Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Inner Child Work

Inner Child Work

Communicating with our inner child plays an integral role in my coaching work.

We can often understand, intellectually, why we feel the way we do or where our negative beliefs come from. BUT deep inside us, our inner child still has that fear, anguish, shame or anger. We need to show that inner child that they are safe, loved and secure.

Using meditation and other exercises within my 1 to 1 sessions, we learn how important it is to understand how our inner child feels.

My inner child knows how perfect she is. I hold this child close to my heart and tell her how much I love her. 
Louise Hay

Our patterns for love were learned as a child.

If there were hugs and kisses, warmth and affection, and you were encouraged and praised, you will expect these same things as an adult.

On the other hand, if love was slamming doors & yelling & screaming, or disapproving silence & unreasonable expectations, or even brutality this will be your inner emotional connection as “love”.

If, as a child, you looked for love and all you found was pain, what will you find when you grow up and look for love?

Yes, more pain…

Using Louise Hay’s life changing philosophies, you get to understand your relationships as an adult better.

Until you release the old patterns, you will attract people who will give you pain.

Blaming the other person is useless. We need to change the patterns, and that is what my sessions are all about.

We cannot release the past if we do not know what there is to release. We need to see what negative beliefs are within us. 

Here is a short video which will give you a little more of an insight to inner child work:

I is for Inner Child

I suggest that you check in with your inner child every few days.

My inner child knows how perfect she is.

I hold this child close to my heart and tell her how much I love her.

Louise Hay

Inner Child work plays a very important part of my coaching and you know, at first I didn’t get it! Totally honesty here. But the more I connect with my inner child with Louise’s wonderful teachings, the more I am healed and living the life I’ve always wanted.

How my 6 one to one coaching sessions can help you:

  • How our thoughts and beliefs shape our lives
  • Awareness of negative thoughts and how to change them
  • Family patterns and how they affect our lives and choices
  • Healing the child within us
  • Dealing with difficult emotions
  • Forgiving ourselves and others
  • Unlocking a new future by learning to love ourselves and others
  • Creating healthy relationships
  • Freeing ourselves from damaging patterns and behaviour
  • Creating more vibrant health
  • Finding a sense of purpose, and
  • Writing a new story for our lives

Here is the link for more information on my package of 6 online sessions; all based on the philosophies and the teachings of Louise Hay, the pioneer of personal development.