Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text - Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. Louise Hay. Liz Doyle the positive change coach. This shows how taking time out is loving myself.

Taking Time Out For You

This summer, I decided to take a long old break – time out for me. I spent more than 2 months in Ireland and what a time I had!! Making the huge decision (which didn’t feel huge at all once I was there) to hold on to the house that my mum left me many years ago. I also spent lots of time with family and visitors – it was such a delight and much needed. The house mum (and dad but it was definitely her dream) had built back in the 70’s means a lot to us but not just the house. She was born in the house in the next field and it’s almost has a spiritual resonance.

The house been rented out for a long time and this year was decision time. Keep it and renovate it for Airbnb rental and family time and fun or let it go with love. 

And as I said, we’re keeping it. The house is so unique – it’s in such a quiet and private spot and yet 15 minutes from Clonakilty, 50 minutes from Cork Airport and Kinsale but above all, 20 minutes from the beach and the Wild Atlantic Way. 

Yes it’s trapped in the 70’s but with some ideas, inspiration and a load of cash, it can be returned to its former glory but very much with 2020s comforts and vibe (keeping some features like the pink downstairs loo).

Ideas will be so welcome as we start this journey so feel free to get in touch!

But what happens when we take that break?

But I digress! I also spent the time in Ireland reflecting on what is important to me and what I really want. I’ve realised the older I’m getting, the more that matters – what matters to me, nobody else but me. But it’s still a tricky one to be honest as I have spent so many years putting others first!!! Does that resonate? 

But the longer I have left writing a blog, sending out my love letter, or posting on social media etc, it has made me question what my contribution is. I had become a bit jaded of marketing my business so the break has been such a sweet relief but it now feels so hard to jump or even ease myself back in. If you have your own business, this might resonate with you?

If you have struggled recently, with relationships, with your weight, your business/job, feelings of not being good enough, or life in general, please remember you are never alone – we all struggle and that’s also okay ♥️

There is no question that I am continuing my work as I truly love showing women how they can leave behind past trauma and a lack of self-love and move into a beautiful relationship with themselves, and therefore others. It’s so much part of who I am – sharing Louise Hay’s teachings in a way that is aligned to me. 

How I Help Women During My Online Coaching Sessions

This is what we work on:

  • How our thoughts and beliefs shape our lives
  • Awareness of negative thoughts and how to change them
  • Family patterns and how they affect our lives and choices
  • Healing the child within us
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Forgiving ourselves and others
  • Unlocking a new future by learning to love ourselves and others
  • Creating healthy relationships
  • Freeing ourselves from damaging patterns and behaviour
  • Finding a sense of purpose
  • Writing a new story for our lives

Find out more about how you can work with me here 

BUT, there are so many personal development programmes out there promising to fix your problems and giving you all the answers. We don’t need fixing AND we have the answers inside of us. Oh, AND we’re never done with this work.

By developing such a strong sense of self love, awareness and inner trust, we can learn to KNOW that we have everything we need inside of us.

My own healing journey has shifted to self acceptance and trust – and what a journey!

So here I am – vulnerable and full of self compassion and I am asking you to do the same for you.

Be your unapologetic, beautiful self.


Open hearted.

Fear is such an obstacle to growth and I continue to dip in and out of fear.

Do we ever escape it?

But I’m reminding myself that it’s easier to drop into the waves and trust myself to float when I don’t struggle against them.

I’m sure I have shared this beautiful affirmation from Louise Hay before but I don’t think we can ever be reminded too many times that loving ourselves is the most important thing we can do for ourselves:

“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives”

Louise Hay

Are you afraid to take a break?

If fear of the future or even taking that time out make you feel anxious, or maybe feelings of anxiety seem to be running the show, this link for my root chakra meditation can help.

Meditation is a wonderful act of self love. We will be taking a journey through the chakras to get in touch with the essence of who we are. So subscribe to my Youtube channel so you don’t miss out on more videos and meditations.

The word Chakra is a Sanksrit word, meaning “wheel” or “circle”, and it refers to the individual circular spinning wheels of energy located throughout the body. The Chakra System is a complex network of energy channels connecting these wheels and is mapped throughout the whole body.

The root chakra meditation will help you feel grounded. It will remind you that you are always safe and it’s safe to make the positive changes that you want in your life.

You just need a few minutes to take some time for yourself and sit or lie down quietly . So, of course, do not drive nor use any machinery when listening to the meditation.

Would you like to receive my regular love letters which will inspire, support and uplift you? Yes? Then sign up for my 7 Simple Morning Rituals for a Beautiful Day ☀️🌈 here and you will get to receive the love letter every week or two.

I’d love to hear from you – let me know if you found this blog interesting or helpful. Is taking time out for you important to you?

#louisehay #timeout #timetorelax #selfcompassion