Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text says Compassion, kindness, respect, being authentic, having fun for my blog - My Core Values

My Core Values

Have you ever thought about your core values and what they might be?

It’s interesting, I think, when we take the time to think what is really important to us and what we stand for. How would we would want to be known? I’ve known a few of my core values for a while but I hadn’t actually made a note of them until recently.

Here they are! –


This is not only so important within my coaching but I feel it really matters in my personal life with everyone I come across. Having compassion means that, as much as I can, I try to understand what is going on for the other person and what they must be going through. Whenever, I find I might be judging, I gently remind myself that I don’t know what it is to live their life and also others can live the life they want!


This flows from compassion really. Why wouldn’t I not try to be as kind as much as possible with as many people as possible? Kindness is a very under-rated value I think and not always as easy as it sounds. By having it as a core value, it acts as a signpost for me and right now, I’m asking myself where could I be kinder and to whom could I be kinder to?


There are some people’s views I don’t agree with and some I am vehemently opposed to but, we are all allowed our views and so I respect their views without having to go along with them. Respecting other cultures and ways of life is very important to me, even if I don’t understand them. I feel that every human deserves respect from others no matter what.

Being authentic

For a long while in my life, I pretended to be someone else in a way. I showed a version of myself to others that I thought they would prefer. I never really felt authentic because I was so worried about what others would think, even those very close to me, if they the saw the real me. It’s so liberating to let down the mask and take off the armour and be me – Liz Doyle and thereby showing all my vulnerability. I have decided that vulnerability is my super-power now. I no longer need other people’s validation to know that I am worthy and that I am always good enough.

Having fun

SO important!! Having fun should be taken very seriously. Sheer fun, silly fun, laugh out loud fun, silly faces fun. Also finding fun and joy in as many moments of my life as I can, brings me happiness. This is who I am, I love laughing and I love to live a life with fun.

Here is a short video about having fun which is Number 12 of How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay. She thought it was very important too!

How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay

Why not drop me an email at and share what your core values are 💚

If you would like to find out how joining me on my coaching sessions can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want (including having more fun), just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.