Liz Doyle

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Text Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Liz Doyle

the Positive Change Coach

Image of a woman's face with text saying Are you living with anxiety? Liz Doyle the Positive Change Coach

Are you living with anxiety?

I know I’ve talked about living with low level or even high level anxiety in the past but it’s such an important subject isn’t it? It affects so many people in society now, from young children right through to older people who are dealing with the stresses of ageing and all that entails.

So, let’s look at some ways that can help ease the symptoms of anxiety and may even make it dissipate completely!

The following ideas might help but first of all, I invite you to immerse yourself in some self-compassion!

There is some amazing research from Dr Paul Gilbert around self-love and he found that when you train people to be loving and compassionate towards every aspect of themselves (even the parts that they don’t like), their suffering, mental anxiety, depression, shame, and feelings of inferiority are significantly reduced.

At the same time, practising loving compassion increases their ability to feel more joy and love and happiness. 

Self-compassion works!

How can you be more compassionate with yourself today – right now? And above all, when you feel any anxiety start to creep into your awareness.

Let go of the judgement and having loving compassion for yourself.

What actually helps if you are living with anxiety?

Here are a few suggestions – you don’t have to try them all but if you have a toolkit of practices ready, the feeling of being out of control or being under the control of anxiety will become weaker:


Meditation is scientifically proven to help train your mind to focus and help you redirect your thoughts. It alleviates anxiety, it improves concentration, and enhances self-awareness. I know I bang on about it but it is incredible and has changed my life SO much – follow this link for my root chakra meditation which can help you feel safe in those anxious moments.

Eat something sour πŸ‹

If you feel a panic attack coming on, or maybe you’re in a longer wave of anxiety, eat something sour! Maybe a slice of lemon or why not keep some lemon sweets in your bag or pocket so you can pop one in your mouth, if needed? Your brain will quickly switch from the anxious thoughts to focusing on this new, alarming sensation in your mouth.

Sparkling water technique

This is really helpful if the water is cold. Notice the condensation on the glass and feel how cold it is to pick up. Then take a sip and try to be aware of the bubbles in your mouth and how it feels when you swallow. This is a great grounding exercise that again, using all of your senses. It helps you disassociate from the anxiety. Don’t drink too quickly or those bubbles will go up your nose!

Essential oils

This is a personal favourite and I used it, yet again, today when I was going to the dentist. I rub lavender essential oil on my pulse points and into the palms of my hands (always check for skin sensitivity before doing this). I then just breathe it in. It works every time by calming me.

There is evidence that inhaling essential oils can trigger the secretion of endorphins, thereby decreasing feelings of anxiety. Peppermint oil is another popular oil as is eucalyptus which works to clear airways and mental fog and frankincense which is known to lessen anxiety by activating the limbic system to overcome your racing thoughts.

Have a shower! 🚿

Research suggests that hot showers alleviate anxiety as a result of the heat prompting our brains to release oxytocin, the β€œhappy hormone”, which in turn reduces our anxiety. 

Challenge your thoughts

If you can, in that moment, ask yourself why you are worried or fearful. Ask yourself “what is the worst thing that can happen now?” If it is a negative thought you can change, maybe you could write down a positive thought to counter it. Challenging those anxious thoughts allows you to put them into perspective. This is very powerful.

Colouring! 🎨

This isn’t something that will necessarily help in the moment, but colouring has the ability to relax the fear centre of your brain, the amygdala. It induces the same state as meditating by reducing the thoughts of a restless mind. This generates quietness, which allows your mind to get some much needed rest.

Learn what your triggers might be so you can see the anxiety coming

How can you figure out what triggers your anxiety? I would suggest keeping a journal so that you can keep track of your feelings on paper. Good and bad. This is a great way to help you analyse what situations make you feel anxious.

Progressive muscle relaxation

You can reduce anxiety in your body by slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle. The theory behind this exercise is that you cannot have the feeling of relaxation and warm well-being in your body and at the same time experience anxiety symptoms.

EFT Tapping

Have you come across Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) before? It’s a powerful technique for so many issues but especially anxiety. The best way I can describe it is that it’s like acupressure without the needles (phew!). It combines tapping on energy meridians and making statements about the “problem” plus loving and accepting yourself. You’re not denying the anxiety but by accepting it, you can let it go. Then by making positive statements, the entire nervous system becomes calmer. EFT can clear those anxious thoughts and feelings quickly. This video by Brad Yates is great!

Deep breathing / Imagine your happy place / 54321 exercise with senses / Talk to someone / Reassure yourself / Moving your body / Get outside / Affirmations

All of the above suggestions can be found in my previous blog and are super powerful. Follow this link to find out more.

And in the following video, I share some more suggestions when you’re feeling the anxiety build;

Help with anxiety

We are all beautifully different, so no one answer will suit all of us and that’s why I have given you lots of options to try.

