Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Let Go Of The Weight

Loving Ourselves is a Journey

Images of a woman looking in a mirror and Liz Doyle. Text says "Loving ourselves is a journey. Liz Doyle the positive change coach

Loving ourselves is definitely a journey and NOT a destination. There will be good days and there will be err not so good days. And that’s okay. 

AND loving your body is even more of a journey, not a destination. It’s a process of learning to accept and appreciate your body for all that it is, the so-called flaws and all. 

It’s about finding the beauty in your unique shape, size, and proportions. And it’s about celebrating your body’s strength, resilience, and ability to do amazing things.

If you’re struggling to love your body, know that you’re not alone. Many many people, especially women struggle with body image issues, and it can be difficult to overcome them. But it is possible. With time, effort, and self-compassion, you can learn to love your body and feel good about yourself.

How can you love your body more?

Here are a few tips to help you on your journey to loving your body:

  • Challenge your negative thoughts about your body. When you catch yourself thinking negative things about your body, challenge those thoughts. Ask yourself if they’re really true. Are you really as…. (insert the words you use here) as you think you are? The answer is probably no. Our thoughts about our bodies can be very distorted, so it’s important to challenge them and see them for what they are. They are just thoughts.
  • Focus on your body’s strengths. Instead of focusing on your body’s flaws, focus on its strengths. What can your body do? Is it strong? Is it flexible? Is it healthy? Make a list of all the things your body can do and read it over whenever you’re feeling down about your appearance. I’d even suggest writing your body a love letter – go to town. Your body is truly amazing.
  • Practise self-compassion. Be kind to yourself, just as you would be to a really close friend. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Remember that we are all beautiful works in progress. You are worthy of love and respect, no matter what.
  • Find a support system. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and who will help you to love your body too. This could be friends, family, a therapist, or a support group. Having people in your corner who will cheer you on and help you to see the beauty in your body can make a big difference. This might be where I come in – check this link out for more info.

Loving your body is a journey, but it’s a journey that is so well worth taking.

When I think how I used to hate my body and would be so full of shame because of what I told myself, I want to give my younger self (not that much younger self too) a big old hug.

When you learn to love your body, you’ll feel more confident, more happy, and more free. So don’t give up. Keep working on it, and day by day, you will start to love and accept your body more and more, “flaws” and all. And the MAGIC is when we start to do that our bodies start to change – it’s as if all the resistance starts to melt away.

This video will walk you through what’s involved in my 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight and this page shows you how to get started.

21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight


Babies are born with a natural love of their bodies. They explore their bodies with their hands and mouths, and they love to be held and cuddled. As we grow older, we start to learn about the different parts of our bodies and what they can do. 

As time goes on, we might start to compare ourselves to other children, and maybe become aware of body image issues. Or this might be down to watching and listening to our parents or other care givers if they made negative comments about their bodies or the bodies of others.

Maybe you were compared to others

Being compared to other children will only make a child feel self-conscious about their own bodies. Which, of course, can lead to so many body image issues in our adult lives.

It might be you were picked on or even bullied as a child by your peers for being too tall, on the larger side, for wearing glasses, the list goes on, doesn’t it? No wonder this can lead to a toxic relationship with our bodies and therefore food.

We all want to be accepted and if any of this resonated, it might be a good idea to connect with your inner child. Love that little girl, gently reassure her that she is safe and is loved and accepted just the way she is. It’s a very powerful exercise.

Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you have children and you want them to have a positive body image, it is important to set a good example. Make sure you talk positively about your own body and avoid making negative comments about your appearance.


Words of Wisdom from Louise Hay

I’m sharing some of Louise Hay’s words of wisdom when it comes to loving our bodies. She absolutely believed what we constantly affirm becomes true for us. It has certainly worked for me too.

“Little babies love every inch of their bodies. 

They have no guilt, no shame, and no comparison. You were like that, and then somewhere along the line you listened to others who told you that you were “not good enough.” 

You began to criticise your body, thinking perhaps that that’s where your flaws were.

Let’s drop all of that and get back to loving our bodies and accepting them totally as they are. 

The subconscious mind has no sense of humour and does not know false from true. 

It only accepts what we say and what we think as the material from which it builds. 

By repeating these positive affirmations over and over, you will be planting new seeds in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind, and they will become true for you.

Here are some examples:

I Love My Body

My body is a glorious place to live. 

My body serves me so well.

I marvel at the miracle that is my body. 

I choose the healing thoughts that create and maintain my healthy body and make me feel good. 

I love and appreciate my beautiful body

When you practise affirmations to Love Your Body, stand in front of the mirror and repeat each new thought pattern ten times. 

Do this twice a day. 

You can also write your affirmations ten times during the day too if you wish.

Work with one affirmation a day. 

Then if there is any part of your body you still dislike or have a problem with—use that particular affirmation daily for at least a month, or until positive change takes place.

If doubts or fears or negative thoughts come up, just recognise them for what they are— old limiting beliefs that want to stay around. 

They have no power over you. 

Say to them gently, “Thank you for sharing! I no longer need you.” Then repeat your affirmations again.

Where you stop working is where your resistance is. Notice the part of your body that you don’t want to love. Give this part extra attention so you may go beyond the limitation. Release the resistance.

In this way, within a short time, you will have a body you love and accept. 

