Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of a green shoot with the words "Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023. Liz Doyle the positive change coach."

Do you want to make some positive changes in 2023?

It’s 1st February today and although it might not be the new year, it’s still a fresh start. It’s a clean slate, a chance to create real change — inside and out.

That is such an exciting opportunity! 

So, if you haven’t yet, give yourself permission to release 2022 — any false starts or so called “failures”. We’ve all had a load of teaching moments in the last year, haven’t we?

Forgive yourself for the half-finished projects… – I have!!!

… and start dreaming about what could be!

Set yourself some new light-filled intentions and start taking action towards a bigger, brighter future — use this boost of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation to your advantage.

One of the ways you can do just that is by working with me in one of 3 ways….

#1 Intentions Setting – making positive changes in 2023

During this 2 hour session, we will look at what we have learnt and are moving on from, from 2022 and setting our intentions (not resolutions) for 2023.

It is NEVER too late to draw a line in the sand and start again. 2022 was another interesting(!) year and the best way to welcome in a new year is to be thankful and accept where we are. We can then bring ourselves into the energetic flow for an abundant 2023.

#2 Letting Go Of The Weight Online Course

On this very special course, you will become more and more aware of what you need to let go of to LET GO of the weight. 

Are you sick of the emotional eating and sabotaging all your efforts? 

Maybe you lack self-confidence and have no energy? Or do you feel totally alone with your battle with your weight? You are NOT alone.

#3 Love Yourself Private 1 to 1 Online Coaching Package

Using different awareness exercises, I will help you to start to identify where certain patterns in life have come from. The sessions will help you to explore your thoughts and feelings, and to express them in a totally safe environment.

Each of these powerful 6 sessions takes approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours as I want you to feel that you can take your time to allow everything to surface and share anything you want. 

These sessions will assist you to continue your life with more positive and exciting expectations for the future and with a deeper sense of self worth and self love. In the words of my clients, this package is “life-changing”.

Whether you work with me or not, step into this year with acceptance of what’s been so you can let it go and then into a place of allowing of what you truly deserve. ♥️

Did you make any New Year’s intentions?

For your job, business, relationships or maybe for your health and fitness?

Don’t worry if you haven’t sorted out everything yet – it’s never too late to make those positive changes 😊♥️

Maybe you have set some goals or intentions for the coming year but you’d like to revisit them so you can ignite some magic behind them! 

By working with me you will:

💎 Create space just for you and connect with your vision and inner wisdom. 

💎 Let go of being reactive and in survival mode and open up to receive abundance in your life

💎 Tune in with your higher self, co-create your ideal life.

Afterwards you will:

💎 Have a crystal clear vision for the coming year

💎 Feel energised and refreshed so you can let go of being in survival mode and step more fully into your power.

This work is so transformative BUT the truth is, it’s transformative for me every time I share any aspect of Louise Hay’s teachings. How blessed am I?!

I’m so honoured to hold space for the women I work with and to witness the growth that they experience.

I want to lovingly hold the door open and invite you to experience life changing work.

Are you saying YES to having the year you really truly want?

Because it’s here for you.

If you feel in your soul that this is the next right step on your path of transformation, then just reach out.

No one will prioritise your personal growth…except for you. If not now…then when?

This work may be calling your name, but it’s a big decision! I get that.

So, why not meet me on a private Zoom call and I’ll answer any questions you have about how you can work with me.

No matter what’s on your mind, I would love to meet with you face to face and help you decide if this is your next right step.

There will be no pressure, no pitching, just connecting with you to figure out what’s right for YOU.

If you want to make those positive changes in 2023, this link will give you access to my diary. And to find out more about me, the person behind this blog, then follow this link.

I’m a big believer in listening to my intuition or my inner wisdom so what a wonderful affirmation to close with, from the inspirational Louise Hay:

“I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that still, small voice within.”