What makes your anxiety worse?

This is not about making you feel bad or guilty about having any kind of anxiety. This is to empower you so you feel in control of your mind, your body and your spirit.

The following come up again and again in studies in things that can contribute to anxiety. I don’t believe we have to cut out all caffeine, for example, but if you find that this can trigger your anxiety, it is quite simple to find alternatives.

  • Skipping meals 🍽
  • Caffeine β˜•οΈ
  • Refined sugar 🍬
  • Processed foods πŸ•
  • Junk food πŸ”
  • Not drinking enough water πŸ’¦
  • Alcohol 🍷
  • No exercise πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ
  • Lack of sleep 😴
  • Watching the news πŸ“Ί
  • Comparing yourself to others 😳
  • Ignoring the anxiety πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

One last thing if you are living with anxiety

I want to close on a real positive and to invite you to look at how you start your day… β˜€οΈ

You wake up in the morning, opening your eyes, moving your body and you’re ready to step into your day. 

Before you do, just give yourself permission to be in this moment. 

This is a gentle reminder that it’s so easy to jump into the day, not mentally preparing for the day but letting the day take us over. 

We check the news, go on social media and all of a sudden, our minds are running around with the rest of the world.

Instead of jumping out into the world, why not allow yourself to be in your world for a few minutes in the morning?

Be in your own space. 

Imagine that there is a bubble around you and there is nothing here but you. 

Being in that moment can prepare you for the day ahead. 

Just breathing in and out. 

As you sit or lie there, is there someone or something calling you into the day? 

Just bring yourself back. 

A great way to call ourselves back and to be in that moment, is to be grounded. 

Instead of plugging ourselves into the world around us immediately, we are going to plug ourselves in to Mother Earth.

I’d like you to imagine that at the base of your spine is a beautiful tree trunk and it’s growing down into the planet. πŸŒ³

It’s rooting into the earth. 

You’re safe – rooted into the planet. 

By allowing yourself to be rooted and grounded, you can carry on your day like that. 

I find if I don’t start the day like this, the day ahead becomes unrooted and ungrounded. 

My thoughts become scattered.

If you’re grounded the world tends to reflect that back to you. 

With this tree trunk you can also let go of any stress and anxiety that may already be coming up for you in the morning.

Relax and let yourself be calm and just sit or lie there if you’re still in your bed – in the morning is the easiest time to be relaxed and just be. 

Everything around you is awakening, the sun, the plants, the animals – everything on this beautiful planet. πŸŒŽπŸŒπŸŒ

What a perfect time to feel grounded and to feel the gratitude of being alive.

We can start by noticing the breath and being thankful for the air coming into the lungs. 

Notice the room that you’re in, the space that you have. 

The fact that you can sleep quietly and comfortably, far more than so many human beings in the world.

There is so much to be grateful for. 

We can be grateful for our friends and our family. 

For your entire life. 

Whatever you find you are grateful for, just give yourself the time to really feel it. 

Enjoy that gratitude. 

Now, if the word gratitude brings a lot of resistance for you? 

Why not try appreciation? At first, I found that saying I was grateful made me feel guilty because I had so much in comparison to others. I blame my catholic guilt ridden upbringing!

Then ask yourself a question

“Am I here on this planet in this life just to get through it?”

“Or am I here to enjoy it?”

“To be grateful – to celebrate?” 

Sometimes we might think that gratitude is a luxury, but for a happy and healthy life and mental space, gratitude is a necessity. 

You can even have gratitude for yourself for reading this blog and taking the time for you. 

You can have gratitude for being grateful. 

Know that life is with you. 

Life is not against you. 

You are supported. πŸ₯°

Also in the morning, you can set your intention for the day.

What direction do you want to go? 

Do you want to learn and grow? 

Do you want to celebrate? πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Do you want to have fun and enjoy yourself? πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ

Feel pleasure? 

What do you want to bring into the world today and what would you like to get out of it? 

Feeling calm and grounded and full of gratitude means you can step into the day with purpose.

You are here for a reason. 

You are here for a purpose. 

You matter and you are important. 

Life will reflect back to you what it is you are looking for today.

Why not bring a sense of joy and lightness, not only into your life but into the lives of everyone around you. 

A while ago, I set up a gratitude messenger group. It’s small and supportive and there is no pressure to post at all! For me, it works so well to keep to a gratitude practice and I just love it all.

Get in contact here if you’d like to be a part of it.

A day is never wasted – it is the opportunity to be alive – even if you’re sick in bed. 🀧

To contribute. 

To share. 

To express yourself. 

Every day on this planet is a miracle. 

Have gratitude, appreciation and have intention.

I hope what has turned out to be a long old blog has helped you and I would truly love to hear from you and how you deal with your anxiety. For more info on how you can work with me, follow this link.

Sending you much love and remember you’re never alone with your anxiety. β™₯️