Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach


Does the Full Moon affect your mood or sleep?

Image of the Full Moon for the blog - Does the Full Moon affect your mood or sleep?

I’ve been wondering about this more and more as I have noticed such a difference in my mood in the few days leading up to a full moon for the last few months. I’ve had my suspicions for much longer but I feel there is too much of a correlation now. Does the Full Moon affect your mood or sleep?

I know I’m not new to the party – the link between the moon and madness has been well documented throughout history. We’ve also heard about ‘lunacy’ coming from the Latin lunaticus, meaning ‘moonstruck’. 

According to some scientists, the lunar effect is the theory that various stages of the moon’s cycle cause behavioural changes in humans and animals. A study back in 2013 even found that we sleep on average 20 minutes less during a full moon than at any other time of the month, and take longer to drift off to sleep, too. – this has definitely been the case for me.

During a full moon, ocean tides are higher than usual from an increase in the gravitational pull from the moon and sun.  Considering that the body is 80% water, it comes as no surprise that scientists think that similar effects happen in the body creating almost a “human tidal pull” that can affect brain function.

The Full Moon’s Effects on Your Health

As I said, I am sure that the full moon impacts people, animals, and the things around us. How does the Full Moon affect your mood or sleep or am I talking nonsense?!

I am having a fluctuation in mood that only lasts for a few days for some reason and is unexplainable – and it seems only at this time of the lunar cycle.

Sleep disturbances – I have trouble falling asleep and wake up during the night and then I’m tossing and turning – but it only lasts for a few days or a week at a time.

7 Ways The Full Moon Might Affect Your Health

Here are some interesting things researchers have found with regard to the lunar cycle:

1. Heart

I’m not talking romance here – A study published in the Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research found that when exercising, your heart is at its peak performance during a full and new moon.

2. Brain

Much like the moon is responsible for the ebb and flow of tides, because our brains are a significant source of water, Dutch researchers believe the moon’s gravitational pull could similarly have influence on your brain, causing erratic behaviour (I knew this already!)

We might also hear complaints of headaches and migraines around the time of the full moon. While there is no scientific correlation between migraines and the full moon, full moons can disrupt sleep which, in turn, disrupts hormone levels, thus triggering headaches.

3. Kidneys

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Urology found that kidney stone pain increased significantly at the time of the full moon.  In another study, researchers found that generally, more patients were admitted to hospitals with urological emergencies during this time, too. Conversely, the new Moon caused a “calming effect” for people with these conditions.

One theory behind these conclusions is that the kidneys, like other organs and the human body itself, are made up of at least 60% water, and just as lunar activity can affect our oceans, creating powerful and predictable tides, the moon might affect the workings of these organs, causing a noticeable ebb and flow in times of calm and pain. Not all researchers agree, but there is enough evidence that studies continue.

4. Sleep

A study published in Current Biology reviewed the sleep patterns of participants over three days in which they were allowed to fall asleep at will in a controlled area that had neither clocks nor outside light. When the data was compared to the phases of the moon, researchers discovered that participants not only had lower melatonin levels during bright moon phases, but they also took 5 minutes longer to fall asleep, slept 20 minutes less in general, and had 30 percent less REM sleep. And we all know that not getting enough sleep, affects your health.

5. Menstrual Cycle

A woman’s average menstrual cycle is 28 days, which is quite similar to the 29+ day lunar cycle. This timing may be more than coincidence according to Chinese researchers who discovered that almost 30% of all the women monitored ovulated at the full moon and menstruated during the new moon. In some cultures, this has a name – White Moon Cycle, which essentially mirrors the fertility of the Earth which is said to be most fertile under full moonlight.

6. Birthrate

Japanese researchers discovered something interesting: there is a significant increase in the number of births when the gravitation of the moon to the Earth is most powerful. While researchers admit they are still unclear on exactly how or why this relationship exists, they say it might help healthcare professionals and pregnant women better prepare.

Additionally, one Italian study examined more than 1,200 births over three years and found a higher number of babies born in the two days after a full moon.

