Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of Liz Doyle - Forgiveness


Louise Hay’s gentle and powerful messages of love, forgiveness and acceptance have inspired me hugely both personally and professionally. 

It can be really hard to forgive.

It is a process that can take years. I really believe in forgiving and yet, there are things that I might never be able to forgive. But I’m willing to forgive which is always the first step.

I suggest beginning by forgiving yourself for not being able to forgive in this moment!

I’ve also learned that I do not have to forgive the act itself, but I can try to forgive the person who committed it. The goal is to separate someone’s deeds from who they are as a person.

I have had a rather long, challenging and ultimately freeing journey of forgiving my mother and others who hurt me badly and letting it all go. 

If you’re not ready to forgive yet, approach yourself with gentle amusement.

Be kind to yourself and remind yourself that you’ll forgive when you are ready.

By giving yourself that kind of permission, it makes it much easier to get on with life, because you’ve opened up some emotional space for yourself and you’ve accepted where you’re at.

Here’s a little video – How forgiveness lets us free ourselves.

A-Z of Self Love – Forgiveness

Fake forgiveness is temporary, conditional, past is ongoing, motivated by fear and there is anger

True forgiveness is permanent (!), it is unconditional, you state the past is over, it is inspired by love and it takes time

True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience” 

Oprah Winfrey

Don’t judge if you see people forgiveness quickly.- it’s not necessarily fake.

Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting but learning.

Many of my clients have found forgiveness one of the most powerful tools within our coaching sessions.

But in particular, the exercises on forgiveness were incredible.

I have started a daily practice of forgiveness and it is very freeing.


For more of a background about who I am and how I work with women, follow this link. And, of course, get in contact if you’r ready to set yourself free.