Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Mother Wound Blog

The Mother Wound

What is the mother wound?

It was my mum’s 25th anniversary of passing this week. I can’t quite believe it’s been that long but in many ways, it feels like such a long time ago. Here you can see us all together at my christening – a good old Catholic family eh?! What with my sisters in their First Holy Communion dresses…

Mother/Daughter Relationship

I had a very difficult relationship with my mother and I do feel I am still feeling that so called “mother wound”. A lot of my limiting beliefs that have had a major effect on my life, I now realise, are due to those early years with my mother. Even though she was a stay-at-home mum, she was never there emotionally. She was distant, cold and, at times, quite brutal as well as being controlling. I have quite a few stories I could share but maybe another time. This also affected how I turned out as a mother, and although I was extremely conscious of showing my love for my children at every turn, those early childhood experiences left their mark on me.

When she died, we weren’t really talking because she went back to Ireland to live on her own, although she wasn’t in the right state of health to do that, having just suffered a stroke. Her home in Ireland was pretty rural and rather remote and she didn’t really have any friends in the area to check on her. At the time of her passing, I really felt that I was grieving the relationship we never had.

She was obstinate, pig-headed and would never listen but of course I love her. I shared this in my monthly love letter and because I received so much response about how much it had resonated with some, I thought it worth sharing here.

Discovering Louise Hay

Because of Louise Hay’s amazing work, I have learnt to really understand my mother much more and why she was the way she was (I had forgiven her a long time ago). Understanding that we are all victims of victims has really helped me and also knowing that she really was doing the best she could with the knowledge, the awareness and the understanding that she had at that time.

As part of healing the mother wound, this meditation can really help – I have had so much great feedback from it.

Healing the mother wound

This whole process, is ongoing as we are never done but I hold my mum much closer in my heart now because of the further personal development work I invest in myself.  

If any of this resonates and you would like to discuss how I can help you make the positive changes you’re looking for, book in a private and confidential call here.

So, here’s to remembering my mother who did always love me, I knew that eventually.