to face the facts of what’s going on and the more we are aware, the more we can help others or ourselves if we are the victims.

Every victim of domestic violence has a different, terrible story but some of the underlying details can be quite similar.

The thing is, she can feel like she’s the only person in the world going through it. I know men and gender fluids can also be victims BUT the vast majority of victims are women and often, their children because of what they witness and endure themselves.

I want these women to feel that they are seen, they are heard and acknowledged.

So, I’m talking Domestic Violence Awareness Month and possibly some new ideas of how women can move on from domestic abuse.

If you or anyone you know is in danger or just know it’s time to get out or get that person out, I am sharing some emergency and advice telephone numbers below.

I am spiritual but before I really understood the Law of Attraction or had immersed myself in the world of Louise Hay, I just trusted. I did what I had to do but once everything was set in motion, I just knew we were going to be alright. 

It wasn’t all plain sailing by any means but when I look back to who I was and to the person I am now, I am the same person but oh so different. I wish the same for you or the woman out there that you might know who is living this living nightmare.

Whilst it’s so important to stand up to any abusive behaviour, what I would like to see is a change in the whole perspective. 

This can be through education but I truly believe that if I had loved myself more, I wouldn’t have attracted someone like this person into my life in the first place.

Thankfully, I have been in such a good place for a long time now that I no longer regret it as it has made me who I am now and I really love that.

Also, if the abuser had loved himself more, then they would never have been in such a terrible place that they would get pleasure from making another human being suffer in any way. 

After all, as Louise Hay said, we are all victims of victims. 

Rather than just fighting domestic abuse, I’d love us to focus on a world where all humans respect and love each other. Where we accept each others’ differences and seek to heal our own mental wounds rather than lash out and make others hurt over and over again.

I know, it feels like a big ask but has the anti-war movement or fight against poverty really worked? 

I’d rather put my attention on a peaceful and loving world.

That is why I’m sharing this meditation – this is a meditation or even visualisation that can help women heal from the trauma as victims of domestic abuse – helping them move on from domestic abuse.

This could be happening right now, it could be recent or if they are still living with the trauma of past abuse and they are fearful of repeating the same pattern. 

Within this meditation, I also focus on welcoming in a world where there is only love. 

A big part of Louise Hay’s work involves meditations.

Here are a few science-based benefits of meditation

  • Reduces stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation. … 
  • Controls anxiety. … 
  • Promotes emotional health. … 
  • Enhances self-awareness. … 
  • Lengthens attention span. … 
  • May reduce age-related memory loss. … 
  • May help fight addictions.

Anne Blythe, the founder of Betrayal Trauma Recovery said the following:

“ Many women who experience the trauma of abuse find themselves having difficulty processing that trauma and pain.

Meditation can help provide clarity and offer space for that processing to happen safely. “

There is evidence that where 1% of the population started meditating, the indicators of a better quality of life for all increased. 

For example, there was less crime recorded. 

If we are all connected, as I believe, then when many people are meditating and becoming more peaceful, that would clearly send out waves of peace and love and understanding. 

In the The New Science of Life by Rupert Sheldrake, he suggests there is a “morphogenic field” that contains all the thoughts there are. 

I would call this the universe, but he is a scientist! 

Sheldrake believes that as we put more thoughts of peace into this field, it will create more peace on the planet.

So, if we think in terms of solutions rather than problems, we assist the solutions needed for helping our planet. 

For example, if you focus on the “problems” of pollution or poverty, the problem is strengthened. 

If you focus on knowing that there are solutions, you are putting energy into finding the solution. 

Have you ever heard the phrase – what we resist persists? 

I think it’s so true… 

Don’t think of a pink elephant… What are you thinking of now?

So, in your personal life and our collective life, if you continue to complain and focus about a situation, the energy persists to continue the problem. 

If you are focused on the energy of a solution, even though you may have no idea what that solution is, you are giving energy to the solution. 

When Louise Hay heard of any crises in the world, she immediately surrounded the whole situation with white light.

She sent love and healing energy to everyone connected with it, including whoever may have done the damage. 

Rage and fear won’t heal anything. 

Hatred begets hatred. 

An “eye-for-eye” philosophy makes everyone blind.

Of course, she seldom read newspapers or watched the news. 

This is what she said on the subject:

“ I refuse to clutter my mind with most media turbulence.

The media is good at stirring up our emotions and selling fear. 

If you read a newspaper from cover to cover every day, you’ll live in fear. 

They want you to buy a new paper each day to find out what to be afraid of that day. 

It’s the same with the television news. 

If you want to sleep poorly, watch the late-night news just before you go to sleep.”

So, let’s remember that we each live under the law of our own consciousness. 

You are a beautiful, wonderful creation of the universe. 

Your strength comes from your connection to the universe. 

Let’s say, every time the thought of war or conflicts of any kind come to mind, and especially domestic violence, say with conviction:


Louise Hay

The opening line of a song says: ” Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. ”

We can make a difference. 

Use your powerful mind to help create the world you want to live in.

Here is the link for the meditation and visualisation which can be listened to as many times as needed and of course, it can be shared with others who will benefit. It may help you to move on from the domestic abuse.

Meditation for Victims of Domestic Violence

If this feels all too familiar, life can be so so difficult for you and if children are involved, of course, it can be even worse. It could be like you’re living a life of torture every day.

Reach out – there are organisations that you can speak to if you can’t talk to anyone close. Here are some websites and numbers:

Domestic Abuse National helplines

Domestic Violence Assist

Specialises in assistance to obtain emergency injunctions from being further abused.

Phone: 0800 195 8699

National Centre for Domestic Violence

Specialises in assistance to get emergency injunctions from being further abused.

Phone: 0800 970 2070

Women’s Aid Domestic Violence Helpline

Free 24-hour national helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge.

Phone: 0808 2000 247


The Hourglass confidential helpline provides information and support to anyone concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of an older person.

Phone: 0808 808 8141

Men’s Advice Line 

Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.

Phone: 0808 801 0327

National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline 

Emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people.

Phone: 0800 999 5428

National Stalking Helpline

Guidance on the law, how to report stalking, gathering evidence, staying safe and reducing the risk.

Phone: 0808 802 0300

Victim Support

Free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family and friends.

Phone: 0808 1689 111

You are never alone.

Maybe you have moved on from an emotionally, sexually and/or physically abusive relationship but you are very much feeling the trauma in your body. It could be that you are worried about repeating those patterns. 

By working with me over my 6 Love Yourself Coaching sessions, you can let go of the past for good and move on from domestic abuse.

You can write a new story for yourself AND have real hope and optimism for the future – here is a link to my contact page where you can book in a call to discuss how I may be able to help.

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