Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text - Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Who do you need to forgive about money issues?

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? 💷💰💳💶

This can be a difficult subject for so many of my clients. Forgiving others and ourselves over money issues. 

So that we can empower ourselves in our relationship with money and other forms of prosperity and abundance, we need to release limiting beliefs. We also need to practise new ways of thinking about prosperity and one of those new ways is in forgiveness.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues – did someone borrow money and not pay you back? 💷

Did someone betray you financially? 😳

Are there money issues within your family? 

Do you need to forgive yourself about money issues – perhaps you ran up your credit cards too much or wasted money that you didn’t really have in the first place? 💳🤦🏻‍♀️

Maybe you still feel you’re still treating money like that old, toxic friend you never see? You know the one!

It’s time to forgive yourself and move on

Accept yourself, right now, with your current consciousness about money.

So, you’ve made some mistakes in the past. Who hasn’t?

Everyone has. But remember, up until now you weren’t aware of your old stories that were running the show – up until now!

Now you do, so you can begin changing them and have a whole new experience with money and abundance! 

So, right now, let go of the past, forgive yourself, and be willing to create a new and harmonious relationship with money and your abundance consciousness.

Here’s a very short video about forgiving yourself from the beautiful Louise Hay and her How To Love Yourself

How to love yourself by Louise Hay – Forgive Yourself

Now say it with me

“I forgive others for teaching me incorrect beliefs”

“I forgive myself for using money unwisely in the past”

We are never really done with forgiveness of any kind. Just when we think we’ve forgiven someone or ourselves for something, some memory might pop into our head and we’re right back there again. BUT it does get easier the more we make forgiveness a part of our lives.

Forgiveness does set you free but if you feel like you’re still in that prison of resentment (I’ve been there!), maybe it’s time to look at how my coaching sessions can help you. Follow this link to find out some more.