Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Personal Development


Text - Meditation

Meditation is a powerful act of self-love. Meditation plays a major part in my life and has made a profound difference to my life. It also plays a major part in my own coaching, and I suggest that my clients introduce meditation into their daily practice as soon as we start working together. In fact, I send them my recordings as part of their growth work.

You can’t get meditation wrong!

There is so much hype about sitting in the right position and not letting your thoughts in. You can’t stop your thoughts BUT you can slow them down. You can observe them like a train stopping at a station. You can choose to get on the train and let your thoughts take over or you can watch the train leave the station.

I would suggest introducing meditation into your life if you can. As early in the day as possible will make such a difference. You can set the alarm 10 minutes earlier for the practice. If done consistently, this will make a massive difference to the day ahead. This will start your day with such positivity and light.

This small extract was from a recent session I shared and I feel it can help all of us right now 💜💚💜

“In every moment of life, there are infinite reasons to suffer and infinite reasons to be happy… 

What matters is where we’re putting our attention… 

Become aware that everything you need to be happy is already present in this moment… 

All of the conditions that are needed for peace, joy, and freedom are already here… 

Let’s no longer ignore the positive conditions that are available in this moment… 

Problems do exist, but they are not all that exists… 

Focus on everything in life that is good… 

We are no longer regretting the past or worrying about the future…

We are here and present to the miracles of life.”

Meditation quietens the mind and that can only be a good thing. And, it can do so much more.

Are you feeling stuck and want to move on? Follow this link to book in a confidential call to discuss if working with me could be a good match.

#meditation #positivechange #louisehay

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Growth Work NOT Homework

Image of a plant growing with text; Growth Work NOT Homework. Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

So that my clients can benefit from the work we do in our sessions, they have a little bit of growth work to take away each week – it’s simple AND it’s NOT homework

The growth work material helps my clients go through what has been covered each week.

I always want them to see it as a gift to themselves.

All the sessions are designed to help the healing process. 

Even if a client has worked with this material before, there is always a deeper level of healing that can occur.

We will go into ourselves deeply to break through the layers of the old stories and find the beauty inside. 


I will also send my client a recording of one of the meditations I took them through during that session. This helps her to really consolidate everything we have looked at. It also helps her to introduce the meditation practice into her life if she hasn’t already.

With meditation, the goal is to focus attention on some specific thought and allow the mind to transcend its usual jumping all over the place. Plato likened the mind to a ship where the sailors have mutinied. The discipline of meditation quells it so that the captain and the navigator can steer consistently and coherently. Others have referred to our minds as a “monkey mind” jumping all over the place. Meditation helps stop the monkey from jumping!

Meditation allows us to shift attention from all the demands of our busy, outer world to a quiet inner world. It’s really an activity of the heart. When you consistently spend time in meditation, you find a core of strength and wisdom, and you develop more of a flow with life.

Here’s a super short video which gives a little more insight to the growth work.

Growth Work to help my clients even more

The most important thing I want my clients to remember is to be very gentle with themselves as they process the work we have done.

And wherever they are right now in their journey is perfect. Whatever she is doing is moving her forward. And that the growth work is not homework!

And what I always say about the Growth Work

“Put your attention on what you are doing, not what you aren’t!”

Go at your own (relaxed) pace. 

There’s no need to feel that you’re falling behind or that you need to catch up. Trust the process.

Relax and celebrate. 

Attending these sessions is a powerful step forward. 

Please celebrate every step that you take!”

As always, I’d love to hear what you think and if you’d like to find out more about me, just follow this link.

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Who do you need to forgive about money issues?

Text - Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? 💷💰💳💶

This can be a difficult subject for so many of my clients. Forgiving others and ourselves over money issues. 

So that we can empower ourselves in our relationship with money and other forms of prosperity and abundance, we need to release limiting beliefs. We also need to practise new ways of thinking about prosperity and one of those new ways is in forgiveness.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues – did someone borrow money and not pay you back? 💷

Did someone betray you financially? 😳

Are there money issues within your family? 

Do you need to forgive yourself about money issues – perhaps you ran up your credit cards too much or wasted money that you didn’t really have in the first place? 💳🤦🏻‍♀️

Maybe you still feel you’re still treating money like that old, toxic friend you never see? You know the one!

It’s time to forgive yourself and move on

Accept yourself, right now, with your current consciousness about money.

So, you’ve made some mistakes in the past. Who hasn’t?

Everyone has. But remember, up until now you weren’t aware of your old stories that were running the show – up until now!

Now you do, so you can begin changing them and have a whole new experience with money and abundance! 

So, right now, let go of the past, forgive yourself, and be willing to create a new and harmonious relationship with money and your abundance consciousness.

Here’s a very short video about forgiving yourself from the beautiful Louise Hay and her How To Love Yourself

How to love yourself by Louise Hay – Forgive Yourself

Now say it with me

“I forgive others for teaching me incorrect beliefs”

“I forgive myself for using money unwisely in the past”

We are never really done with forgiveness of any kind. Just when we think we’ve forgiven someone or ourselves for something, some memory might pop into our head and we’re right back there again. BUT it does get easier the more we make forgiveness a part of our lives.

Forgiveness does set you free but if you feel like you’re still in that prison of resentment (I’ve been there!), maybe it’s time to look at how my coaching sessions can help you. Follow this link to find out some more.

