Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach


Do you ever think “I’m too old”?

Image of Louise Hay in connection to my blog, Do you ever think "I'm too old"?

Maybe it’s not “I’m too old” but do you ever think “I’m too young”, “I’m too big” or “I’m too….” there’s always something isn’t there? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Louise Hay started Hay House Publishing when she was 60 years old. 

Hay House is now the largest publisher of self-help, inspirational and transformational books and products. 

Louise just started it so she could publish her own books but look what it has become and what it means to so many people?

Who was Louise Hay?

Louise had a very difficult, poor childhood, with a violent stepfather. 

When she was about five, she was raped by a neighbour. 

At 15, she became pregnant and had to give up her baby for adoption.

Not long after this, she escaped her abusive home and later married. 

When her husband left her 14 years later, her healing really began and she started what would become her life’s work.

In 1984, she published her famous You Can Heal Your Life which went on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide. 

In 1985, she began her support group, The Hayride, to help HIV/AIDS patients and their families. It started with six men diagnosed with AIDS in her living room. By 1988, the group had grown to a weekly gathering of 800 people and had moved to a much larger venue! 

Also, as I mentioned before, what began as a small venture in her home, Hay House was founded by Louise as a way to self-publish her first two books, Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life.

Today, Hay House is one of the largest publishers of personal development material in the world. Hay House authors have included Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Joe Dispenza and many, many more.

In addition, Louise established The Hay Foundation, a non-profit that assists organisations that supply support to those with AIDS, the homeless, marine conservation, and other charities. Of course, the rest is history.

What is holding you back from what you want in life?

Do you ever think “I’m too old”? Or do you say to yourself, “I’m too big…” “I’m too inexperienced…?” “I’m too stupid?!”

Don’t let any of your limiting beliefs hold you back…. 

You might still have them but you can push through them and shine your light…. 

It’s your time – now…. ♥️🤍

To find out how I can help you let go of those limiting beliefs, book in a call for a confidential chat here

#louisehay #Hayhouse

Do you ever think “I’m too old”? Read More »

International Women’s Day

Photo of Liz Doyle for International Women's Day

Wow! Did I need that water after my session on International Women’s Day at Netfest, an online networking session – from my festival water bottle obvs 💦💃🏻🎪

It was a remarkable day organised by a remarkable woman, Jacqueline Rogers. It was all about sharing our skills and knowledge with other like minded women to amplify them and also to challenge our thinking.

There were “tents” where we could go along and learn loads and just get some wonderful insights.

The title of my tent was “Why Women need to Love Themselves More”. Why is that? Because by loving and accepting ourselves completely, it means we welcome a successful life with ease, gratitude and joy.

We did a few exercises which were so powerful. They were:

WHO ARE YOU? What do you believe? 

We all have many positive things we believe, and we want to continue to reinforce these. 

But many of our beliefs are negative and continue to contribute to uncomfortable experiences in our lives. 

Far too often, these are the limiting beliefs of our parents, care givers or society in general. 

It is surprising how many of these beliefs were gathered around the age of 5. 

Surely not all these old beliefs are relevant to our current lives? 

Think of the image of an iceberg. 

There is a great deal of it hidden under the surface, just like our subconscious minds. 

So, periodic house cleaning is really, really useful.

However, it is impossible for us to change any limiting beliefs unless we know what they are. 

I asked the group what a range of simple words meant to them and it was intriguing what came up for the women in the “tent”.

We then took a look at some of Louise Hay’s How to Love Yourself steps. I take my clients through all 12 but in this session we looked at:

1. Stop All Criticism!

2. Forgive Yourself

6. Praise Yourself

I am sharing my YouTube video – Stop All Criticism and if you wish, you can then watch all 12 of Louise’s How To Love Yourself:

How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay

Here is some of the beautiful feedback I received.

“ Thanks for the session for International Women’s Day today, it was great, I got a lot out of it.  Loved your key points and will certainly be putting them into practice. Thanks again and hope to hear you talk again in the future. “

“ So pleased I came to yours again!! Second time, it had a bigger impact. I just watched my recording back and I could hear you saying ‘don’t criticise’…. So I watched it differently and actually, I wasn’t the mess I thought I was. I came across ok. Learnings obvs… But I’m pleased with it which I NEVER thought I’d say. Thank you xx “

“I really enjoyed your session, it was very poignant and humbling.  I’ve even practiced the mirror affirmations a couple of times since which is huge for me. “

I’m always so so grateful for such lovely feedback and I couldn’t be happier that they got so much in such a short space of time ♥️💚♥️💚

To find out how you can work with me, follow this link 😊

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My Core Values

Text says Compassion, kindness, respect, being authentic, having fun for my blog - My Core Values

Have you ever thought about your core values and what they might be?

