Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Tribute to Louise Hay

Celebrating the Legacy of Louise L Hay

It was the 4th anniversary of Louise Hay passing on 30th August and a couple of days later I shared a small tribute with women in my private Facebook community, Love Yourself – Women Inspiring Women. To celebrate the legacy of this incredible woman was, again, such an honour. This is the link for the group if you’d like to join us. We’d love to see you there!

It was beautiful to share a little of Louise’s background and also to talk about the core foundations that she used to recover from cancer – such a remarkable story. I have received such wonderful feedback from everyone who watched it.

The Power is Within You

I am sharing what Louise had to say on her Cancer Diagnosis in her second book, The Power Is Within You.

“Then one day, seemingly out of the blue, I was diagnosed with vaginal cancer. First, I panicked. Then, I had doubts that all this stuff I was learning was valid. It was a normal and natural reaction. I thought to myself, “If I was clear and centred, I wouldn’t have the need to create the illness.” In hindsight, I think when I was diagnosed, I felt safe enough at that point to let the illness surface so that I could do something about it, rather than having it be another hidden secret that I wouldn’t know about until I was dead. 

I knew too much by then to hide from myself any longer. I knew that cancer was a dis-ease of resentment that is held for a long time until it eats away at the body. 

When we stifle our emotions inside of us, they have to go somewhere in the body. If we spend a lifetime stuffing things down, they will eventually manifest somewhere in the body. 

I became very aware that the resentment (which my teacher had referred to so many times) within me had to do with being physically, emotionally, and sexually abused as a child. Naturally, I would have resentment. I was bitter and unforgiving of the past. I had never done any work to change or release the bitterness and let it go. When I left home, it was all I could do to forget what happened to me; I thought I had put it behind me when in actuality I had simply buried it. 

When I found my metaphysical pathway, I covered up my feelings with a nice layer of spirituality and hid a lot of garbage inside me. I put a wall around myself that kept me literally out of touch with my own feelings. I didn’t know who I was or where I was. After my diagnosis, the real inner work of learning to know myself began. 

Thank God, I had tools to use. I knew I needed to go within myself if I was going to make any permanent changes. Yes, the doctor could give me an operation and perhaps take care of my illness for the moment, but if I didn’t change the way I was using my thoughts and my words, I’d probably recreate it again. 

I realized that I was not really progressing in my life the way I wanted to because I hadn’t really cleared out this old garbage from childhood, and I wasn’t living what I was teaching. I had to recognize the inner child inside me and work with her. My inner child needed help because she was still in great pain. 

I quickly began a self-healing program in earnest. I concentrated on me totally and did little else. I became very committed to getting well. 

Some of it was a little weird, yet I did it anyway. After all, this was my life on the line. It became almost a 24-hour-a-day job for the next six months. I began reading and studying everything I could find about alternative ways to heal cancer because I truly believed it could be done. 

I did a nutritional cleansing program that detoxified my body from all the junk foods I had eaten for years. 

I said affirmations and did visualizations and spiritual mind treatments. I did daily sessions in front of a mirror. The most difficult words to say were, “I love you, I really love you.” It took a lot of tears and a lot of breathing to get through it. When I did, it was as if I took a quantum leap. 

I spent a long period of time beating pillows and screaming. It was wonderful. 

It felt so good because I had never, ever had permission to do that in my life. 

I don’t know which method worked; maybe a little bit of everything worked. 

Most of all I was really consistent with what I did. I practised during all my waking hours. I thanked myself before I went to sleep for what I had done during the day. I affirmed that my healing process was taking place in my body while I slept, and that I would awaken in the morning bright and refreshed and feeling good. In the morning, I’d awaken and thank myself and my body for the work during the night. 

I also worked on understanding and forgiveness. One of the ways was to explore my parents’ childhoods as much as I could. 

I began to understand how they were treated as children, and I realised that because of the way they were brought up, they couldn’t really have done anything differently than they did.

Step by step, my growing understanding of them enabled me to start the forgiveness process. 

The more I forgave my parents, the more willing I was to forgive myself. Forgiveness of ourselves is enormously important. Many of us do the same damage to the inner child that our parents did to us. We just continue the abuse, and it’s very sad. When we were children and other people mistreated us, we didn’t have many options, but when we grow up and we still mistreat the inner child, it’s disastrous. 

As I forgave myself, I began to trust myself. I found that when we don’t trust life or other people, it’s really because we don’t trust ourselves. We don’t trust our Higher Selves to take care of us in all situations

Eventually, I began to trust myself enough to take care of me, and I found it easier and easier to love myself once I trusted myself. My body was healing, and my heart was healing. 

My spiritual growth had come in such an unexpected way. “

I’d highly recommend this book and you can buy it from Hay House here.

Celebrating the Legacy of Louise L Hay

The work of Louise Hay addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, so it is timeless and offers us the opportunity for powerful personal transformation. The foundation of Louise’s work is, of course, loving and approving of yourself.

It was a beautiful event celebrating Louise’s legacy, and the recording is available to watch in the group and I’ve also uploaded it onto YouTube.

Tribute to Louise Hay

We finished with a Circle of Peace and Love meditation which the planet could really do with right now.

I want to give a special thanks to Meg Muir – Artist 🎨 who joined me on the zoom session and all I can say, is the synchronicity of what she shared couldn’t have been more powerful. I had no idea she was going to share what she did (even though it might look like I did!). Can I just add, Meg’s work is incredible and comes from a place of such love.

It was such a special evening – I can’t say any more than that. 


If any of what I have talked about in this blog has affected you in any way, I would be more than happy to discuss this with you – you are not alone. Get in contact here