Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of Crocuses and text saying Spring... New Beginnings. Liz Doyle The Positive Change Coach.

Spring… New Beginnings…

Spring is such a beautiful time of rebirth and new beginnings isn’t it? 🌸

It’s a perfect opportunity to move our energy inwards and reflect rather than having our attention on things outside of ourselves. We can pause and take a little time to maybe let go of any patterns that really don’t serve us any more. 

That all starts with awareness which is my favourite word because what happens on the other side of awareness? Yes, MAGIC 🧙‍♀️✨

And how about a little spring clean? 🧹 

Mentally, emotionally, physically and energetically… 

It’s not surprising that life is feeling pretty much like hard work right now. After over 3 months of cold, windy and rainy weather since Christmas, it can feel as if this is the first time you’ve come up for air. 

Maybe, you’re craving a change? A change in your work, relationships, lifestyle, or how you take care of yourself? New beginnings?

I’m going to start off by sharing some ideas to spring clean your energy centres (the chakras). Once we spring clean our souls, then everything else falls into place. I’m also going to give you a few suggestions about making changes in the area of work if that is proving to be a bit of struggle at the moment.

These early weeks of Spring are a time for balance, rebirth, and rejuvenation. So, anything you do right now to seek balance in your life will be enhanced by this energy. 

Working in alignment with nature’s vibrations boosts your spiritual efforts, and this time of reawakening is ripe for clearing and balancing your chakras and energy field. A perfect time for new beginnings…

What are the Chakras?

Your chakras are the invisible but vital energy centres that are designed to move energy between your personal field and the universal field, and, when spinning correctly and easily, these chakras enable you to replenish your energy and restore your health. Sounds good so far…

The thing is, all kinds of trauma can affect our chakras where they can become blocked or even overactive. But, we can unblock our chakras and balance them so they are working in perfect alignment. 

Balanced Chakras

Blockages in your chakras are caused by traumas that aren’t fully released – emotional build-up that can be very recent or 20 or even 50 years old. 

Here are 7 Ideas For Balancing And Recharging Your Chakras – a whistle stop tour!

The First (Root) Chakra

is all about grounding and feeling safe. If you can, try to take a barefoot walk in the grass or on a beach to reconnect to Mother Earth. I find it’s still too cold so I like to touch a tree with my bare hands for about 5 minutes. ❤️

Your Second (Sacral) Chakra

governs how you experience pleasure, and a common issue for this chakra is shame. Water is cleansing and so healing for the sacral chakra. Can you immerse yourself in water for twenty minutes? At the swimming pool or maybe a special bath with epsom salts and your favourite essential oils. 🧡

The Third (Solar Plexus) Chakra

is where your will and self-esteem is situated – your personal power. Wearing a vibrant yellow can help charge this chakra as can physical movement. A brisk walk outside outside in the morning sun or in the evening before sunset, can help to recharge this chakra. Here is a lovely affirmation to unblock the solar plexus too; “I am courageous. I am whole. I stand in my power”. 💛

Your Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra

and when it’s open, you can give and receive love easily and in a healthy way. Treating yourself how you’d love to be treated (maybe buying yourself some flowers) will help to balance the heart chakra. Also, giving and receiving hugs – you can always give yourself a loving hug too. 💚

The Fifth (Throat) Chakra

is about speaking your truth, choosing to express the real you. Journaling with total honesty can clear and charge the throat chakra and help process old traumas. Journaling is a major part of energy healing and is so powerful as I have been finding out lately! 💙

Our Sixth Chakra, The “Third Eye”

is where your higher intellect and clarity of vision reside. Daily meditation (another essential part of energy healing) helps to awaken this chakra so you can increase your intuition and inner wisdom. Listen to your spirit and recognise how that feels. As you practise, you’ll find it easier and easier to connect with the energy from your Third Eye. 💜

An Open Seventh (Crown) Chakra

is connected to the beauty you can see in the world around you. Unblock this chakra, again with a meditation practice and connecting with nature. Here you can ask your higher self for guidance. 🤍


Now To Spring Clean Your Work Life

Take just a little bit of time to clean out your desk and your email inbox (I love doing that from time to time) – the impact of this can be huge. It creates so much mental space.

How about supporting a junior member of staff if you work as an employee? If you’re self employed, maybe find someone who has just started out in your field, so you can mentor them. It’s very rewarding to coach others and it will remind you what you like about your job or business.

Do you want to make a BIG change? Then give your CV to a couple of people you trust and respect for their comments on improving it. This means that when the right job comes up, you’re straight on the case. The same can be done if you’re a business owner with your business plan so they can make suggestions on what direction your business should be going.

I’d love to hear how you’re welcoming in the long waited for Spring. Get in contact here.

And to close my blog today, an affirmation from Louise Hay that can help boost your third eye and crown chakras!

“I trust the Universe to help me see the good in everything and in everyone.”

Much love

Liz 💌

P.S. If you want my help to work on your mindset and self-love and self-worth here’s how I can help:

♥️ Follow me and let me know the limiting beliefs sabotaging your life right now – follow this link

♥️ Here’s my page for my 21 Days To Letting Go Of The Weight digital course

♥️ Subscribe to my YouTube channel and never miss a video for inspiration and meditations – follow this link.

♥️And if you feel ready to make a commitment to working with me, energetically and financially and are ready to see if we could be a good fit, book in a call here