It’s interesting, I think, when we take the time to think what is really important to us and what we stand for. How would we would want to be known? I’ve known a few of my core values for a while but I hadn’t actually made a note of them until recently.

Here they are! –


This is not only so important within my coaching but I feel it really matters in my personal life with everyone I come across. Having compassion means that, as much as I can, I try to understand what is going on for the other person and what they must be going through. Whenever, I find I might be judging, I gently remind myself that I don’t know what it is to live their life and also others can live the life they want!


This flows from compassion really. Why wouldn’t I not try to be as kind as much as possible with as many people as possible? Kindness is a very under-rated value I think and not always as easy as it sounds. By having it as a core value, it acts as a signpost for me and right now, I’m asking myself where could I be kinder and to whom could I be kinder to?


There are some people’s views I don’t agree with and some I am vehemently opposed to but, we are all allowed our views and so I respect their views without having to go along with them. Respecting other cultures and ways of life is very important to me, even if I don’t understand them. I feel that every human deserves respect from others no matter what.

Being authentic

For a long while in my life, I pretended to be someone else in a way. I showed a version of myself to others that I thought they would prefer. I never really felt authentic because I was so worried about what others would think, even those very close to me, if they the saw the real me. It’s so liberating to let down the mask and take off the armour and be me – Liz Doyle and thereby showing all my vulnerability. I have decided that vulnerability is my super-power now. I no longer need other people’s validation to know that I am worthy and that I am always good enough.

Having fun

SO important!! Having fun should be taken very seriously. Sheer fun, silly fun, laugh out loud fun, silly faces fun. Also finding fun and joy in as many moments of my life as I can, brings me happiness. This is who I am, I love laughing and I love to live a life with fun.

Here is a short video about having fun which is Number 12 of How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay. She thought it was very important too!

How To Love Yourself by Louise Hay

Why not drop me an email at and share what your core values are 💚

If you would like to find out how joining me on my coaching sessions can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want (including having more fun), just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.

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What are your intentions for 2021?

What are your intentions for 2021? Blog . This is a bubble map of words which are in the blog

What are your intentions for 2021? Would you like to feel good enough every day? Would you like your life to flow with more ease? Would you like to live a healthier, richer life?

Maybe the words in this image might give you an idea of what you can start to feel this year. This is beautiful, loving, freeing and healing work and it’s something you deserve to give yourself. 

This is a bubble map I had fun preparing from some of the words taken from clients’ feedback in 2020. 

My clients have felt:


















Have a watch of Elizabeth’s video where she talks about working with me;

Elizabeth’s feedback

I have a few questions for you.

Do you compare yourself to others?

Is there a little voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough? 

Do you feel that you have to keep proving yourself again and again?

Or have you gone through a relationship breakdown or other trauma in the past and are still struggling to move on?

I help women to move on from overwhelm and anxiety and develop a deep sense of self-love and self-worth. 

I run online private 1 to 1 sessions over 6 weeks. 

These sessions help women to have more fulfilling relationships with everyone and everything in their lives including their beliefs about their health and appearance as well as their success and prosperity.

Would you like to find out more about me? If so, follow this link and I’m looking forward to catching up with you.


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December Sunday Love Letter

Text - In the Infinity of Life Where I am, All is Perfect, Whole and Complete. Louise Hay for the blog; December Sunday Love Letter

I sent out my December Sunday Love Letter yesterday. The last one of 2020! – here it is if you’d like to have a read (and you can subscribe too if you want 😊)

I hope you managed to find some peace, love and fun whether you were alone or with others this Christmas time. It can be a challenging times in the best of years but this year has been like no other!

Within the Love Letter, I shared this beautiful affirmation from Louise Hay which is rather fitting for how I feel after reflecting on what 2020 brought me in my life overall

In the Infinity of Life Where I am, All is Perfect, Whole and Complete.

Louise Hay

Positive Affirmations

I have found using positive affirmations really powerful in my life. If this is something you’re keen to develop further, here are some more of Louise’s that you can try on for size. The important thing is to say them every day and in front of a mirror is even better!

I love and approve of myself.

I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.

I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens all doors.

The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.

My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways. 

I am in the process of positive change.

I am in charge, I now take my own power back.

As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

I Love Myself Therefore…

Another exercise which you might like to try is in this video. It’s so easy to do and very powerful:

I love myself therefore

If you think this is the time to make those real positive changes, you can find out with this link, how we can work together.