7. Injuries

As the full moon can affect our moods and behaviour in certain ways, it’s not really surprising that we are more prone to accidents or illness during this time, according to some research. 

A study published in World Journal of Surgery found that over 40% of medical personnel believe in “Full Moon Madness” among patients. It was also revealed that emergency calls for all sorts of conditions actually increases by 3% whenever there’s a full moon, and then drops by 6% during a new moon.

In 2008, British researchers found a link between the lunar cycle and what doctors call “medically unexplained stroke symptoms,” where patients develop complaints such as headaches, numbness and coordination issues but have nothing physically wrong with them.

I find all of this fascinating but what do you think? 

Do you experience any changes in your health during the full moon? Does the full moon affect your mood or sleep?

Does the Full Moon affect your mood or sleep? Read More »

Leadership Development Programme

Image of a woman holding a growing plant with the words Leadership Development and Liz Doyle Positive Change Coach

Helping your leaders or future leaders within your organisation ✨

You may not know that I also work with organisations, helping their leaders to navigate their way through the massive changes that have been taking place at work and in their lives in general over the last 18 months. My Leadership Development Programme is quite unique.

If the people who work for you are happy in every area of their life, including who they work with and for, then odds are they will be happy in their career. 

This is where I come in. 

Investing in the talent within your organisation will save you a lot of money in the long run

Talent that has not been invested in will either not reach their potential or move somewhere else. Either way will cost you. Recruiting another potential leader into your company will cost you 5 times as much as using someone like me who can help them achieve their true potential

I go deep, working from the inside out and will work with each of your leaders to help them move from overwhelm and maybe anxiety, which they might be trying to hide or are not able to articulate properly, to a place of self-worth and high self-esteem. 

From working with me, their evolving attitude to their role will be enhanced and enriched – and of course, this also affects every other aspect of their life.

I partner with individuals and organisations to discover their challenges and create heart and mind based solutions to empower people to flourish and positively impact their roles, teams and organisations. 

By assisting senior business leaders develop their skills and confidence and achieve their personal goals, they will naturally develop their organisation objectives.

I coach and mentor people in leadership positions and potential leaders, helping them with their personal development and achieving their business objectives. 

It’s easy to book in some time with me to discuss your leadership development programme and how I could help you. Just follow this link. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Happy Birthday Jim

Image of my Dad - Happy birthday Jim

It was my Dad’s birthday yesterday – Happy Birthday Jim. I found this old photo in my box of old random family photos (he always had a smile on his face).

He’s actually been gone longer than I’ve been alive which is really making me think.

I loved listening to his stories of his childhood as a boy in West Cork in Ireland. He had no shoes in the summer, he lived by the sea but never learnt to swim and had to leave home for work when he was 15. Such was life being poor in those days. 

I don’t remember seeing him ever go out without wearing a suit and tie and he was probably the kindest, sweetest, silliest and downright most loving man I have ever known.

Our old money stories

He built up a very successful business here in the UK – a world away from where he started life and my dad sure loved the good life. He lived it large as they say. However, I now realise because of his own limiting beliefs from his early impoverished childhood and financial set point in his subconscious, he lost it all – TWICE. 

The first time I was 8 and I remember the bailiffs coming to the house and mum yelling at me to get in the house and lock the door. Until I started the work I share I was never aware of the damaging messages I received from that early experience.

The second time was really bad as we not only lost the home I grew up in but it was all shrouded in secrecy, disgrace and deep deep shame. After all these years, I have still only told a handful of people the full, sad story.

This disgrace lived with him and because mum and dad had to return to Ireland, when I was still 18, I missed him a lot. He never got over that experience – the feeling he had let his family down and later on he had a catastrophic stroke. It was terrible to watch him suffer so much.

What are your money wounds?

