Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Join our Facebook Community - Love Yourself - Women Inspiring Women with Liz Doyle

Join our Facebook Community

We all need support and inspiration from time to time. That is why I have put my FB group together and I’d love it if you wanted to join our Facebook community.

It’s called –

Love Yourself – Women Inspiring Women

The name of this group is pretty self explanatory – it’s all about loving ourselves, using the philosophies of the truly amazing Louise Hay and other enlightened and beautiful souls

I’ve been meaning to put this group together for a long time but I’m now here, always better late than never. So whether you have attended my workshops, courses or had coaching sessions with me, OR NOT, you are more than welcome.

Love is all there is or all you need is love (as the Beatles sang all those years ago).

But these sayings or even clichés are so true.

And Love has to start with loving self. How can we really, happily love others without loving ourselves first?

Self-love is the vibrational match for living your life with flow and joy.

It’s the foundation that allows us to be able to be open and receive all kinds of fun, laughter and even miracles in our lives.

It’s also the key that can unlock every single one of your intentions or goals that you might have — whether they’re about relationships, health, money or purpose.

You don’t have to work really hard to get self-love – it’s truly the essence of who we are.

It’s not something that is created or needs to be achieved.

All we have to do is dissolve the barriers that are blocking us and build up the energy in our bodies to experience the truth of who we really are.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


You can only receive in life what you believe you’re worthy of receiving. When you don’t have self-love, you don’t feel worthy of receiving everything that is out there, just waiting to flow to you.

How do you know when you have self-love?

You feel full inside. You have this feeling that all is well with you and with the world. You’re open to letting love and fun and all sorts of yummy things into your life.

Now here’s the tricky bit – Self-love is completely unconditional. It doesn’t depend upon how clever, talented, productive, or “perfect” you are. You simply love yourself no matter what is going on in your life.

You DON’T have to earn it. It is yours…

My Facebook community is all about reminding you of how magnificent you are and how you don’t have to prove one thing to anyone and especially not to yourself, to know your worthiness.

The group is a safe space for women to be inspired and to inspire each other so I welcome you to share in the group as much as you wish too.

That could be with inspiring posts, ideas or maybe asking for support.

I, of course, will be popping in every few days to share my thoughts and insights – not all the time as I don’t want it to be overwhelming for you or me.

The main thing to remember is that we are here for each other – there is no judgement, just compassion and love!

My belief is that we all have the power to share love which can help everyone on this planet to love themselves and others more – and it can start right here and right now.

We’d love to see you join our little Facebook community using this link

If, after reading this blog, you’re still wondering who I am (!), then follow this link to get to know me. Hope to see you soon♥️