Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of me with the words Mind Body Connection and Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Mind / Body / Spirit Connection

It was such an honour to be invited as a guest on Nicky Davies’ podcast episode. We had such an amazing conversation about Louise Hay and how the mind and body are completely connected as well as spirit.

What is the Mind / Body / Spirit Connection?

We may have an understanding that this connection exists but how often do we choose to ignore the feedback our bodies are giving us in the form of pain and ailments? Listening to what our bodies are telling us can transform our lives. During my chat with Nicky, we talked about how Louise healed herself and how my Thyroid cancer was linked to how I could never speak my truth and I never felt truly heard.

We talk about this and so much more, I just loved taking part.

Click on this link for access to the podcast.

As Louise, herself said – “This doesn’t ‘heal’ anyone, but it does awaken within you the ability to contribute to your own healing process.”

” For us to become whole and healthy, we must balance the body, mind, and spirit. We need to take good care of our bodies. We need to have a positive attitude about ourselves and about life. And we need to have a strong spiritual connection. When these 3 things are balanced, we rejoice in living. No doctor or health practitioner can give us this unless we choose to take part in our healing process. “

Louise Hay

One might assume the mind / body / spirit connection would be obvious once we become ill, but sometimes we’re so busy chasing symptoms that we don’t really understand what is going on behind the scenes. Louises book, “You Can Heal Your Life”, lists the ailments with their possible emotional roots. It provides deep insights into how our minds and emotions affect our health. I love looking through the book on my coaching sessions as it’s incredible what comes up for my clients at this time.

Looking for a Podcast Guest?

If you’re looking for a guest for your next podcast, I’d be really happy to be featured.

I work with women, helping them to love and accept themselves more – so in addition to the mind / body connection, we could talk about our limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and lovely imposter syndrome on the podcast!!!

Email me if you want me as a guest on your podcast, or with your thoughts on the Mind / Body / Spirit Connection OR if you’d like to find out about my 6 Love Yourself Coaching Sessions ♥️ follow this link.

A little insight to my coaching and the mind / body / spirit connection

And in the video above, I talk about the importance of being really patient with yourself. Why not have a look at the rest of my channel for lots of inspiration ♥️