I have been looking at all of these old money wounds again lately and the long term affect they’ve had on me. It’s fascinating and also rather sad. But I feel deep down, for the first time, I’m really being able to move on from them. Subconsciously, we all set a ceiling of where we think our financial situation or income level should be and until we break through that ceiling, we’re stuck with the same old stories and patterns.

I’m going to share a video on our limiting beliefs which I hope you find really helpful:

Limiting Beliefs

If you’d like to heal your money wounds and any of the limiting beliefs that might be running the show (up until now), have a look at how you can work with me with this link

So, last night I raised a glass to my truly wonderful Dad (a big softie) who always knew he was loved. Happy birthday again Jim. ♥️

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Do you feel guilty?

Why do women feel guilty?

I know this is a generalisation but I think women tend to feel far more guilty than men when they put themselves first, or perceive that they do. I still feel guilty, at times, when I have a rest or take time for myself.

So many of us, from an early age have been conditioned to “be good” or “be nice”. Even if we didn’t quite achieve that, like me 😉, we still felt that was the truth and so to be good enough or worthy, we needed other people’s approval or validation. We can go through life trying to please people. This could be with our family, at work, in our relationships… Or even a stranger at the supermarket!

Do you want to stop feeling guilty and put yourself first?

Self-care is a complete form of self-love and if we don’t look after ourselves completely, not just as an afterthought, then we can start to become resentful, worn out or even depressed. 

So, this is the time to take control and give yourself permission to do nothing for a whole hour, or a day or a week – you get the picture. 

Here are 5 more things you can stop feeling guilty about

(It’s not just me, is it?!) 

1. Watching rubbish telly

Not everything has to be high-brow or educational. Sit and enjoy Gogglebox if you wish, yes that’s my gorgeous go to telly programme that makes me laugh out loud which is such a joy.

2. Removing someone from your life

If there is someone in your life that is really not good for you, doesn’t nourish you, maybe undermines you, lets you down all the time, you can let them go with love.

3. Having the emotions you have 

Sometimes, we feel angry, upset or fearful but then we can feel guilty for having these emotions. It’s OK to not feel OK, in other words, to feel crap. Having your feelings and expressing them (in a safe way) is so much better than pushing them down and ignoring them.

4. Asking yourself:  “What’s the most loving thing that I can do for myself right now?” 

And then go do it without feeling guilty! It might be as simple as drinking a glass of water, or taking a moment to close your eyes and spend 5 minutes breathing, going within. Maybe giving yourself a big hug or tell yourself you’re amazing in the mirror, get outside for some fresh air. It’s about nourishing and nurturing yourself with acts of self-love without feeling bad about it. Listen to and honour yourself.  When you do what’s right for you, it’s right for everybody.

5. Having “stupid, mindless” fun! 

I think having fun is a serious business and as adults, we can easily forget to have fun. Or if we do, we can start feeling guilty about it. Louise Hay, of course, talks about this in “How to Love Yourself” I’m sharing the video below on this very important subject! It creates joy, which creates more endorphins; more serotonin. This allows us to vibrate at a higher level. When we vibrate at a higher level, we open up more and more to life.

How to love yourself by Louise Hay – 12. Have Fun

Of course, this list can go on and on. What else could you add? I’d love to know what you’d add.

If you’ve had enough of feeling guilty and would like to find out about really loving yourself every day, why not book in a confidential call with me with this link?

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You were born worthy of love and belonging

Brene Brown Quote - You were born worthy of love and belonging

I am a big fan of Brené Brown and what she has to say about our feelings of being worthy of love and belonging. I want to share the fantastic quote below with you as, well, it says it all doesn’t it?

Do you think you have to keep playing small?

That you are not enough or that you can’t speak up for what you believe in?

Your values count and so do you.

” I think midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: I’m not screwing around. It’s time. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt – has to go. Your armor is preventing you from growing into your gifts.

I understand that you needed these protections when you were small. I understand that you believed your armour could help you secure all of the things you needed to feel worthy of love and belonging, but you’re still searching and you’re more lost than ever.

Time is growing short.

There are unexplored adventures ahead of you.

