Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Photo of Liz Doyle for International Women's Day

International Women’s Day

Wow! Did I need that water after my session on International Women’s Day at Netfest, an online networking session – from my festival water bottle obvs 💦💃🏻🎪

It was a remarkable day organised by a remarkable woman, Jacqueline Rogers. It was all about sharing our skills and knowledge with other like minded women to amplify them and also to challenge our thinking.

There were “tents” where we could go along and learn loads and just get some wonderful insights.

The title of my tent was “Why Women need to Love Themselves More”. Why is that? Because by loving and accepting ourselves completely, it means we welcome a successful life with ease, gratitude and joy.

We did a few exercises which were so powerful. They were:

WHO ARE YOU? What do you believe? 

We all have many positive things we believe, and we want to continue to reinforce these. 

But many of our beliefs are negative and continue to contribute to uncomfortable experiences in our lives. 

Far too often, these are the limiting beliefs of our parents, care givers or society in general. 

It is surprising how many of these beliefs were gathered around the age of 5. 

Surely not all these old beliefs are relevant to our current lives? 

Think of the image of an iceberg. 

There is a great deal of it hidden under the surface, just like our subconscious minds. 

So, periodic house cleaning is really, really useful.

However, it is impossible for us to change any limiting beliefs unless we know what they are. 

I asked the group what a range of simple words meant to them and it was intriguing what came up for the women in the “tent”.

We then took a look at some of Louise Hay’s How to Love Yourself steps. I take my clients through all 12 but in this session we looked at:

1. Stop All Criticism!

2. Forgive Yourself

6. Praise Yourself

I am sharing my YouTube video – Stop All Criticism and if you wish, you can then watch all 12 of Louise’s How To Love Yourself:

How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay

Here is some of the beautiful feedback I received.

“ Thanks for the session for International Women’s Day today, it was great, I got a lot out of it.  Loved your key points and will certainly be putting them into practice. Thanks again and hope to hear you talk again in the future. “

“ So pleased I came to yours again!! Second time, it had a bigger impact. I just watched my recording back and I could hear you saying ‘don’t criticise’…. So I watched it differently and actually, I wasn’t the mess I thought I was. I came across ok. Learnings obvs… But I’m pleased with it which I NEVER thought I’d say. Thank you xx “

“I really enjoyed your session, it was very poignant and humbling.  I’ve even practiced the mirror affirmations a couple of times since which is huge for me. “

I’m always so so grateful for such lovely feedback and I couldn’t be happier that they got so much in such a short space of time ♥️💚♥️💚

To find out how you can work with me, follow this link 😊