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Happy Birthday Louise Hay

Last month we were celebrating Louise Hay’s legacy on the anniversary of her passing and it was such a special session and very popular. This Thursday, 8th October, we will be saying “Happy Birthday Louise Hay”.

Louise changed my life

I came across Louise’s work just when I needed it most in my life. Looking back, I think I was on burnout after different events over a number of years and to be honest, I was just hanging on in there.

From an early age, I was always pretty good at pretending everything was OK and for my kids I had to just keep going. But that isn’t a life is it?

So, when I came across Louise’s work, I saw how it could help me and then later, how it could help others.

After becoming a licensed Heal Your Life Trainer, I knew this work could help people move on from trauma; see the beauty they have within themselves and live life with a real sense of self-worth.

Since then, I have truly loved sharing Louise’s philosophies and teachings – it has been such a remarkable journey and I’m so thankful for it.

She has touched the lives of millions of people around the world and continues to change mine every day.

Louise, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, was a pioneer and legend in personal development. Her philosophies look at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, so it is timeless and offers us the opportunity for powerful personal positive change.

Thank you Louise for what you’ve brought to so many. 🙏🙏

Here is a recording of a previous birthday celebration

Louise Hay – Mirror Work

The foundation of Louise’s work is all about loving and approving of yourself. Her work is truly transformative. So although you are no longer in the physical world, Happy Birthday Louise Hay.

If you would like to find out how joining me on this journey of self-discovery and positive change can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want, just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.


Making Those Positive Changes

Image of Liz Doyle for the Making those positive changes blog

Do you see me blushing in the video below? ☺️☺️ Making those positive changes is possible for all of us.

This feedback was just so, well, amazing 😊

I am feeling really positive, and my life is changing.  The in depth self-focus has really made me think about how I view myself and talk to myself.  The change in self talk has been really powerful.  I am now much more aware, and less critical of myself.

All of the sessions were useful!  But in particular, the exercises on forgiveness were incredible. I have started a daily practice of forgiveness and it is very freeing.  Also love the inner child work which tied in with my other studies in a really helpful way.  Loved the intimacy work, spotting patterns I wasn’t aware of, and also doing the intuitive exercise where we draw our family and ask questions of them.  

I found it all useful Liz!  Every single piece!  There wasn’t anything in this course that didn’t fire my curiosity!

A fantastic course for anyone who wants to become more self aware, who wants to be kinder to themselves and enjoy life more.  Making a daily plan at the end of the course is a great way to introduce the concepts into daily life.

#feedback #feelinggrateful #womeninbusiness #womeninspiringwomen

I have a few questions for you

Which aspect of your life do you find most challenging at the moment?

Is there a repetitive pattern that keeps manifesting in your life that you are trying to break free from?

What difference would this make to your life if you were able to resolve this?

What is the wound/trauma that has had the greatest impact on the relationship you have with yourself and others?

After answering these questions, why not journal about them (just write down what comes up for you) and then reflect on what you are looking for in your life.

After completing the above, you may want to find out about my life changing private one to one coaching package> If so, just send me a quick email at to book in a call. As I said, making those positive changes is there for all of us.

I look forward to hearing from you ♥️

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Louise Hay

Louise Hay

Although Louise Hay was a pioneer in personal development there’s a lot of people I talk to who have never heard of her.

Here’s a little intro to who she was and her work. 

This is why I love sharing her work 💜💜

Love Yourself Heal Your Life

There is quite a lot of info out there about Louise and in my upcoming blogs I’ll be sharing a lot more about her.

However, the following is something very special that she shared in her teachings. I have the honour to work through these steps, in depth, with my clients during one of our sessions.

I will share a shortened version but these 12 steps are so powerful ♥️

How to Love Yourself – Louise Hay

1. Stop all criticism. Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticise yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticise yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.

2. Forgive yourself. Let the past go. You did the best you could at the time with the understanding, awareness & knowledge that you had. Now you are growing & changing and you will live life differently.

3. Don’t scare yourself. Stop terrorising yourself with your thoughts. It’s a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasurable thought.

4. Be gentle and kind and patient. Gentle with yourself. Kind to yourself. Patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved.

5. Be kind to your mind. Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don’t hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change the thoughts.

6. Praise yourself. Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing.

7. Support yourself. Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it.

8. Be loving to your negatives. Acknowledge you created them to fulfil a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfil those needs. So, lovingly release the old negative patterns. 

9. Take care of your body. Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in.

10. Mirror work. Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day say: “I love you, I really love you!”

11. LOVE YOURSELF- DO IT NOW! Don’t wait for until you get well, or lose the weight, or get the new job, or the new relationship. Begin NOW- do the best you can.

12. Have Fun.  Remember the things that gave you joy as a child. Incorporate them into your life now. Find a way to have fun with everything you do. Let yourself express the joy of living. Smile. Laugh. Rejoice, and the Universe rejoices with you.

(©  Louise Hay Blog “Do You Love Yourself?” January 3, 2013)

Aren’t they beautiful and I can promise you, life changing? ♥️

You might already know who Louise Hay was (and is) and would like to find out how you can “change your thinking, change your life” by working with me. If so, you can book in a call with me using this link.

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