You can’t live the rest of your life worried about what other people think.

You were born worthy of love and belonging. Courage and daring are coursing through you.

You were made to live and love with your whole heart. It’s time to show up and be seen.”

Brené Brown

You can’t live the rest of your life worried about what other people think

Here is a wonderful recording by Brené covering the subject of our worthiness:

Know Your Worth and Where you Belong | Brené Brown

Watching women learn to see their own worthiness

What I love the most about my work as a Positive Change Coach is to see the difference I make in other women’s lives. 💖

They enter a session or a programme with frustration, sadness, or desperation. As if a grey cloud is hanging over them. As the weeks go on, clarity comes to them, huge aha moments. They start living their lives with hope, they start smiling more. This can sound a bit daft but their faces start shining with happiness and optimism. It’s just beautiful.

I’m so honoured to be part of their life journey, to witness their growth. To see that they are worthy of love and belonging.

If you feel like you have been playing life small for far too long – or maybe you feel that you are never quite good enough – or if you feel you can’t speak up for what you believe in, then it might be time to see how by working with me, you can change all of that.

If you would like to find out how joining me on this journey can help you to truly love yourself and to live the life you want, just get in contact for a confidential chat. 

You can either fill in the form, email me or book in a Discovery Call, using this link.

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The Mother Wound

Mother Wound Blog

What is the mother wound?

It was my mum’s 25th anniversary of passing this week. I can’t quite believe it’s been that long but in many ways, it feels like such a long time ago. Here you can see us all together at my christening – a good old Catholic family eh?! What with my sisters in their First Holy Communion dresses…

Mother/Daughter Relationship

I had a very difficult relationship with my mother and I do feel I am still feeling that so called “mother wound”. A lot of my limiting beliefs that have had a major effect on my life, I now realise, are due to those early years with my mother. Even though she was a stay-at-home mum, she was never there emotionally. She was distant, cold and, at times, quite brutal as well as being controlling. I have quite a few stories I could share but maybe another time. This also affected how I turned out as a mother, and although I was extremely conscious of showing my love for my children at every turn, those early childhood experiences left their mark on me.

When she died, we weren’t really talking because she went back to Ireland to live on her own, although she wasn’t in the right state of health to do that, having just suffered a stroke. Her home in Ireland was pretty rural and rather remote and she didn’t really have any friends in the area to check on her. At the time of her passing, I really felt that I was grieving the relationship we never had.

She was obstinate, pig-headed and would never listen but of course I love her. I shared this in my monthly love letter and because I received so much response about how much it had resonated with some, I thought it worth sharing here.

Discovering Louise Hay

Because of Louise Hay’s amazing work, I have learnt to really understand my mother much more and why she was the way she was (I had forgiven her a long time ago). Understanding that we are all victims of victims has really helped me and also knowing that she really was doing the best she could with the knowledge, the awareness and the understanding that she had at that time.

As part of healing the mother wound, this meditation can really help – I have had so much great feedback from it.

Healing the mother wound

This whole process, is ongoing as we are never done but I hold my mum much closer in my heart now because of the further personal development work I invest in myself.  

If any of this resonates and you would like to discuss how I can help you make the positive changes you’re looking for, book in a private and confidential call here.

So, here’s to remembering my mother who did always love me, I knew that eventually. 

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How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

Mirror - how do you feel when you look in the mirror?

The first session with my new client the other day included Louise Hay’s mirror work which is one of my absolute favourites. Not because it makes women cry 😢😢 (but that actually is a good thing 🙏🏽), but because it really starts to get to the root of how we feel about ourselves…. What are your thoughts when you look in the mirror?

I ask my clients to look really close up into a handheld mirror and say out loud, “I love and approve of myself exactly as I am.” 🥰

Some of my clients find this really really difficult…

Then I ask – “notice your feelings and try not to judge them. Just notice what goes on when you says those words.”