I hope you enjoyed my December Sunday Love Letter and I wish you a very happy, healthy and wealthy 2021. I am very much looking forward to moving on into what must be a better year for so many ♥️

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Text - Meditation

Meditation is a powerful act of self-love. Meditation plays a major part in my life and has made a profound difference to my life. It also plays a major part in my own coaching, and I suggest that my clients introduce meditation into their daily practice as soon as we start working together. In fact, I send them my recordings as part of their growth work.

You can’t get meditation wrong!

There is so much hype about sitting in the right position and not letting your thoughts in. You can’t stop your thoughts BUT you can slow them down. You can observe them like a train stopping at a station. You can choose to get on the train and let your thoughts take over or you can watch the train leave the station.

I would suggest introducing meditation into your life if you can. As early in the day as possible will make such a difference. You can set the alarm 10 minutes earlier for the practice. If done consistently, this will make a massive difference to the day ahead. This will start your day with such positivity and light.

This small extract was from a recent session I shared and I feel it can help all of us right now 💜💚💜

“In every moment of life, there are infinite reasons to suffer and infinite reasons to be happy… 

What matters is where we’re putting our attention… 

Become aware that everything you need to be happy is already present in this moment… 

All of the conditions that are needed for peace, joy, and freedom are already here… 

Let’s no longer ignore the positive conditions that are available in this moment… 

Problems do exist, but they are not all that exists… 

Focus on everything in life that is good… 

We are no longer regretting the past or worrying about the future…

We are here and present to the miracles of life.”

Meditation quietens the mind and that can only be a good thing. And, it can do so much more.

Are you feeling stuck and want to move on? Follow this link to book in a confidential call to discuss if working with me could be a good match.

#meditation #positivechange #louisehay

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Honouring Boundaries

Image of Liz Doyle & Text Honouring Boundaries

What do I mean by honouring boundaries?

Do you have a hard time saying no? 😳😳

Do you find it difficult to ask for what you want? 

Can you tend to neglect your own needs and wants? 

Can you tend to get caught up in taking care of other people at the cost of yourself? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re in the right place!

Do you feel it might be a good time to introduce some healthy boundaries with your loved ones?

I think that us women can have a hard time saying no to what we don’t want and yes to what we do want.

Boundaries are the physical, emotional, and mental limits we set in our relationships. They allow us to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, violated, or enmeshed in other people’s needs. 

Boundaries allow us to separate who we are, and what we think and feel, from the thoughts and feelings of others. 

The presence of healthy boundaries helps us to express ourselves and say no when needed. We can create appropriate limits and acknowledge the same in others.

As part of my coaching sessions, we spend time exploring our current boundaries and see how we can develop healthier ones.

It could be that you’re extremely affected by the emotions and energy of the people and space around you. 

At times, it can be very hard to distinguish between your “stuff” and other people’s “stuff.” 

In the absence of healthy emotional boundaries, you can become so overwhelmed and overstimulated by what’s going around you that sometimes it can become hard to function normally. 

That can be both emotionally and physically draining. 

And this is what Louise Hay had to say about healthy boundaries:

It would not be possible to enjoy healthy relationships without the existence of personal boundaries, or without our willingness to communicate them directly and honestly with others.

To set personal boundaries means to preserve our integrity, take responsibility for our needs, and assume control of our lives.

Knowing that we have a right to personal boundaries requires us to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us. 

Our boundaries act as filters permitting what is acceptable in our life and what is not.

What we say YES to and what we say NO to defines our life.

If you think you could do with setting some healthy boundaries with your loved ones and maybe those you work with, then, have a look at this short video:

A-Z of Self-Love. Honouring Yourself & Honouring Boundaries

This is such a big subject and I think we’re always working on establishing healthy boundaries within our relationships. But if you find that this is an area you could do with some further help on, then follow this link to find out how we can work together.

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Growth Work NOT Homework

Image of a plant growing with text; Growth Work NOT Homework. Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

So that my clients can benefit from the work we do in our sessions, they have a little bit of growth work to take away each week – it’s simple AND it’s NOT homework

The growth work material helps my clients go through what has been covered each week.

I always want them to see it as a gift to themselves.

All the sessions are designed to help the healing process. 

Even if a client has worked with this material before, there is always a deeper level of healing that can occur.

We will go into ourselves deeply to break through the layers of the old stories and find the beauty inside. 


I will also send my client a recording of one of the meditations I took them through during that session. This helps her to really consolidate everything we have looked at. It also helps her to introduce the meditation practice into her life if she hasn’t already.