And your body will respond by giving you really good health.

I love and appreciate my beautiful mind.

I love my eyes. I see clearly in every direction.

I love my nose. I am the power and authority in my world.

I love my back. I am supported by life itself.

I love my hips. I carry myself through life in perfect balance.

I love my legs. I move forward in life, unencumbered by the past.

For more of Louise’s wonderful wisdom, follow this link.

Thank you for joining me in this safe space today and here’s where you go to find out how you can love yourself and/or your body more and more.

Loving Ourselves is a Journey Read More »

Tired of Feeling Fed Up with your Weight?

Image of Liz Doyle the positive change coach with this text; FREE Masterclass for Women How to Let Go of the Weight Once and for All. Friday 17th June 2022

How to let Go of the Weight Once and for All – FREE Masterclass for Women

Are you totally fed up thinking about your weight?

This is what some of the women had to say after a recent Masterclass I shared:

“You did a great job and some definite discoveries came out of it. I would love to join.”


“Gosh so much of what you said really resonated! Wow I’d love to do your course and be free of my old patterns. I’m wondering who would emerge!!!”


“As always with your work it was fascinating, thought provoking and that final meditation was so powerful.”


“I wanted to congratulate you on an amazing session. It was delivered with such gentleness, vulnerability and love. I had no idea how much you struggled so much with cravings yourself and I imagine it will inspire and motivate many women to follow in your footsteps.”


If you’re feeling like life has gotten messy, you’re not alone.

Life can be tough these days, and it can be hard to feel like you’re fully present and fully yourself.

You put so much energy into keeping all the balls in the air but it can feel overwhelming or out of control.

No wonder, you might feel like the fridge is your friend, or you numb your emotions with booze or head for the bread bin to forget about stuff.

Maybe you’re feeling so exhausted and fed up with your weight?

Again, you’re not alone.

Here’s the good news. There’s a way out.


✨ How to breakthrough your relationship with your body and food without fear, shame or self-sabotage

During this masterclass, I’ll share my own story and the THREE Secrets that took me from a place where I was ashamed of my body and by my emotional eating and always feeling guilty to a place where I have let go of my weight and truly love my body AND I enjoy all the food I eat without any guilt or shame.

✨You’ll hear all about this and my 3 Secrets when you join me on the 17th at 12.30pm.

✨ I’ll share simple, straightforward advice that you can implement straight away to help you move away from all the shame and guilt to where you live your life with ease and joy with the vibrant, healthy body you deserve.

Hope to see you on the webinar – reserve your spot now using this link

If you REALLY can’t make it live, OF COURSE I will send out the replay (you still need to register), but I promise it will be much better live – including a very special prize giveaway.

Now, it’s your turn. Let me help you get back on track.

Go to my Let Go of The Weight page for more information 💚

Tired of Feeling Fed Up with your Weight? Read More »

Where is the weight you need to let go of?

Image of the back of a woman with her had in a pocket and image of Liz Doyle with my dog Alf. Text says What's in your pockets? Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach


Imagine we are all born with lots of pockets.

Imagine each time you go through some kind of trauma or negative event in your life, you put a stone in a pocket. 

The size of the stone you put in would reflect the significance of that event.

If you appropriately dealt with the experience at the time, you get to take the stone out.

Chances are, by the time you get to, say, 40-50 years old, you may have a fair few stones in your pockets.

Imagine walking around with all those stones in your pockets.

How bogged down, held back and exhausted would you feel?

Well, this is essentially what we are all doing in life. 

A lot of us are walking around with pockets full of stones.

Some people have a house full of clothes with pockets of stones, which leads to depression, anxiety and overwhelm.

Now imagine that you’d got into personal development early on.

Over the years, you’ve been dealing with each stone through counselling, coaching, energy work, talking to mates, forgiving people in your past… whatever way you need to in order to get rid of a few stones. 

While you may still have a few stones to deal with, you can generally go about your day without feeling like you’re bogged down.

You realised over the years how much lighter you felt each time you deal with your stones. 

And so these days, there are barely any stones going in your pockets because you choose to deal with the triggers along the way instead of resolving things later.

As a result, life is much happier!

You only have a few teeny pockets with pebbles in.

Much lighter!

I love this analogy for the emotional baggage that we accumulate that can hold us back.

Over the years we can feel so heavy and bogged down by our accumulated experiences and traumas.

This can lead to burnout, mental health issues and dependence on avoiding our emotions through addictive behaviour. 

We realise we just aren’t who we used to be anymore. 

When you start healing the shit that’s holding you back, interesting things happen to your body and mind.

Body weight can suddenly start dropping off after years of yo-yo dieting.

We feel lighter not just physically, but mentally too.

We feel more clarity around who we are and what we want in life.

We feel more able to set boundaries and love ourselves as a priority. 

We start treating our bodies better because we love ourselves more.

We feel happier. 

Want some of that? 😊

I created my online course, “21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight”, for exactly that reason.

You can check out a sneak peek of it here with this link.

My course is for those who are happy to get an online course done in their own time (it doesn’t have to be in 21 Days btw, you can go at your pace)

If you feel like you’d need more accountability to get this done with me walking alongside you, book in a call with me here and let’s chat about how the premium programme can help.

#letitgo #weightlossjourney

Where is the weight you need to let go of? Read More »