Then I say:

“This might be initially uncomfortable but I’m going to ask you to carry on looking at yourself, really look into your own eyes. Resist the temptation to look away… Stay with it… Notice what you think and feel straight away… ” 😳

The exercise continues but this little bit gives you an idea of how revealing it all is….. 💚💜🌈

I shared a little of Louise Hay’s amazing Mirror Work with my Facebook community “Love Yourself – Women Inspiring Women” to celebrate her birthday. If you’d like to join, here is the link

Louise Hay’s Mirror Work

Trying mirror work

Most of the time our biggest problem is that we do not love ourselves. A wonderful way for us to see where we stand on the issue is to use the mirror. So look in your eyes and say “I love and approve of myself exactly as I am”. Just notice what’s going on when you say that. Do you immediately criticise yourself? Notice what’s happening inside.

I look in the mirror every day, several times a day and I say to myself “I love you, I really love you”. When something wonderful happens, I say “thank you” to myself.

It is great for forgiveness too. Say to yourself “I forgive you and I love you”. Forgive other people in the mirror too. You can use the mirror to talk to people, telling them things you’re afraid to tell them in person. Tell them you want their love and approval. 

We use the mirror in each of my 6 one to one Love Yourself Coaching sessions. It is so powerful and can lead to such profound changes. For more information on these sessions, follow this link.

How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Read More »

Here we are in the first week of May – already!

Image of my free download - 5 ways to love yourself when life gets messy. Relating to the blog - Here we are in the first week of May - already!

Coming out of lockdown, here in the UK, has been amazing. Meeting friends and loved ones outside and seeing shops opening again feels so special. I still can’t believe that we are in the first week of May already!!!

However, for some, it is a very difficult time. We could still be very nervous or even fearful of venturing out and mixing with others. This is understandable and I would suggest, allow those feelings to surface and be very gentle with yourself as we move forward with life. As always, if you need to have a chat, please get in touch as I’m always happy to help in any way I can.


“5 Ways to Love Yourself When Life Gets Messy”

This beautiful freebie is out and I’d like to thank Claire Rowland for putting this together. Claire is a fabulous graphic designer and has helped the novice here, in getting this download together. I wanted something that would help and give value but to have it looking so beautiful too is really wonderful. 

A big thank you to Maggie Duerden too for setting all the landing pages etc up for me – you are a real whiz with all things WordPress and I am very grateful for everything you do for me.

To receive the download, use this link. I would, genuinely, like to know what you think of it.


Inner Child Work

Here are few of the reviews I received from the Inner Child Session I ran in April. It was, as always, a privilege to share Louise’s special work and I’d like to thank the women who joined me for making it such an insightful and inspirational experience.

“Liz is a calm and caring coach, who is an expert in inner child work. Her workshop was a delight to attend. I really enjoyed the mediations which she delivered in a warm and gentle manner. This allowed me to access my inner child and communicate with this part of myself, and what this revealed was very enlightening. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Liz, and I love it that she’s informed by the work of Louise L Hay.” Geraldine

“I attended the inner child workshop with Liz yesterday and found it incredibly insightful and a safe space to help heal past wounds. Liz is very warm and understanding and I felt I was in safe hands. We did some exercises that helped me to reconnect with my inner child in a gently, loving manner and I left the workshop feeling more relaxed with some tips on how to have some fun with my inner child. I would highly recommend anyone who is doing self development work to take a workshop with Liz to help yourself and in turn, your inner child.” Rahima

“I attended Liz’s Inner Child workshop to explore this because I had not heard of Louie Hay.  Wow, powerful stuff and something I will be exploring further with Liz. The things that came up already explain how I was feeling recently  and I was able to go back to my partner and say ‘so this is why I am like that!’  Thank you Liz for the free workshop to explore something I did not know about and am know glad I know!!  And when life settles a little I will be back in touch!” Anonymous

If you would like to know more about my private one to one online coaching sessions for women, just use this link.