With meditation, the goal is to focus attention on some specific thought and allow the mind to transcend its usual jumping all over the place. Plato likened the mind to a ship where the sailors have mutinied. The discipline of meditation quells it so that the captain and the navigator can steer consistently and coherently. Others have referred to our minds as a “monkey mind” jumping all over the place. Meditation helps stop the monkey from jumping!

Meditation allows us to shift attention from all the demands of our busy, outer world to a quiet inner world. It’s really an activity of the heart. When you consistently spend time in meditation, you find a core of strength and wisdom, and you develop more of a flow with life.

Here’s a super short video which gives a little more insight to the growth work.

Growth Work to help my clients even more

The most important thing I want my clients to remember is to be very gentle with themselves as they process the work we have done.

And wherever they are right now in their journey is perfect. Whatever she is doing is moving her forward. And that the growth work is not homework!

And what I always say about the Growth Work

“Put your attention on what you are doing, not what you aren’t!”

Go at your own (relaxed) pace. 

There’s no need to feel that you’re falling behind or that you need to catch up. Trust the process.

Relax and celebrate. 

Attending these sessions is a powerful step forward. 

Please celebrate every step that you take!”

As always, I’d love to hear what you think and if you’d like to find out more about me, just follow this link.

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Who do you need to forgive about money issues?

Text - Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? 💷💰💳💶

This can be a difficult subject for so many of my clients. Forgiving others and ourselves over money issues. 

So that we can empower ourselves in our relationship with money and other forms of prosperity and abundance, we need to release limiting beliefs. We also need to practise new ways of thinking about prosperity and one of those new ways is in forgiveness.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues – did someone borrow money and not pay you back? 💷

Did someone betray you financially? 😳

Are there money issues within your family? 

Do you need to forgive yourself about money issues – perhaps you ran up your credit cards too much or wasted money that you didn’t really have in the first place? 💳🤦🏻‍♀️

Maybe you still feel you’re still treating money like that old, toxic friend you never see? You know the one!

It’s time to forgive yourself and move on

Accept yourself, right now, with your current consciousness about money.

So, you’ve made some mistakes in the past. Who hasn’t?

Everyone has. But remember, up until now you weren’t aware of your old stories that were running the show – up until now!

Now you do, so you can begin changing them and have a whole new experience with money and abundance! 

So, right now, let go of the past, forgive yourself, and be willing to create a new and harmonious relationship with money and your abundance consciousness.

Here’s a very short video about forgiving yourself from the beautiful Louise Hay and her How To Love Yourself

How to love yourself by Louise Hay – Forgive Yourself

Now say it with me

“I forgive others for teaching me incorrect beliefs”

“I forgive myself for using money unwisely in the past”

We are never really done with forgiveness of any kind. Just when we think we’ve forgiven someone or ourselves for something, some memory might pop into our head and we’re right back there again. BUT it does get easier the more we make forgiveness a part of our lives.

Forgiveness does set you free but if you feel like you’re still in that prison of resentment (I’ve been there!), maybe it’s time to look at how my coaching sessions can help you. Follow this link to find out some more.

Who do you need to forgive about money issues? Read More »


Happy Birthday Louise Hay

Last month we were celebrating Louise Hay’s legacy on the anniversary of her passing and it was such a special session and very popular. This Thursday, 8th October, we will be saying “Happy Birthday Louise Hay”.

Louise changed my life

I came across Louise’s work just when I needed it most in my life. Looking back, I think I was on burnout after different events over a number of years and to be honest, I was just hanging on in there.

From an early age, I was always pretty good at pretending everything was OK and for my kids I had to just keep going. But that isn’t a life is it?

So, when I came across Louise’s work, I saw how it could help me and then later, how it could help others.

After becoming a licensed Heal Your Life Trainer, I knew this work could help people move on from trauma; see the beauty they have within themselves and live life with a real sense of self-worth.

Since then, I have truly loved sharing Louise’s philosophies and teachings – it has been such a remarkable journey and I’m so thankful for it.

She has touched the lives of millions of people around the world and continues to change mine every day.

Louise, internationally renowned teacher and best-selling author, was a pioneer and legend in personal development. Her philosophies look at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves, so it is timeless and offers us the opportunity for powerful personal positive change.

Thank you Louise for what you’ve brought to so many. 🙏🙏

Here is a recording of a previous birthday celebration

Louise Hay – Mirror Work

The foundation of Louise’s work is all about loving and approving of yourself. Her work is truly transformative. So although you are no longer in the physical world, Happy Birthday Louise Hay.

If you would like to find out how joining me on this journey of self-discovery and positive change can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want, just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.