Here we are in the first week of May – already! Read More »

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies “

Text - "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies" Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. 10 years in he made a conscious decision to forgive his jailers and forgave them. He knew otherwise his time in prison would break his spirit. Not long after this, they stopped beating him. He knows a thing or two about forgiveness and I think this quote is so true – “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies “.

When he was finally released from prison in 1990, he called not for revenge, but for forgiveness and reconciliation

When he was elected leader of South Africa one of his jail guards became one of his bodyguards.

Forgive, let go and in the end this gives you freedom 

So WHY forgive? 🤔

Because holding a place of “I am not willing to forgive”, you are affecting your own well-being, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

People often hold back on forgiveness because they think it condones betrayal or abuse from the other person. 

It doesn’t. Look at Mr Mandela…..

However, as long as you resist forgiveness, you are giving the other person or situation power over you. 

You are allowing yourself to be held hostage. 

In a way, forgiving others is selfish because you are choosing freedom for yourself over blaming someone else and staying a victim 💚

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies “

Nelson Mandela

Here is a really short little video about Forgiveness – you can watch the rest of the A-Z of Self-Love Playlist too!

A-Z of self-love – F is Forgiveness

What Louise Hay has to say about Forgiveness

Louise Hay says it much better than me, of course: “ We are the ones who suffer when we hold on to past grievances. We give the situations and the people in our past power over us, and these same situations and people keep us mentally enslaved. They continue to control us when we stay stuck in “unforgiveness.” This is why forgiveness work is so important. Forgiveness—letting go of the ones who hurt us—is letting go of our identity as the one who was hurt. It allows us to be set free from the needless cycle of pain, anger, and recrimination that keeps us imprisoned in our own suffering. What we forgive is not the act, but the actors—we are forgiving their suffering, confusion, unskillfulness, desperation, and their humanity. As we get the feelings out and let them go, we can then move on. “🙏🏻💜

We are never ever done with Forgiveness which sets us free – follow this link to find out more about my Love Yourself Coaching Sessions and how we can work together.

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies “ Read More »

Do you ever think “I’m too old”?

Image of Louise Hay in connection to my blog, Do you ever think "I'm too old"?

Maybe it’s not “I’m too old” but do you ever think “I’m too young”, “I’m too big” or “I’m too….” there’s always something isn’t there? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Louise Hay started Hay House Publishing when she was 60 years old. 

Hay House is now the largest publisher of self-help, inspirational and transformational books and products. 

Louise just started it so she could publish her own books but look what it has become and what it means to so many people?

Who was Louise Hay?

Louise had a very difficult, poor childhood, with a violent stepfather. 

When she was about five, she was raped by a neighbour. 

At 15, she became pregnant and had to give up her baby for adoption.

Not long after this, she escaped her abusive home and later married. 

When her husband left her 14 years later, her healing really began and she started what would become her life’s work.

In 1984, she published her famous You Can Heal Your Life which went on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide. 

In 1985, she began her support group, The Hayride, to help HIV/AIDS patients and their families. It started with six men diagnosed with AIDS in her living room. By 1988, the group had grown to a weekly gathering of 800 people and had moved to a much larger venue! 

Also, as I mentioned before, what began as a small venture in her home, Hay House was founded by Louise as a way to self-publish her first two books, Heal Your Body and You Can Heal Your Life.

Today, Hay House is one of the largest publishers of personal development material in the world. Hay House authors have included Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Joe Dispenza and many, many more.

In addition, Louise established The Hay Foundation, a non-profit that assists organisations that supply support to those with AIDS, the homeless, marine conservation, and other charities. Of course, the rest is history.

What is holding you back from what you want in life?

Do you ever think “I’m too old”? Or do you say to yourself, “I’m too big…” “I’m too inexperienced…?” “I’m too stupid?!”

Don’t let any of your limiting beliefs hold you back…. 

You might still have them but you can push through them and shine your light…. 

It’s your time – now…. ♥️🤍

To find out how I can help you let go of those limiting beliefs, book in a call for a confidential chat here

#louisehay #Hayhouse

Do you ever think “I’m too old”? Read More »